Large brahmin
Fallout 2婆羅門
Angry brahmin
Weak brahmin
Wild brahmin
Fallout 3婆羅門
Mad brahmin
Fallout: New Vegas婆羅門
Mad brahmin
Malnourished brahmin
Malnourished brahmin calf
Water brahmin
Fiend brahmin
Fallout 4婆羅門
Pack brahmin Nuka-World (add-on)
Fallout 76婆羅門
Fallout Tactics婆羅門
Fallout: BoS婆羅門
Van Buren婆羅門
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婆羅門(英文:Brahminbrahma ,俗稱雙頭牛) 是具有兩顆頭和巨型乳房的變種黃牛。他們是在戰後美利堅合眾國所發現的物種。它們在廢土上被飼養,以獲取它們的勞動力、肥料、毛髮、皮革和


婆羅門是後核時代美國最重要的突變物種之一。 作為印度婆羅門牛的後代,為了雜交目的而進口到美國,由於輻射的結果,它們長出了兩個頭。 這些溫暖的棕色小動物很快被倖存者收養,成為廢土中最多才多藝和最能幹的家畜動物。[1] 它們的主要優勢是,雖然脾氣不好,但實際上很容易管理,只要一根尖尖的棍子。[2]原因很簡單。 婆羅門是渾身是寶。活的可以用來拉手推車、汽車、犁、提供牛奶(這與現代牛奶有很大的不同,但卻很相似)、提供有效的肥料和生火的燃料(換句話說[3],是垃圾)、紡織用的毛髮,等等。宰殺後,它們甚至可以用作皮革(堅韌耐用,適合帳篷,衣服,盔甲,皮帶,馬鞍包,鞋子等各種物品),骨頭(可以製成棍棒, 工具,骰子,鋤頭,箭頭),尾巴(如刷子),甚至用於制皂的油脂。 它們也不需要太多的生存空間,因為它們可以長時間不用水,靠着在乾旱的廢土上找到任何雜草就能生存,[Non-game 1]可以在八格胃中消化(與戰前相比,牛的數量增加了一倍 )。[4]








FoModel Brahmin
遊戲文章: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout Tactics, Van Buren, Fallout 76



Brahmin FO3
遊戲文章: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas



遊戲文章: Fallout, Fallout 2



Story Time Miss Nanny提到了奶牛,作為一個隨機遭遇事件她將告訴避難所居民在《傑克與豆莖》(Jack and the Beanstalk)的故事。[8]


  • 最初,由Scott Campbell設計的婆羅門被認為是笨拙的、長着長發的變異地鼠。然而,他們的外表改變了,因為早期的婆羅門太像星球大戰電影中的班薩。因此,它們被雙頭牛取代。[Non-game 2]
  • 有一隻婆羅門出現在Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura的彩蛋裡,它在怪咖秀上表演且被解說為來自"遠的要命的廢土"。
  • 「婆羅門(Brahmin)」這個名字可能來自婆羅門牛。 在印度教中,婆羅門用於瓦爾納(種姓),專門生產神職人員和神聖的法師。 它的傳統之一是對牛的崇敬。 這個宗教組織導致該名稱在印度版《輻射3》中被禁止。[9]
  • 輻射聖經》說婆羅門是通過強制進化病毒產生的。[Non-game 3]



  1. The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{What's a brahmin?}"
    Billy: "{115}{}{What's a brahmin? You must be joking. Why they're one of the major food sources and forms of transportation around here. They haul the caravans. Dan says this is a really important job, but it's the Bone.}"
  2. The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{What's the spear for? Are they dangerous?}"
    Billy: "{132}{}{Dangerous? No, not really. They can give you a really nasty bite, but they're pretty cool. They fart and burp a lot. I don't know why.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{133}{}{So what's the spear for?}"
    Billy: "{135}{}{Oh, they can be awfully stubborn when I want them to do something. I just gently stick them to get them to move around . . . plus I don't want to get too close; they sometimes kick. }"
  3. Billy: "{176}{}{Brahmin sure do shi . . . uh, poop a lot.}"
  4. Enclave field research terminal (Silo outpost), Field Entry: "Brahmin"
  5. Enclave field research terminal (Silo outpost), Field Entry: "Brahmin"
  6. The Chosen One: "{193}{}{How do you prepare the brahmin meat? It has such a unique texture. [You pop yet another one in your mouth. These are good!]}"
    Rose: "{196}{}{[The crowd yells, '38!'] Well, what makes ours taste so special is that you have to harvest it while the brahmin is still alive. You just grab the brahmin by the scrotum and 'snip' four with one cut. You've got be careful; the brahmin usually gets riled up at that point.}"
  7. The Chosen One: "{148}{}{Holy shit! That *is* Woody! Run Woody, run for it! Well, uh, gimp for it then! Go Woody go!}"
    Woody: "{152}{}{(Woody--for it is in fact Woody, not a Mummy, that stands somewhat drowsily before you--grabs the sides of the paper-mache sarcophagus, lets out a shriek and runs for the door, leaving a trail of toilet-paper 'mummy-wrappings' and a hasty 'Thankee kindly, Stranger!' behind him.)}"
    The Chosen One: "{153}{}{Hah! I knew it! You're finished in this town. You're not the Great Ananias anymore, you're just another ass.}"
    Great Ananias: "{155}{}{(The Great Ananias shrugs) I knew I should have picked up that mono-headed Brahmin instead. Oh well, back to the drawing board.}"
    The Chosen One: "{156}{}{Mono-headed brahmin? Sure, who would ever believe that! Goodbye, you Charlatan.}"
    (Great Ananias' dialogue)
  8. Story Time Miss Nanny: "What he should have done was traded the cow for one of the many handy robots from General Atomics International to take care of him and his mother."
    (Miss Nanny's dialogue)
  9. Video games banned in India
  1. Fallout Bible 9 Brahmin: "Brahmin are mutated brahmin cattle with two heads. If you just said, 'hell, I thought brahmin were something from India,' well, you'd be right. A bunch of brahmin made their way to the states long ago[1] for crossbreeding purposes. When the bombs fell, brahmin grew two heads. They are quite hardy. They are also a delicious toasty brown, as you'll notice in the picture to the left. They attack by head-butting or trying to gore someone with their horns, so brahmin-tippers beware. For some reason, only the left-most brahmin head has horns, which raises some curious gender identity issues.[2]"
    "Brahmin serve a vital environmental niche in Fallout - they form the foundation of survival for many species in Fallout, most notably, humans. They also form the backbone of the NCR economy. They also form the backbone of the New Reno 'NCR brahmin rustling' economy. Brahmin can pull carts, old cars, plows, and dead bodies. Brahmin can be driven into herds then used as stampedes on rival tribal villages which is better than a Delayed Blast Fireball any day of the week. Brahmin can be worshipped. Brahmin hair can be woven into bags and ropes. Brahmin hide can be stretched over wooden or metal rods to make canoes, if you're into that sort of thing. Brahmin sinew can be used for bowstrings or thread for stitching. Brahmin shit is great fertilizer (and fuel for campfires). Brahmin meat is delicious - well, only because no one in Fallout knows what a succulent Pre-War steak used to taste like. Brahmin are a source of milk that is like modern day milk, yet terrifyingly different. Brahmin can be tipped over. Brahmin bones can be used as clubs, knives, arrowheads, eating utensils, hoes, or even dice, and their skulls look really scary dotted all over the desert landscape. Their horns can be turned into drinking horns if you feel like getting medieval. Brahmin can be used to distract a hungry deathclaw. Brahmin fat makes decent soap. Their hide can be used to make tents (or tipis/teepees), clothing, belts, saddle bags, shoes, leather armor, or a bizarre brahmin-looking disguise so you can sneak up on other brahmin and listen to their conversations. You can also use their tails as fly brushes or paint brushes, depending on your level of artistic talent."
    "There are domesticated brahmin and wild brahmin. PCs are encouraged to approach wild brahmin like they would a domesticated brahmin, because the end result is amusing for the Overseer."
    "Wild brahmin can forage for themselves, and they can be found across the wastes, gathered into small herds, wandering here and there, munching on the dirty weeds scattered throughout the desert. Fortunately for the ecology of the wasteland (and the survival of their species), brahmin can go for long periods of time without water - they don't need much to survive. They have a strong sense of smell, and they don't hesitate to stomp over any wasteland predator that threatens them or their calves - well, except deathclaws, because no one messes with deathclaws."
    "Brahmin are a great source of cattle drive and range war adventure seeds, if you feel like getting your Louis L'Amour on for a few sessions."
    "There are rumors that the smell of brahmin shit is highly addictive."
  2. "The Origins of Fallout", part 3 by Scott Campbell
  3. Fallout Bible 1
    Fallout Bible 0: "3. Are the radscorpions a product of the FEV virus? When you talk to the doctor, Razlo, in Shady Sands, he tells you that they were once American Emperor Scorpions but that he has no idea how they mutated because radiation alone couldn't have done it. For that matter, what about all of the other creatures of the wasteland? Which ones have been mutated by FEV and which ones haven't? Maybe in the bestiary each creature could have a stat that shows it's level of FEV infection."
    • The radscorpions are a result of a combination of radiation and the FEV virus, and Razlo in Shady Sands is correct - they were originally Emperor Scorpions that have grown... big.
    • FEV-Infected Critters in the wasteland include almost all the ones you've seen in F1 and F2:
      Most species of rats.
      Gecko lizards.
      Various varieties of plants, including the Venus Flytrap.
      Rumor has it some dogs were affected, but no one's seen any, so for now that's just rumor. Of course, the centaurs are a mash of human, dog, and various other parts... but hey, who knows how that mutation came about. Grey was probably messing around in one of his labs.
    • Creatures not mutated by FEV probably did not survive the aftermath of the Great War, with the possible exception of cockroaches... and perhaps normal ants, though there are FEV-infected versions of these species.
    • No one knows where those bird noises in Vault City came from.
    • I'll try to include a chart of FEV-infected creatures in future additions as well as other critters that you may not have seen in F1 and F2. Most likely a great majority of insects were affected (they tend to breed much faster, and their mutations tend to become evident pretty quickly as the generations advance), possibly beetles, some spiders, cockroaches, and other creatures."