

資源戰爭(英文名:Resource Wars)是一个总称,指的是2052年4月欧洲联邦中东之间战争中美戰爭2077年10月23日大戰之间超过25年的冲突。 一些冲突包括美国加拿大吞并中國入侵安克雷奇,阿拉斯加


资源战争的根源在于严重依赖石油和铀的全球不可持续的经济。[1] 前者不仅为车辆提供燃料(汽油、柴油和其他形式的精炼燃料),还提供塑料、化肥、医药和无数其他应用。后者是核裂变的重要组成部分,核裂变为全世界提供了大量电力。当供不应求时,形势开始迅速恶化,导致民族主义和保护主义抬头。联合国很快证明无力阻止敌对行动,因为在一系列经济制裁破坏了该国的稳定之后,美国于2051年入侵了墨西哥。美国的干预以政治不稳定和污染为对国家安全的威胁为由,确保石油将继续向北输送,而牺牲墨西哥的利益。[Non-canon 1]

事后看来,这是将世界卷入战争的一系列事件中的第一次。具有讽刺意味的是,它对支撑美国经济几乎没有起到任何作用,能源危机对这个国家造成了沉重打击,在一部电视纪录片揭示了德克萨斯油田枯萎的外表闲置着、没有石油可开采后,它进入了大众的意识。[Non-canon 2]



欧洲联邦以美国为榜样,以军事行动回应中东石油出口国的价格上涨。长期依赖石油进口的欧洲军队于2052年4月部署到中东,开始了一场长达近十年的控制该地区石油储备的战争。战争导致油价飙升,许多小国破产,并导致联合国在欧洲联邦向中东宣战仅三个月后崩溃。[Non-canon 3][Non-canon 4]

战争将在接下来的几年里继续进行,2053年12月特拉维夫被毁后在中东发生的核交流引发了全球核恐慌,并引发了对全球热核战争的担忧。美国政府发起了安全屋项目以建造巨大的地下避难所以保护其人口,尽管该项目充斥着贪污、腐败和管理不善,首先是融资方式(垃圾债券),最后是建造的避难所数量(只有122个,能够保护美国政府不到0.1%)。[Non-canon 5]

战争将在 2060 年中东油田枯竭时结束。[Non-canon 6] 双方都沦为废墟,联邦分裂成争吵不休的民族国家,争夺其可及的资源。[1]


战争的结束对稳定国际局势并没有起到多大作用。受资源危机和新瘟疫的困扰,美国于2052年关闭了边境,并开始采取更加绝望的措施来支撑其经济,以及寻求许多可以解决问题的有前途的技术,包括先进的机器人技术(ZAX等人工智能,由避难所科技公司创造后被能源部用于处理数字和处理数据),[Non-canon 7]替代推进系统(瑞普康航天大核融合厂克莱斯拉汽車公司是三个例子)和核聚变[Non-canon 8]

军方在整个时期享有大量资金,用作保护美国资源的利剑和盾牌。2059 年,安克雷奇前线成立,以保护阿拉斯加免受外国入侵,由于其在出口石油方面的重要性,蓝水港及其周边地区理所当然地有望成为未来冲突中的战场。[Non-canon 9] 阿拉斯加军事存在的增加导致与加拿大的紧张局势加剧,美国要求在加拿大领土上驻扎军队以保护跨阿拉斯加管道的权利,开始长期侵蚀加拿大主权,导致其被吞并。[2]

到2060年,情况非常糟糕。世界范围内的交通陷入停顿,石油变得非常宝贵,不能浪费在个人汽车上。市场上出现了电动汽车和裂变汽车等替代品,但由于持续的危机,数量有限。 聚变研究加速了,但看不到明显的解决方案。[Non-canon 10] 唯一的安慰奖是,到2063年,大多数避难所都将完工,演习将开始。[Non-canon 11]


核聚变最终将在2066年出现,作为美国军方于2065年8月发起的动力装甲研究项目的一个分支。凭借慷慨的资金和近乎无限的资源,在美国宣布不与任何外国交易化石燃料后不久,第一个粗糙的核融合电池将向世界展示。共产主义大国严重依赖化石燃料,而美国的石油出口本可以缓解其能源危机,防止其崩溃。[Non-canon 12]

随着美国开始将核聚变能力纳入其基础设施和经济,绝望的中国领导层决定一张牌: 他们没有接受崩溃,而是决定入侵阿拉斯加并以武力夺取美国的石油储备。2066年12月,中国入侵阿拉斯加,将安克雷奇前线变成了真正的战场。由于受到打击,美国无法做出同样的回应。加拿大不愿允许美国军队穿越其领土和领空,这阻碍了加强其前线部队的能力。加拿大最终让步,为未来十年的吞并奠定了基础。[Non-canon 13]

为了加强其部队,军方命令其国防承包商生产任何有效的动力装甲威斯科技是第一个取得成功的公司,第一套T-45动力装甲于2067年部署到前线。这种权宜之计缺乏机动性,但能够将重型武器作为小型武器携带到战斗中,大大增加了单个士兵的火力。中国急于创造自己的版本,但落后于美国多年。[Non-canon 14]

然而,动力装甲并没有成为美国所希望的王牌,战争将沦为长达十年的消耗战,饱受残酷战争、堑壕战和冲突双方无数暴行的困扰,直至 包括使用生物武器。[Non-canon 15][3] 其他人在巨大的斗争中成为附带损害,尤其是在加拿大: 到2069年,它成为许多美国公民的小美国,其自然资源被大肆开采,没有提供任何补偿,抗议也无人问津。[Non-canon 16]




然而,升级的最重要因素出现在 2074 年,当时美国入侵中国,希望通过在亚洲开辟第二条战线来破坏其战争成就。然而,漫长的补给线和大陆的不利条件很快结束了美国指挥官对冲突迅速解决的希望。在接下来的两年里,除了不断增加的伤亡之外,在阿拉斯加和亚洲的战斗不会带来任何结果。国内外战线的局势将稳步恶化,面对看似无休止的战争,公民权利受到侵蚀。在2076年,对加拿大的吞并达到了高潮,完全占领了加拿大领土,并公开对抗议者和抵抗战士实施暴力,因为美国部队在全国各地蜂拥而至。



主页面: Great War

通往大战的道路始于 2077 年 1 月,安克雷奇收复于1月28日达成。军队被迅速重新部署到中国和全国各地,以遏制骚乱并执行命令。换句话说,阿拉斯加的退伍军人再次被派往战场,或者将矛头转向他们本应保护的公民。由于人力资源枯竭,美国被迫关闭了许多本土基地,将它们变成了自动化防御堡垒,并将驻军送往亚洲的绞肉机。逃兵也增加了,特别是在被派去遏制骚乱的部队中。到3月,美国最后一任总统与其他数十名未来成员一起从白宫撤退到旧金山附近的波塞冬能源石油钻井平台,为即将到来的厄运做准备,并创造后来被称为英克雷[4]


最后,到了10月,在许多人看来,美国已经进入了一场无法取胜的战争,波士顿号角将这种情况视为“原子最后通牒”,理由是在过去的十年中数十亿美元、数百万生命和无数资源不只是被使用,并且浪费了。[8] 骚乱与美国对中国的最后攻势同时发生,美国以全面核战争的方式结束了资源战争。


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout intro: "In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth."
  2. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- June 3, 2072, U.S. to Annex Canada!
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43:
    "A combination of inclement weather, constant American bombardment and trench warfare, and U.S. powered armor unit attacks sweeping through mainline China, the Chinese supply lines weakened and finally broke down completely. By the beginning of 2077, the city of Anchorage was finally liberated, the Chinese invaders eradicated, and the operation had been deemed a success."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  4. Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 4
  5. Massachusetts State House terminal entries; Terminal, Public Order
  6. Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 3
  7. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Food Riots Rile Feds
  8. Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 2


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2051 Seeking to protect business interests and their oil supply, the United States begins to exert increasing pressure on Mexico, citing the political instability and pollution stemming from Mexico as a threat to the United States. Various economic sanctions serve to destabilize Mexico, and the United States military enters Mexico to keep the oil refineries running and making sure oil and fuel continue to make their way north across the border... at Mexico's expense."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2052 A television documentary into the withered husk of the Texas oil fields brings the oil shortage into the American households, and reveals how deep the energy crisis runs."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2052 April: The Resource Wars begin. Many smaller nations go bankrupt, and Europe, dependent on oil imports from the Middle East, responds to the Middle East's rising oil prices with military action. The long drawn-out war between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East begins."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2052 May–July: The United Nations, already suffering, begins to collapse. In a series of heated debates, many nations withdraw from the organization as the UN tries to keep the peace. At the end of July, the United Nations is disbanded."
  5. Fallout Bible 0: "Basically, the Vaults were never intended to save the population of the United States. With a population of almost 400 million by 2077, the U.S. would need nearly 400,000 Vaults the size of Vault 13, and Vault-Tec was commissioned to build only 122 such Vaults. The real reason for these Vaults was to study pre-selected segments of the population to see how they react to the stresses of isolationism and how successfully they re-colonize after the Vault opens."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2060: The Euro-Middle Eastern War ends as the oil fields in the Middle East run dry... there is no longer a goal in the conflict, and both sides are reduced almost to ruin."
  7. Fallout Bible 0: "2054: ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "2060: Traffic on the streets of the world stops moving. Fuel becomes too precious to waste on automobiles, so alternatives are explored - electric and fusion cars begin to be manufactured, but factories can only make limited amounts. Pressure on fusion research increases."
  9. Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The Anchorage Front Line is established, as the United States increases its military presence in Alaska to protect its oil interests. The Anchorage Front Line causes tensions in the United States and Canada, as the United States attempts to pressure Canada into allowing American military units to guard the Alaskan pipeline."
  10. Fallout Bible 0: "2060 Traffic on the streets of the world stops moving. Fuel becomes too precious to waste on automobiles, so alternatives are explored - electric and fusion cars begin to be manufactured, but factories can only make limited amounts. Pressure on fusion research increases."
  11. Fallout Bible 0: "2063 August The construction of most Vaults completed, except for Vault 13, whose construction finally gets off the ground... heralding a development cycle that seems plagued with problems. Drills begin in the other cities with completed Vaults, but the increasing frequency of the drills has a "cry wolf" effect, and the turnouts for drills trickle off as the years go on."
  12. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Spring: As the oil resources dry up across the globe, China's fossil fuel dependency causes an energy crisis in the nation. China, bordering on collapse, becomes more aggressive in its trade talks with the United States. Unwilling to export oil to China, talks between the United States and China break down."
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Winter: As a sign of increasing tension between the two countries, Canada proves reluctant to allow American troops on Canadian soil or allow American planes to fly over Canadian airspace. The United States and Canadian tensions rise, but Canada eventually backs down, and US troops pass through Canada. This sets the stage for the Canadian annexation in 2076."
  14. Fallout Bible 0: "2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States."
  15. Fallout Bible 0: "2073 Sept 15: As China becomes increasingly aggressive with their use of biological weapons, the United States government felt that a countermeasure was needed. The Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) is officially formed and plans are made to begin experiments at the West Tek research facility in Southern California."
  16. Fallout Bible 0: "2069 Canada begins to feel the pressure from the United States military as the US draws upon Canadian resources for the war effort. Vast stretches of timberland are destroyed, and other resources in Canada are stretched to the breaking point. Many Americans refer to Canada as Little America, and Canadian protests are unheard."