




屍鬼通常發現自己在人類居住區不受歡迎。然而,廢棄的發電廠為遇到它的流浪屍鬼提供了一個很好的機會。他們在原子能發電廠附近找到了舒適,有些人甚至選擇住在反應堆大樓內。[Non-canon 1]這也將使人類,尤其是那些意圖不那麼友好的人保持距離。[Non-canon 1]

起初,一小部分屍鬼定居在反應堆附近,但在2235年前後,人口激增,蜥蜴城正式成立。新的屍鬼湧入帶來了清除的技術和訣竅,通過社區的努力,蜥蜴城的發電廠在當年晚些時候開始運營,儘管由於屍鬼缺乏教育,它管理嚴重不善。與此同時,由於許多市民對屍鬼懷有偏見,地下掩體都市會越來越關注他們的新鄰居。[1][Non-canon 2]2238年間,哈羅德到達了小鎮。注意到發電廠的管理方式粗心,他決定盡最大努力幫助屍鬼進行發電廠的運營,成為事實上的市長和當地社區的領袖。[Non-canon 2]他們還開始與破碎丘建立貿易關係,進口鈾礦石來運營工廠。[2]





依靠從內部人士那裡收集到的信息,戈登發現了地下掩體都市的電力問題,而且蜥蜴城存在維護問題已不是什麼秘密,因此計劃將其提交給地下掩體都市的某個人,以促成兩個陷入困境的定居點之間的完美交易 .[12]獲選者將磁盤交給麥克盧爾議員,後者立即看到了它的潛力。他允許獲選者從大型機中獲取必要的信息,同時他會將磁盤展示給地下掩體都市議會。[13]







Fo2 Gecko Settlement

The Harp是由伍茲管理的酒吧。它供應蜥蜴城的常見飲料,專門針對屍鬼獨特的抗輻射能力:伽瑪啤酒倫琴朗姆酒。伍茲是一個相當古怪的屍鬼:他講述了地獄中被砍頭的奇怪故事,並且痴迷於玩悲劇:收穫,儘管他並不像他想象的那麼擅長。



Fo2 Gecko Junkyard

垃圾場是蜥蜴城未完成的第二個反應堆所在的地方,在過去的一百六十年裡生鏽和腐爛。生存裝備儲物櫃是蜥蜴城的綜合商店。Percival Crump,又名珀西擁有這家商店。他提供了一系列不錯的抗輻射藥物、武器和彈藥。他的朋友伍茲最近失蹤了。



FO2 Gecko Access tunnels
主頁面: 通行隧道



Fo2 Gecko Reactor Number 5





蜥蜴城僅出現在輻射2中,並且僅在已取消的輻射3項目范布倫中被提及。[Non-canon 3]



  1. The Chosen One: "{114}{}{Hello, Harold. What do you do here?}"
    Harold: "{121}{hld3}{Wha-whatever it takes to keep this place together. Better job on it than me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{122}{}{This place is coming apart?}"
    Harold: "{127}{hld4a}{Well, sorta. Our atomic reactor’s a mite...sensitive. The people I got running it mean well, but... well, they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. If you know what I mean.}"
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Chosen One: "{186}{}{Well, according to some economic data I got hold of Vault City is much better off if they help you to repair your power plant.}"
    Harold: "{190}{hld27}{Economic data? You didn’t give them that information th-that Gordon keeps flapping his yap about, did you?}"
    The Chosen One: "{191}{}{Uh, yes I did. Why?}"
    Harold: "{199}{hld30}{Why?! Now Vault City knows just how much we need uranium ore from Broken Hills. They could cut off them shipments and we’d be finished.}"
  3. Brain: "{121}{}{I don’t have time for your pestering. I’m planning a way to take over the world. Go away.}"
    Brain: "{220}{}{Those fools in Vault City have only signed their death warrants by destroying our reactor.}"
    "{221}{}{Now I have to think of another way to take over the world. Just get out.}"
    Brain: "{240}{}{You have done well. Both Vault City and Gecko have reason to rejoice. With our reactor working at top efficiency, my plan to take over the world may near fruition. Now you may leave. I have work to do.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{232}{}{Aren’t you the concerned citizen all of a sudden.}"
    The Brain: "{260}{}{Concerned citizen? In a way. In order to take over the world, I have to make sure that there’s something worth taking over. I need to build a strong powerbase using Gecko and Vault City.}"
    The Chosen One: "{261}{}{A rat plotting to take over the world?}"
    The Brain: "{270}{}{Well, despite your feelings about a rodent ruling the world, the actions I propose would benefit thousands of Vault City and Gecko’s citizens. You may not care for me or my motives, but the results are still well worth working towards.}"
  5. The Brain: "{320}{}{(Sniff, sniff) Hmmm, I smell the distinctive aroma of Cheezy Poofs on you. You don’t happen to have some to spare do you? I just love Cheezy Poofs.}"
    The Chosen One: "{322}{}{I guess I could spare some Cheezy Poofs.}"
    The Brain: "{330}{}{Now you’re one of us. Soon, I will take over the world and all of you will be Renewed.}"
    The Brain: "{440}{}{(crunch, munch, crunch) Mmmm, I love Cheezy Poofs, they’re so, well, uh, Cheesy. For that, you get to be a member of my special cult, and you can help me take over the world.}"
  6. The Chosen One: "{186}{}{"Trying times?" What do you mean?}"
    McClure: "{220}{}{Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic.}"
    "{221}{}{They tell us that if we were to join, they would be able to defend us from the raider attacks on our city. As of late, these raider attacks have become more brutal.}"
    "{222}{}{On top of all of this, we have ghouls in Gecko contaminating our groundwater.}"
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Chosen One: "{208}{}{What can you tell me about Gecko?}"
    Gregory: "{219}{}{Gecko? It's a filthy shantytown to the north, inhabited by those creatures, those... "ghouls." They're responsible for poisoning our groundwater, you know! It's an obvious act of terrorism against Vault City!}"
    The Chosen One: "{220}{}{How are they poisoning the water?}"
    Gregory: "{223}{}{Their shantytown is built around the remains of an old atomic power plant... a plant they SOMEHOW started up again and that is now leaking radiation! Those creatures need to be driven out and that plant shut down!}"
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Chosen One: "{262}{}{Vault City wouldn’t give you the part? Even if it means that the groundwater won’t be polluted anymore?}"
    Harold: "{274}{hld53}{Well, they』d only help us if they thought it was in their own best interest to do so. Huh. Not much chance of that happening.}"
    The Chosen One: "{275}{}{Hmm, you may be right. Still if someone could convince them that they should help you…}"
    Harold: "{276}{hld54}{They shoot ghouls on sight. Makes conversation a bit tricky.}"
  9. The Chosen One: "{337}{}{Is there some way I could become a Citizen?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{287}{lyn034a}{You may speak with Proconsul Gregory. He has authority to administer the Citizenship test. He can be found in the meeting room down the corridor.}"
    The Chosen One: "{291}{}{I'll go talk to the Proconsul, then.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{288}{lyn034b}{Or... there IS another way to become a Citizen...}"
    The Chosen One: "{289}{}{Another way? What is it?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{339}{lyn044}{Rather than taking the test, you could prove your commitment to the Vaults in a more... substantial way. As an Outsider, you are in a unique position to resolve a difficult...situation for us.}"
    The Chosen One: "{340}{}{What kind of situation?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{354}{lyn047}{There's a town... if you could call it that... to the northeast of our city. It is filled with... creatures that are polluting the groundwater with dangerous radiation.}"
    The Chosen One: "{355}{}{How are they poisoning the groundwater?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{362}{lyn049}{Those... things... are operating a damaged atomic power plant. You see, THEY are immune to radiation...they don't care that they are slowly killing us with their poisons.}"
    The Chosen One: "{356}{}{What do you want me to do about it?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{358}{lyn048}{Disable their plant, permanently, so that they cannot cause any more damage.}"
    The Chosen One: "{359}{}{Sounds easy enough. I'll be back when the situation's... "resolved."}"
  10. The Chosen One: "{390}{}{I have reconsidered your offer for Citizenship.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{444}{lyn063}{You have? So you will stop Gecko from contaminating our water? By ANY means necessary?}"
    The Chosen One: "{445}{}{Yes, I will -- in exchange for Citizenship and access to your Vault computers.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{447}{lyn064}{Very well then. Report back to me when the job is finished, and I will grant you Citizenship.}"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Fallout 2 ending for Gecko: "Optimizing Gecko's power plant became the first step in forging a spirit of cooperation between Gecko and Vault City. Gecko's increased power production became instrumental in helping Vault City's expansion. The harsh xenophobia of many of Vault City's leaders faded into obscurity while ghoul and human labored side-by-side to create a center of learning and tolerance where once had stood only enmity and distrust."
  12. The Chosen One: "{124}{}{Gordon, what did you say you did here again?}"
    Gordon: "{130}{}{I look for opportunities.}"
    The Chosen One: "{131}{}{Opportunites? Like what?}"
    Gordon: "{135}{}{I look for ways of maximizing my potential worth.}"
    The Chosen One: "{136}{}{Hmm, sounds like greed to me.}"
    Gordon: "{140}{}{I am greedy. But most people misunderstand greed. Greed is a powerful driving force. Throughout history, mankind’s greatest achievements were driven by men that wanted to better their positions. Driven by greed. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.}"
    The Chosen One: "{141}{}{I’ll take your word for that, Gordon. But what does greed have to do with Gecko?}"
    Gordon: "{150}{}{So far, not much. But in greed lies Gecko’s salvation. I have important information about the survival of Gecko, but I can’t get anyone to listen to me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{151}{}{What kind of information?}"
    Gordon: "{180}{}{I’ve also found out, from a very reliable source, that Vault City cannot expand without additional power.}"
    The Chosen One: "{181}{}{Vault City can’t expand?}"
    Gordon: "{190}{}{Vault City, you see, has enough power for their current needs -— as long as they’re careful. But the Vault power plant that they use was never designed for the increased load their city is putting on it. It’s at peak capacity right now. Without more power, they can’t expand.}"
    The Chosen One: "{191}{}{I don’t see how that helps you.}"
    Gordon: "{200}{}{Well, if our power plant’s working better, we could trade our excess power and technical expertise to Vault City in exchange for medical technology. }"
    The Chosen One: "{201}{}{And?}"
    Gordon: "{210}{}{Without more power Vault City will burn out their reactor within 15 years. If Gecko’s reactor isn’t repaired, we won’t last half that time. Without medical technology, all of us Ghouls are going to die off in the next 20 years, anyway. Everyone loses if Vault City and Gecko don’t cooperate.}"
    The Chosen One: "{211}{}{So you’re just a good Samaritan huh? Somehow, I don’t buy that.}"
    Gordon: "{220}{}{Not at all. I’ve got my end covered. I’d be the natural choice to administer this project. Greed is my driving force, but thousands of lives are saved by it. Greed is good. At least it would be, if I could get anyone in Vault City to read my economic data.}"
  13. McClure's dialogue: "{323}{}{I'll keep the economic disk and study it some more... Perhaps I can persuade the Council to enter negotiations with Gecko to trade for their power. The data disk would be a strong argument in of itself.}"
  14. Fallout 2 ending for Harold: "You still hear mention of Harold from time to time. Apparently, the tree growing from his head has gotten larger, and if rumors are to be believed, fruit is growing from it. The seeds are said to be remarkably tough, and several of them have taken root even in the most barren stretches of the wasteland"
  15. The Chosen One: "{221}{}{Broken Hills? Where are those?}"
    Lumpy: "{230}{}{Broken Hills is where we get all the uranium that we need for the atomic reactor from. From what I understand, the uranium is mined by mutants down there. But they have humans trade the stuff for them.}"
    The Chosen One: "{231}{}{Why do they have humans trade the stuff for them?}"
    Lumpy: "{250}{}{Well, because they trade uranium to Vault City, too. Vault City treats anyone that’s not a pure strain human just like lepers. So, Broken Hills uses human traders. Some guy named Chad, I think.}"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets p.146: "Gecko is a place where ghouls end up, rather than a destination. Most ghouls found themselves unwelcome in human habitations. They've also found comfort in the close proximity of the atomic power power遊戲中的拼寫、標點和/或語法 plant, some even living inside the reactor building to be closer to the warming fire of the atom."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible 0:
    "2235 While there had already been a small number of ghouls in Gecko at this time, more come to the area, and the town of Gecko is formed. The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and know-how, and the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later that year. Vault City looks upon their new neighbors with growing concern."
    "2238 Harold arrives in Gecko, and (with a lot of shaking of his head) he does his best to help the ghouls with the running of the Nuclear Power Plant."
  3. Denver design document