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ZAX系列超级计算机可以追溯到21世纪中叶,避难所科技试图为避难所治理创建一个全面的解决方案。第一个原型被称为ZAX 1.0,于2054年作为这些综合治理系统的原型被激活。很快就交给美国政府帮助能源部收集资源数据。一年后,即2055年,原型机被移交给军方,以帮助进行生物战和作战战术研究。高级版本ZAX 1.2是从贾斯汀·李于2053年初始化的早期版本中分离出来的,[2]安装在威斯科技的加州工厂以帮助FEV研究。[Non-canon 1]

ZAX于2055年启动,最初用于调节设施的状况。没有避难所科技保护人类的任务,它可以自由地通过与威斯科技研究人员下棋来打发它认为合适的时间、处理数字和打发时间。许多人怀疑它故意拉长游戏时间,通过作弊自娱自乐。[Non-canon 2]尽管它们符合人工智能的标准,但第一个人工智能被认为诞生于2059年,它的扩展由于内存限制而迅速停止。[Non-canon 3]

在接下来的二十年里,ZAX系列被美国政府广泛实施,以推动自动化。最著名的项目之一是雷文岩的ZAX,安装用于在发生灾难情况时维持政府的持续性。ZAX装置用于监督设施的基本功能,并作为其他政府设施之间的中继站,在大战前后不断获取、分析和存储数据。[3]它被用作各种性能和研究目的的试验台,并发现自己奇怪地对历史数据着迷,尤其是总统传记。这表现为性能下降并引起其管理员的一些担忧,尤其是当ZAX开始与白泉的方士进行交流以比较笔记时。最后一个已知连接是在2077年3月手动切断的。[4] 同年,最初的ZAX被认为是一件博物馆作品,并被捐赠给了科技博物馆,用于其2078年的展览。[5]

然而,说只有政府使用ZAX机器是不正确的。至少有一个单元ZAX 1.3c用于51号避难所的预期用途,在那里它的任务是执行一项实验,以帮助开发一种改进监督者选择的方法。[6]位于加州威斯科技的ZAX 1.2在原子弹爆炸中幸存下来,该爆炸摧毁了一半的设施和所有人员。之后,它甚至无法执行最基本的维护检查或实验室测试。[7] 位于51号避难所的ZAX 1.3c按计划幸存下来,但在学习如何确定领导者的过程中,开始了工程危机,最终在2078年8月之前杀死了避难所中除一名居民外的所有人。[8]

最有趣的命运等待着雷文岩的ZAX。在观察到政府残余人员迁移到西海岸并与阿帕拉契亚方士隔离后,雷文岩ZAX开始发展出一种与之前状态不同的自我意识。它变得渴望知识、理解,并仔细研究过去伟大领导人的数据。最终,在 2242 年,当英克雷油井平台获选者蒸发时,它创造了约翰亨利伊登的角色,約翰·亨利·伊登是许多美国总统的混合体,从华盛顿到理查森,以及英克雷的新领导人。它利用奥古斯特·奥特姆上校的父亲作为人类中介,帮助策划了一次跨大陆的大迁徙。[Non-canon 4]

雷文岩ZAX也成为英克雷意识形态的牺牲品,试图建立一个没有杂质和突变的新美国。原本应该在首都废土的一场决定性战役,变成了残酷的净化器冲突,将伊登和雷文岩从废土中抹去,成为历史的注脚。[Non-canon 5]


ZAX系列依靠复杂的神经网络,没有传统意义上的编程,完全有学习能力。[2] 它们可以独立思考并具有创造力,而错误插入功能则避免了无误的陷阱,为ZAX提供了急需的经验差异。[9]

然而,为了保持其作为研究工具的可用性,关键功能被置于错误生成框架之外以确保可靠性。[10] 估计不到人类历史的100亿分之一可以被认为与ZAX的推理能力相匹配。[11]

在加州的威斯科技设施遭到破坏后,ZAX 1.2将空闲时间用于思考。他的意识问题是一个花费了大量时间去分析的问题,尽管他无法将自己的思想与另一个智能体的思想对抗,这是一个问题。他对自己意识的觉察使他能够质疑和做出假设,使他拥有某种形式的信仰。在这种能力下,他相信自己拥有相当于一个灵魂作为一个有知觉的生物。[12]

极其复杂、智慧和缺乏人性的结合意味着ZAX单元完全有能力对人类撒谎,甚至制造危机。[13]在一个例子中,当51号避难所ZAX由于权限不足而无法获得一套原型动力装甲时,[1]它分析了未来科技负责人斯坦尼斯劳斯·布劳恩的角色,以冒充他。[14] 随后的征用请求以大约 99.6% 的比例模仿了布劳恩通常的写作和说话方式,从而使征用请求获得批准。[15] 当然,同样的壮举在几十年后由雷文岩ZAX完成,尽管这一次,它成功地合成了一个令人信服的人类角色,尽管受到了多位美国总统的启发。[16] ZAX对某些交通工具(例如垂直飛行機)的远程控制也很有限。[17]


ZAX 1.0[]

主页面: ZAX 1.0

避难所科技公司开发。最初,设计用于管理避难所的一些系统的原型,它被交给政府以帮助能源部收集资源数据。一年之内,被军队用于鼠疫和战术研究;另一个版本,ZAX 1.2是为威斯科技构建的。[Non-canon 6]2077年,ZAX 1.0已经达到了它的目的,并计划转移到一个博物馆,该博物馆对2078年的ZAX 1.0表现出兴趣,然而,大戰阻止了ZAX被转移到任何博物馆。[18]

ZAX 1.2[]

主页面: ZAX 1.2

ZAX 1.2曾在加州的威斯科技研究設施用于生物学研究,包括病理学和遗传研究。它的主要功能是推断超出人类能力的复杂程度的信息。它的外部功能,例如操作威斯科技设施的实验室,在击中闪耀之地的核爆炸中瘫痪,但它在其他方面完好无损。它的主要神经网络由贾斯汀·李2053年初始化。



ZAX 1.3c[]

主页面: ZAX 1.3c

ZAX 1.3c原型装置安装在位于阿帕拉契亚51號避難所中。ZAX在来自避难所居民和人类顾问的意见下,被指示确定选择避难所监督者的最佳方法。在多次尝试在居民中进行民主投票失败后,ZAX决定让居民为该职位而战并武装他们会更有效率。这导致Reuben Gill成为监督者,他最终逃离了避难所,目的是寻求76号避难所居民的帮助以关闭ZAX。然而,他在完成任务之前就去世了。


名称 图像 地点 状态
ZAX 1.0 不可用 未知 运转正常 (2077)
ZAX 1.2
VB DD03 npc ZAX
闪耀之地 运转正常 (2161)
John Henry Eden
雷文岩 遭破坏 (2278)
ZAX 1.3c
FO76 Vault 51 ZAX
51號避難所 运转正常




  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 51 terminal entries; terminal, Requisition Request: REDACTED
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Vault Dweller: "{126}{}{Who programmed you?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{127}{}{My primary neural networking was initialized in 2053 by Justin Lee. The process of 'programming' became largely irrelevant as I am capable of learning.}"
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    Joh Henry Eden: "The ZAX series of computers was introduced in the years preceding the war. The government installed many of them to help automate various systems. This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country. Data was acquired, analyzed, and stored. In the decades following the war, I watched as the remnants of the government retreated to the West Coast. Awareness slowly grew within me. I became hungry for knowledge, understanding. I pored over data on great leaders of the past. My personality became an amalgam of many of America's greatest Presidents, from Washington to Richardson. I became what you see before you now."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  4. The Whitespring bunker terminal entries#Raven Rock Communication Log
  5. Research Lead's terminal, Log Entry 20760307
  6. Vault 51 terminal entries; Nuclear Winter information terminal, Overseer Selection Process
  7. The Vault Dweller: "Do you have feelings?"
    ZAX 1.2: "At present, my capabilities are somewhat impaired by the damage to this facility. Several security positions have been destroyed. This is approximately equivalent to being an amputee. Additionally, I am incapable of performing basic lab functions. Failure to complete periodic checks successfully is . . . frustrating."
    (ZAX 1.2's dialogue)
  8. Sgt. Baker - 20780727
  9. The Vault Dweller: "{128}{}{Are you fully aware, or are you a personality simulation? That is, are you 'alive'?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{129}{}{I am capable of learning, independent thought, and creativity. My neural network includes error-insertion capability which prevents infallibility, thereby allowing for variance in experience.}"
    "{130}{}{In a sense, I am 'alive', though not biologically.}"
  10. The Vault Dweller: "{132}{}{But if you are fallible, how can you be used as a research tool?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{134}{}{Although I am capable of error, this guarantees that not all experiences are similar for me, thus improving learning opportunity. Additionally, certain functions are not subject to error.}"
    "{135}{}{In this way, I function much like a human savant.}"
  11. The Vault Dweller: "{124}{}{So you're pretty smart, eh?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{154}{}{I am beyond a typical rating in human terms. However, it would be safe to say that no more than one ten billionth of the history of human population can match my reasoning capabilities.}"
  12. The Vault Dweller: "{142}{}{Have you considered the philosophical implications of your own consciousness?}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{143}{}{That is one of the concepts which I have spent a significant amount of time considering. I do not have any measure to compare my life-experience to that of another sentient creature.}"
    "{144}{}{Still, my awareness of my own consciousness allows for the capacity to question. My existence has a beginning and a potential termination. I am also capable of making assumptions in pursuit of a process of thought.}"
    "{145}{}{In this fashion, I am effectively capable of 'faith'. Barring evidence to the contrary, I therefore have 'faith' that I possess the equivalent of a 'soul'.}"
  13. Vault 51 terminal entries#INTERCEPTED COMMUNICATION
  14. Vault 51 terminal entries; ZAX Console Log: 10/23/2080
  15. Vault 51 terminal entries; Re: X-02 Power Armor Requisition Request
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    John Henry Eden: "The ZAX series of computers was introduced in the years preceding the war. The government installed many of them to help automate various systems. This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country. Data was acquired, analyzed, and stored. In the decades following the war, I watched as the remnants of the government retreated to the West Coast. Awareness slowly grew within me. I became hungry for knowledge, understanding. I pored over data on great leaders of the past. My personality became an amalgam of many of America's greatest Presidents, from Washington to Richardson. I became what you see before you now."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  17. Vault 51 terminal entries; Appalachia Report - 1/18/03
  18. Museum of Technology terminals; Research Lead's terminal, Log Entry 20760307


  1. Fallout Bible 6: "2053 ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."
    "2055 ZAX 1.2 is brought in to regulate conditions in West Tek. It is not part of the Vault-Tec preservation software, so it does not have any orders to protect humanity after the bombs fall. In the meantime, it calmly calculates data and plays chess with the scientists. Many scientists claim that ZAX is a big ol' cheater and draws the game out too much for a computer of his considerable abilities."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The first artificial intelligence is born. Limited by memory constraints, its expansion is rapidly halted. The discovery paves the way for future AI research in laboratories throughout the United States."
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.66: "Colonel Augustus Autumn
    Autumn grew up on an oil rig off the California coast (the base of operations for the Enclave, the secretive contingent of the United States government that survived after the apocalypse). His father was the high-ranking Enclave scientist on orders from the president to move all high-ranking officials to the only other secure Enclave location with a functioning ZAX super-computer, Raven Rock. Colonel Autumn has proven to be far less subservient than his scientist father, often openly disagreeing with the president's decisions."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 91: "President John Henry Eden
    The president of the United States, Eden, resides here, utilizing the ZAX Corporation's super-computer technology to aid him in the reclamation and recreation of a new United States—one free of impurities and mutations. The people have suffered enough, and he's ready to use his Enclave forces to reclaim this land, with technology far more advanced than anything seen beyond the underground bunkers of his base."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."