Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FOBOSGametitle-VBGametitle-FOBOS2Gametitle-FBPenny Arcade

Vault-Tec advert and in-game town map of Vault 13



Vault 101

Inside Vault 101

美国政府授权的避难所计划的其中一个项目,避难所计划在全国建立了122所避难所。但是,当大战在2077年爆发时,由于消息错误和没有提前进行演习的原因, 只有少数的人们进入了避难所。

第一个避难所建立在洛杉矶(Los Angeles),用来测试这种避难所的可行性。该演示避难所建于城市的下方,与其他避难所不同的是,它并不是实验的一部分,除了13号避难所外,大多数避难所于2063年建造完成,13号避难所是最后一个建成的避难所。


The vaults are all very similar in their basic functions, but sometimes were constructed according to different designs. The vaults of the New California area differ from those constructed in the vicinity of Washington, DC, the Commonwealth, and the Mojave area.

Due to scaling, the size of vaults in games shouldn't be taken at face value. None of the explorable vaults in the games have enough space or facilities to actually house 1000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used at maximum capacity). However, many doors within in-game vaults are inaccessible, which allows for the possibility that the vault is far larger than the areas the player can access.


The entrance houses the vault's only connection to the outside world - the airlock (with the exception of Vault 19, Vault 87, Vault 88 and Vault 118).


A vault computer

It is closed from the inside by a reinforced high-security door and from the outside by a massive, gear-shaped, four-foot thick vault door, which Three Dog claims "weighs, like, thirteen tons." For most vaults this is the only means of entering or leaving. Most vaults have consoles located on both the inside and outside, both of which require a security code to open the outer door. These codes are usually only known to a handful of people within the facility so as to prevent unauthorized exits.

The automated narrator in Washington DC's Museum of Technology states that the vault doors had a projected 2% failure rate in case of a direct hit by a nuclear missile. The only known vault to have been hit by a nuclear weapon is Vault 87, and according to the logs of its overseer, that blast damaged the door beyond repair. This could have been merely a "lucky shot" falling within the 2% failure, but it seems more likely that Vault-Tec's strength projections were incorrect or defined failure as allowing the inside of the vault to be damaged or irradiated.

Fo1 Vault 15 Townmap

Vault 15 townmap

Most vaults use a Seal-N-Safe Vault door Model No. 343[1] to secure the airlock. Some older vaults, such as Vault 101, use a different, cruder blast door model. Vault 8, the control vault, had also a second, much larger, blast door built, securing the entry hallway leading to the entrance to the vault. Vault 111 and Vault 118 are the only known vaults to feature an elevator leading to an underground area where the gear shaped door is located already secure in the hill it was built in.

The entrance level also houses the Emergency Medical Lab complete with an Auto-Doc. A vault medic was required to be present at the EML 24 hours a day. The lab had the equipment to treat nearly all injuries and illnesses, ranging from simple bruises to radiation.


Standard pre-War design of the living quarters was that of a single room with a sanitary annex. Vault 13 had one hundred living quarters, and at maximum capacity, ten people would be assigned to a single living quarter, in a hot-bunking system. A standard level had 20,000 square feet of usable area.

The lights in the vaults used Simu-Sun technology, making it feel just like the outdoors, with only a fraction of a sunburn risk. The lights in Vault 101 were kept on all the time to prevent a radroach infestation.

New Entertainertrons were used to play holotapes and used as a slide projector in the classroom of Vault 101.


Overseer lower levels

Vault 13 Overseer Command Post

Command PostFOBOS

A Secret Vault Command Post

At the heart of the vault, the command center was where the overseer's seat was located. The operations center, apart from the seat of power, included the computer lab, where the water purification system was located, and an armory, where the vault's weapons, ammunition and armor was stockpiled. A security guard was posted in the command center at all times, to ensure that the armaments were properly secured and handed out only to people possessing the proper clearance from the overseer. The overseer is also able to see anyone inside the vault with the Eye-on-You cameras.

Apart from that, the level also contained the computer core (with the vault's AI monitoring the shelter 24/7), housing data processing units, a library playing an important role in educating vault dwellers, a common meeting room, and the primary store room, where the most important supplies would be stored.

Equipped with dual 5.56mm miniguns in some vaults, the overseer's command post can be considered the last line of defense in case vault security is breached.

In the Secret Vault, there are several command posts for the various sections. The command posts mainly contain buttons to control things like locking of doors and laser protection.


  • Vault 29 (Van Buren) was outfitted with a ZAX AI, which replaced the overseer.
  • Vault 12 had its overseer's room sealed due to the fact that the main door of the vault was doomed never to close.
  • East Coast vaults and Mojave vaults (3, 11, 19, 21, 22, 34, 75, 81, 87, 92, 95, 101, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114, 118) use a different door mechanism. These vaults employ an opening mechanism that is contained entirely within the vault itself, pulling the door inwards and simply rolling it to one side. The doors seen on West Coast vaults, however, pull the seal outwards and use an external clamp to slide it aside.
  • East Coast and Mojave vaults lack storage rooms in the overseer's office; they are instead located near the Atrium.
  • Vault 0 and the Secret Vault had an entirely different layout than other vaults.
  • 75号避难所位于学校地下。
  • Vault 81 has an entire wing that is cut off from the rest of the vault.
  • 111号避难所的电梯直通连接外界的气闸。
  • Vault 114 can be found inside Park Street station.
  • Vault 118 has a parking garage and is under Cliff's Edge Hotel.
  • The Commonwealth and Maine vaults are painted in a yellow and blue shade, while East Coast and Mojave vaults are dull and gray. Also, the Commonwealth and Maine vaults' hue is the same as the traditional vault jumpsuit.


政府表明,避难所用来保护美国公民,远离核战带来的毁灭。可是, 在2077年,美国有近4亿人口,需要400000个像13号避难所这样大小的避难所来容纳全部居民,然而避难所计划Vault-Tec却只建了122所避难所.其真实目的是为了观察人们在特定封闭空间内的生活状况以及核战过后人们如何去重新开发殖民建立家园。 政府背后,Enclave造就了这个实验(官方称之为"Societal Preservation Program"),在考虑到他们自己 的存亡问题,政府要求建筑商为他们建筑另一个避难设施用来保护政府人员远离核战以及指挥战后重建工作,此避难设施不与其他避难所有联系. Enclave宣称避难所计划中的避难所的实验意图是为了帮助他们去准备战后重建工作或者在其他星球重新开发殖民地——如果核战后地球被变种人占据导致不合人类居住。

到底有建多少避难所是政府的机密,而且遗失了。 这里有前面提到的“公众”避难所,共122所,还有未知数量的"私人"避难所. 对于避难所计划的信息,比如它是否是跨国合作而且在其他国家也有一些这样的避难所或是它们只在美国本土,因为美国政府的法律所以没有被发布,因此我们也就不得而知。[2]

对于那122所避难所来说, 只有17所是在实验控制之内的, 也就是说只有17所避难所是有条件让公众生存的,而其他的则是一系列的社会实验, 时而来观察少数的被选中居民.

少数的避难所运行超过了80年,因为它们有出乎意料的实验目的——纯种人类基因库, 没有被空氣傳播的FEV病毒突變株污染过以及被列為轉換成超級變種人的首選對象。



代号 描述 地点 登场作品
洛杉矶避难所 洛杉矶避难所本身是避难所科技用于演示的设施,因此并没有制定实验计划。该避难所后来成为主教的基地,后者在其上建立了大教堂 加利福尼亚



3号避难所 一间受控制的避难所,计划关闭20年时间。后来在避难所居民的医院下关闭了更长时间,然而一次漏水事故迫使其居民打开避难所,试图与外界进行贸易。不幸的是,该避难所的居民在后来的一次掠夺者袭击中全部遇害。 内华达拉斯维加斯以西 辐射:新维加斯
8号避难所 一间受控制的避难所,在关闭短短10年后便再次打开,该避难所配有伊甸园创造器以改造周遭环境。该避难所的居民最终在此建成了地下掩体市 加利福尼亚
11号避难所 该避难所被设计用来进行一项人性实验,在大门关闭后,避难所内每年都需要选出一个人来充当牺牲品,在管理员决定随机选取牺牲者后,避难所内发生了一起武装暴动,最终存活下来的人决定共同面对死亡,但是当他们进入行刑室后才发现,如果所有人都拒绝推举牺牲者的话,该实验便会无条件结束。处于羞愤,进入行刑室的幸存者集体自杀,只剩下最后一人离开了避难所,把这里的惨剧告诉世人。 内华达拉斯维加斯东南 辐射:新维加斯
12号避难所 该避难所实验目的是研究辐射对人体的影响,因此避难所大门被设计成无法正常关闭。12号避难所最终演变成了大墓地,里面的居民则受辐射影响变成了僵尸。 加利福尼亚


13号避难所 实验目的是闭锁200年用以研究长时间隔离对人类产生的影响。但是净水芯片的损坏迫使管理员2161年临时打开大门,派出避难所居民寻找修复方法。2241年,根据对13号避难所记录的研究,英克雷欺骗了避难所居民,使后者主动打开大门,并将之绑架。 加利福尼亚


15号避难所 该避难所计划关闭50年,避难所内部居民由来自不同文化背景的人组成,这里后来成为了三支劫掠者组织与沙荫镇的发源地。 加利福尼亚 辐射
17号避难所 该避难所在2154年被主教劫掠,其中的居民被主教变成了超级变种人。除此之外,有关的信息一律不详。 不详 辐射:新维加斯


19号避难所 该避难所的实验将居民分为红、蓝两派,不允许各方有过多接触,并籍此制造摩擦,引起双方的妄想和对立。该避难所后因不明原因被废弃。 内华达红石峡谷 辐射:新维加斯
34号避难所 避难所内储存了大量的武器, 并且没有一把锁. 未知 辐射圣经
39号避难所 研究目的未知. 德克萨斯艾伯林 辐射:钢铁兄弟会2


42号避难所 避难所内没有一个灯泡超过40瓦. 未知 辐射圣经
43号避难所 居民包括二十名男性、十名女性,还有一只豹。 未知 Penny Arcade


53号避难所 绝大部分设备被设计为每几个月就瘫痪一次. 但都是可修复的, 这种瘫痪旨在用来给避难所居民不定期地增加压力. 未知 辐射圣经 and Possibly in Vault-tec east coast computers
55号避难所 避难所内没有任何的娱乐影视. 未知 辐射圣经
56号避难所 类似55号, 避难所内几乎没有任何的娱乐影视, 但有一些十分蹩脚的喜剧片. 社会学家预言此避难所会比55号先崩溃. 未知 辐射圣经
69号避难所 1000个居民中只有一个男性. 未知 辐射圣经
Penny Arcade
范布伦计划 concept art
and possibly in conversation with President Richardson.
70号避难所 衣物制造机在避难所关闭6个月后失效, 绝大多数的居民都是摩门教徒. 犹他盐湖城 辐射圣经0
74号避难所 一个非常小的,仅由管理员办公室,中庭,诊所及居住区(闭锁)构成的避难所. Capital Wasteland 辐射3官方模组教程[5]
76号避难所 作为Vault 8的对照组, 避难所关闭20年后即打开, 开始改造周遭环境. 未知
(Capital Wasteland?)
77号避难所 避难所内仅有一个居民和一箱玩偶《辐射3》中可以找到一件77号避难所紧身衣. 未知 Penny Arcade
87号避难所 用以研究强制进化病毒. Capital Wasteland 辐射3
92号避难所 居民大多为知名音乐家, 避难所在居民入睡后播放催眠暗示以激起居民的攻击性. Capital Wasteland 辐射3
101号避难所 研究拥有极高权利的Overseer在封闭环境中的表现. Capital Wasteland 辐射3
106号避难所 避难所关闭10天后开始向空气中注入致幻毒气. Capital Wasteland 辐射圣经
108号避难所 所有的居民都是Gary的克隆人. Capital Wasteland 辐射3




112号避难所 实验目的是研究虚拟现实. Capital Wasteland 辐射3
未完成避难所 13避难所和15号避难所以北的一个未完成避难所. 北加利福尼亚 辐射2
0号避难所 专门用以监控其他避难所. 科罗拉多夏安山 辐射战略版


避难所原型 德州钢铁兄弟会的总部. 德克萨斯 辐射:钢铁兄弟会



代号 描述 地点 登场作品
秘密避难所 一个秘密建造的避难所,用于保护避难所科技的高层,并用于开发新科技,研究强制进化病毒 德克萨斯道森县

Los Ybanez

27号避难所 本来仅可容纳1000人的避难所塞进了2000人。 不详 辐射圣经
29号避难所 进入这个避难所的居民均不超过15岁,他们的父母都被有意的安排到了其他的避难所,据信哈罗德就是来自此地。 科罗拉多 辐射圣经



36号避难所 避难所内的食物制造机只能生产一种很稀的粥。 不详 辐射圣经
68号避难所 居民中有九百九十九名男性和一名女性。 不详 辐射圣经




Each Vault was designed to hold one thousand occupants at any given time, although hot bunking was required at maximum capacity, and equipped with all facilities and supplies needed by them to survive in isolation for the designated time. The facilities and supplies included complete construction equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, a water purification system, defensive weaponry to equip 10 men, communication systems and surface monitors, social and entertainment files (for total duration) as well as one or two G.E.C.K.s, intended to help the inhabitants repopulate the post-nuclear world after the All Clear signal is sent following the conclusion of the social experiment.

Different types of power sources were utilized for the Vaults. Vault 13 relied primarily on geothermal energy, with backup power available from a General Atomics Nuclear Power generator, and could sustain one thousand inhabitants for two hundred years. Vault 8 on the other hand, relied on an unspecified type of reactor, which, while enough for Vault City to emerge, could only support a relatively small, highly advanced settlement, and in 2241 was nearing its capacity, after which further growth would be impossible.

All Vault Dwellers wore blue-and-yellow jumpsuits, although the design varied between different Vaults. An average Vault Dweller living in a properly maintained Vault could expect to live at least 92.3 years[8].

It should be noted that due to scaling, the size of Vaults in games shouldn't be taken at face value - none of the Vaults which can be entered in the series have enough space or facilities to actually house 1000 people (or rather 500, as hot bunking system is in effect at maximum capacity).

Realistically speaking, many of the Vaults are flawed. The powerful shockwaves caused by nuclear weapons would likely cause the entrance shaft (which has no internal support) to collapse entirely. This would block the blast door, causing the inhabitants to be entombed by the above building(s) and or rocks. This may have happened to Vault 87, which suffered a direct nuclear blast outside its door that still produced high levels of radiation 200 years after the fact. These shockwaves are mostly caused by ground-burst detonations, however, and Vault-Tec may have assumed that they only had to plan for air-bursts (usually favored for maximum dispersal and minimum blockage of the blast by terrain). It is also possible that the designers believed that the Vaults would not be primary targets in a war, and so only constructed them to protect against radiation and distant nuclear explosions. Also, some of the Vaults, such as Vault 112, have a reinforced steel entrance shaft and would probably be able to withstand even a nearby surface detonation. However, the entrance to the building above Vault 112 was nearly buried by rubble.




A Vault computer

Closed from the inside by a reinforced high-security door and from the outside by a massive, gear-shaped four yard thick vault door (which Three Dog claimed "weighs, like, thirteen tons"), it's the only means of entering or leaving the Vault, although secondary entrances or exits may have existed in some Vaults.Vault 87 had two additional entrances reachable through Lamplight Caverns. Security codes are required to both leave and enter the Vault, and they are usually only known to a handful of people within the facility. East Coast Vaults did not seem to require codes, but instead they had a console located on both sides of the entrance, which opened the Vault door via a lever.

The automated narrator of the the Vault-Tec vault demonstration in Washington DC's Museum of Technology states that the doors had a projected 2% failure rate in case of a direct hit by a nuclear missile. So far, the only known vault to have been hit directly (or very nearly) by a nuclear weapon is Vault 87. According to the terminal of Vault 87's overseer, the blast caused the vault's main door to completely and utterly fail, apparently damaging it "beyond repair." Though this could be considered unfortunate and ironic happenstance, it is more likely an indicator that Vault-Tec's failure rates were completely fabricated.

Most Vaults use a Seal-N-Safe Vault Door Model No. 343[9] to secure the airlock, however, some older Vaults (such as Vault 101) use a different, more crude blast door model. Vault 8, the control Vault, had also a second, much larger, blast door built, that secured the entry hallway leading to the entrance to the Vault.

In addition, the Entrance level also houses the Emergency Medical Lab complete with an AutoDoc. A Vault medic was required to be present at the EML 24 hours a day. The lab had the equipment to treat nearly all injuries and illnesses, ranging from simple bruises to irradiation.


Standard pre-War design of the living quarters was that of a single room with a sanitary annex. Vault 13 had one hundred living quarters, and at maximum capacity, ten people would be assigned to a single living quarter, in a hot bunking system. A standard level had 20,000 square feet of usable area.

The lights used in the Vaults used SimuSun technology, making it feel just like the outdoors, with only a fraction of a sunburn risk. The lights in Vault 101 were kept on all the time to prevent a Radroach infestation.

New Entertainertrons were used to play holotapes, and used as a slide projector in the classroom of Vault 101.


Overseer lower levels

Vault 13 Overseer Command Post

Command PostFOBOS

A Secret Vault Command Post

Heart of the Vault, the command center was where the Overseer's seat was located. The operations center, apart from the seat of power, included the computer lab, where the water purification system was located, and an armory, where the Vault's arms were stockpiled. A security guard was posted in the command center at all times, to ensure that the armaments are properly secured, and handed out only to people possessing the proper clearance from the Overseer.

Apart from that, the level also contained the computer core (with the Vault's AI monitoring the shelter 24/7), housing data processing units, a library playing an important role in educating Vault Dwellers and information, a meeting room for the dwellers and the primary store room, where the most important supplies would be stored.

The Overseer is also able to see anyone inside the Vault with the Eye-on-you cameras.

Equipped with dual 5mm miniguns in some Vaults, the Overseer's command post can be considered the last line of defense in case the Vault security is breached.

In Secret Vault, There are several command post for the various location. It mainly contains buttons to regulate locking doors and other things, as the activation of laser protection.


  • 29号避难所 (Van Buren)配备了一台ZAX超级电脑来充当管理员。
  • 12号避难所 had its Overseer's room sealed due to the fact that the main door of the vault was doomed never to close.
  • East Coast Vaults (87, 92, 101, 106, 108, 112) use a different, older door mechanism (as evidenced by extensive rusting and meager safety precautions). The East Coast Vault opening mechanisms are contained entirely within the Vault itself, pulling the door inwards and simply rolling it to one side. The doors seen on West Coast Vaults, however, pull the seal outwards and use an external clamp to slide it aside.
  • East Coast Vaults lack storage rooms in the Overseer's office; they are instead located near the Atrium.
  • The Vault-Tec Secret Vault had an entirely different layout than other vaults.


In terms of providing safety and security for their inhabitants, most of the Vaults were complete failures. However, as noted in the Penny Arcade Comic, the Vaults were never really intended to save anyone. There was simply not enough time, money or resources to build enough shelters to house more than a fraction of the population. While the "control vaults" did function as advertised and open on schedule, most were actually intended to explore and observe how societies adapt (or, more often, fail to adapt) to various challenges and restrictions. These social experiments were performed on live and mostly unaware subjects, monitored by Vault-Tec researchers in separate facilities, and undertaken at the behest of what would become the Enclave as part of a massive feasibility study of how to best re-colonize a barren Earth or, if necessary, other planets.

在游戏中,大多数避难所在核战后没有运行到200年,甚至是80年都不到. While Vault 13 might have lasted until its scheduled opening date of 2277, the unplanned failure of the Water Chip forced the Overseer's hand and set subsequent events in motion. If Vault 101 was truly intended to stay closed "forever", its failure was inevitable; the only question was how long, and what form the change or disaster would take. Many other Vaults were abandoned because of unlivable conditions, or saw the residents driven violently insane by the procedures inflicted on them. Some of these continue to pose a hazard to the unwary who wander in from outside, looking for loot or a place of safety.

Despite all of this, the experiment may be considered a success in terms of the data collected... data that was much more important to the Vault-Tec and Enclave scientists than a few hundred thousand lives, most of whom would have died anyway if not for the Vaults.


  • Vault 12, Vault 13, Vault 15LA Vault 在辐射(Fallout)中出现
  • Vault 8, Vault 13 和Vault 15 出现在辐射2( Fallout 2
  • Some Vaults were mentioned by President Richardson - some of them had not enough food synthesizers, others had only men in them, yet others were designed to open after only 6 months[10].
  • A malfunctioning Vault with unknown number and location appeared in the Van Buren tech demo
  • A Vault 69 advertisement appeared in the Van Buren concept art.
  • Vault 29 and Vault 70 were to appear in Van Buren, the cancelled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle (year 2253).
  • Vault 101 appears in Fallout 3 alongside Vault 87, Vault 92, Vault 106, Vault 108, Vault 112, and the DC demo Vault (year 2277). Vault 76 is mentioned in a Pentagon terminal, but it doesn't exist in the current game. A Vault 77 jumpsuit can also be found in Paradise Falls but the Vault does not exist in the game.
  • Vault 0 appeared in Fallout Tactics, is designed to "monitor and control" other Vaults, maintain the geniuses of the pre-War United States in cryogenic stasis and improve Wasteland conditions with a robot armed.
  • Secret Vault appeared in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, is designed to protect high-members of Vault-Tec and used to research the latest technologies and the Forced Evolutionary Virus.
  • The other Vaults present in this article were mentioned in Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible or Penny Arcade's comic strips.

Behind the scenes

The vault experiment was an idea created by Tim Cain during the initial stages of Fallout 2 development.

Cut content


Vault control room

The developers intended for the player to first encounter information about the Vault Experiment as they read the Vault 8 records in Fallout 2. They could discover a classified file (opened with a successful Science skill roll) explaining the purpose of Vault 8 was to be a "control Vault," designed to hold 1000 people and open at a designated time. This file was intended to foreshadow the discovery of the true and sinister purpose of the Vaults.

The player was also intended[11] to apply his Science skill to the central computer in Vault 13 to obtain a history of Vault 13, the Overseer's involvement in the Vault Dweller's expulsion, and even worse, the true purposes of the Vaults. The Overseer was conscious of the true purpose of the Vaults as social experiments on a grand scale, and consequently drove out the Vault Dweller because of fear he would ruin the experiment... or uncover it.


In the Vault-Tec Headquarters, a gear-shaped Vault door can be seen hanging from the ceiling to the right of the lobby. It is a copy of the Vault 101 door, right down the number on the centre.

There is another vault exhibit in Washington DC inside the Museum of Technology. This one however, though containing the same materials for walls and lighting is only one corridor with vault doors at either side always kept open for the museum visitors to take the tour. Just like Vaults 87, 92, 106, and 108 the metal walls have rusted over time. It's safe to say this "vault" did not work as halfway through the corridor, a charcoaled skeleton of a janitor can be seen on the floor showing that they were killed by the bombs.

In the Museum of Technology the door number of the Vault door featured in the Vault tour is not visible, but it is possible it reads 001.

Interesting Fact: Since the Vault-Tec Headquarters is located in the Capital Wasteland close to the D.C. Ruins, an inconsistency appears. It would be logical to start building the first Vaults closer to the Headquarters, if not control Vaults. However, the Vaults which have numbers in the beginning of the numerical system were built on the West Coast, while the ending Vault numbers appear on the East Coast. A possible explanation for this is that the numbers assigned to the Vaults do not indicate which order the Vaults were built. Evident by the fact Vault 13 was one of the last ones built. Also, in order to ensure fairness and diversity between humans living inside of the Vaults, it would be logical to construct the Vaults evenly throughout the United States. Again, we know of a much greater number of Vaults on either the West or East Coasts than we do in other regions of the country. An explanation for this could be the fact that the Vaults were not primarily built for the preservation of human life after the Great War. It is also possible, that Vault-Tec, being a large company, had headquarters on both sides of the country, yet neither was their "official" headquarters.


Most of the above comes from:


  1. From Fallout
  2. Interview with Chris Taylor at Vault 13.net
  3. The canceled Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 is non-canon.
  4. Note that this comic, while official and created in cooperation with Emil Pagliarulo, has not been stated to be canon (nor non-canon).
  5. Vault 74 tutorial in the GECK wiki. This Vault is likely not canon, but is included on the list as the tutorial is official and made by a Bethesda designer.
  6. Fallout Tactics is not considered to be entirely canon and Vault 0 is not entirely consistent with the Vault Experiment, although there are possible explanations for the apparent inconsistency.
  7. 辐射:钢铁兄弟会 is not canon.
  8. Vault 101 Announcement system: "Did you know - the average life expectancy of a resident in a properly maintained vault is 92.3 years?"
  9. Vault 15 townmap from Fallout
  10. similar, but not the same descriptions as at Fallout Bible
  11. Fallout Bible 0

