

卡珊德拉·摩尔上校(英文名:Colonel Cassandra Moore)是2281年驻扎在胡佛大坝NCR军部队的指挥官。[1]




然而,摩尔并不完全是痛苦的;她认识到,担任高位意味着有机会对事件产生比作为下级军官更广泛的影响。她认为,拥有按自己的方式做事的权力,而不必容忍不同意见,是一种福利。[6]正如汉隆首席所说,她的指挥风格通常导致土地被夷为平地,田地被盐渍。[4][Non-game 1]


作为一名战争鹰派人物,摩尔对李·奥利弗将军亞倫·金博爾总统夺取莫哈韦的努力表示了坚定的支持 - 这种支持使她获得了巨大的影响力 - 并认为采取强有力的行动是确保NCR在该地区的主导地位的最佳手段。她竭尽全力去中和或摧毁任何反对NCR的团体和个人,如大汗帮,钢铁兄弟会,黑手党貓王幫,无论这是为了NCR的利益,还是因为她个人的怨恨。[Non-game 2]




FO76 ui icon quest


  • 为了共和国,第2部分: 摩尔上校要求玩家角色清理新维加斯及其周边的问题。
  • 王翼弃兵: 摩尔会让你告诉貓王幫退出或被消灭,她会派一队人马支援你。


  • NCR声望]达到'偶像',摩尔将向玩家角色致敬,当他们在为了共和国,第2部分的子任务中完成与她的对话。
  • 如果信使在胡佛大坝战役中站在NCR一边,摩尔的命令之一就是摧毁隐藏山谷的地堡。如果信使选择外交途径,在兄弟会和NCR之间结盟会让她非常愤怒,而玩家角色也会获得NCR的恶名。然而,数值是可以忽略不计的,并且只要信使在这一点上一直与他们保持良好的信誉,就不会影响NCR的整体声誉。
  • 如果玩家角色在禁止踩熊!任务失败了,摩尔上校将从游戏世界中消失,以阻止他们继续在NCR任务线上进一步前进;无论玩家角色在NCR中的声望如何,杀死她都会立即失败。
  • 如果摩尔上校死亡,整个NCR将永远敌视玩家角色,无论她的死亡情况如何,或者玩家角色在NCR中的声誉如何。


  • 当胡佛大坝战役开始时与她交谈,她说NCR已经将军团驱赶到东部,NCR正在控制大坝。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
NCR士兵盔甲 12.7mm手枪


  • 卡珊德拉·摩尔上校说,在得知NCR在莫哈韦的成功后,她的上级首先找了许,因为他是该地区行动的指挥官,但他否认与胜利有任何关系。这段对话原本计划在第二次胡佛大坝战役后播放,但在战斗进行时仍可能在游戏中播放。由于许的谦虚,他没有得到晋升,摩尔被提升为准将。[7]
  • 当被问及胡佛大坝时,她的对话框说:"它对NCR有巨大的战略价值。胡佛大坝向西输送的电力足够为每一个城市和主要定居点提供照明,"但实际上她说,"这对NCR来说是一个具有战略重要性的位置。提供能量,这就是它的作用。"
  • 当与她讨论凯撒军团时,摩尔会评论军团是如何典型的大型个体。这与游戏中的军团是矛盾的,他们是游戏中最矮的NPC。
  • 谣传她被赶出了蛾摩拉赌场。[2]





  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360知之甚少中,有一个错误,在完成后,游戏将不允许玩家与摩尔上校交谈。可能的原因:如果在为了共和国,第2部分任务的黑手党部分开始时,信使还没有与莉莎·奥马利交谈,或者如果玩家已经从好好先生那里得到当发生时你便知道,那么这种情况就会发生。
    • 可以使用setstage 00110a63 60控制台命令,该命令允许你谎报黑手党并继续此链。 [已验证]
    • 杀死卡奇诺并向NCR谎报他们的计划。玩家仍将获得NCR声誉,没有邪恶的业报。这是修复故障并继续NCR路线的唯一方法。
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 在任务当发生时你便知道期间,摩尔上校可能会失踪。[已验证]
    • 在她办公室的桌子上有一把钥匙,从她的桌子上抓起钥匙(玩家会得到负面的业报,但不会失去名声)。她现在应该正走进自己的办公室。
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在任务我的爸爸中,当你和里吉斯说话时,你会收到一个目标更新,可以和卡珊德拉·摩尔谈论NCR/大汗帮联盟。当你试着和她说话的时候,没有对话的选项。[已验证]



  1. The Courier: "Are you in charge of the NCR around here?"
    Cassandra Moore: "I command the garrison here at the dam, yes, but Colonel Hsu over at McCarran is technically in charge of the area's forces."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 NCR trooper: "Colonel Moore survived four tours against the Brotherhood back west. If anyone can help take on the Legion, it's her."
    "You hear that rumor that Colonel Moore was kicked out of Gomorrah a while back? I heard she's had it in for the Omertas ever since."
    "I'm really surprised Colonel Moore accepted the Brotherhood's help. I heard she lost a lot of men in war with them back west."
    "Man, I'm exhausted. Moore's got us running drills non-stop."
    (NCR trooper's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Courier: "How did you get to be a colonel in the NCR?"
    Cassandra Moore: "I joined up at a young age. Was barely sixteen when I left home and volunteered to be in the military. Got a few strange looks at first, but those stopped when I got top marks across the board during training, and became an officer at seventeen. A few years went by, my squad helped take down gangs of raiders here and there, and one day an invitation to join the Rangers arrived. Those were the best years of my life. Doing something that truly matters, and having the freedom to handle it as you see fit. Then I got injured. Everyone was very supportive. I received a promotion to colonel and given greater responsibility, but my days as a Ranger were over."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Courier: "Colonel Moore's "way"?"
    Hanlon: "The colonel is an effective commander - one of the best - but she sharpened her claws on the Vipers and the old Jackals. Did four tours against the Brotherhood, too. She used to be ranger until an injury took her out of action. Happens to a lot of us, unfortunately. She's better at making graves than making friends. Bring in Moore and the earth will be razed. Fields will be salted."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "Sounds like you miss it."
    Cassandra Moore: "I do, sometimes. There are days I'd give anything to out in the open air, planting explosives and laying down covering fire. But here I am, stuck in the same stale office day after day, while other people get to do the actual fighting. But enough reminiscing. Did you have other questions?"
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Courier: "It's better to be in charge."
    Cassandra Moore: "Oh, it has its perks, to be sure. I'm free to see that things on a large scale are done my way, and don't have to tolerate any disagreement. Those few people in a position to countermand my orders only care about results, and in that regard I never leave them less than pleased."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "How have things been since the battle?"
    Cassandra Moore: "Surprisingly good. Our forces have managed to secure the region with little resistance, and trade should soon reach an all-time high. The brass was particularly surprised by the lack of domestic threats in the area. They were prepared to spend months pacifying known troublemakers. When they found those threats absent, they turned to the man in charge of the area, but Hsu being Hsu, he denied having anything to do with it. So now the men have to answer to Brigadier General Moore, and both they and I have you to thank for it. We made a good team. I hope we can work together again in the future."
    (Cassandra Moore's dialogue)


  1. Joshua Sawyer on Formspring on December 21, 2011: "JESawyer 28 Dec 11
    "Is Colonel Moore really awful, though? I'd describe her as Lawful Neutral at worst."
    She goes out of her way to brutalize or screw over groups and people she doesn't like when it's obviously unnecessary, including the Courier. If the player does exactly what Colonel Moore asks, the Kings are butchered (unnecessary and easily avoidable), the Brotherhood of Steel is destroyed (avoidable), and the Great Khans are destroyed (also unnecessary/avoidable).
    I don't know if you've done the "provoke the Kings" route that Moore suggests, but the NCR Troopers that go in with you essentially become a sweeping death squad, gunning down every person in the building.
    If the player tries to work around Colonel Moore, she has Ambassador Crocker removed from his post and eventually she trashes the Courier's reputation with NCR. Both of these things are petty and vindictive.
    I'm not big on arguing moral/ethical abstractions like alignments, but this amounts to "worse than neutral" to me."
    (Josh Sawyer's Formspring on rpgcodex.net)
  2. Josh Sawyer on Formspring (archived): The BoS and Kings are all enemies of the NCR how is she being 'evil' for ridding the Mojave of their presence?
    "Pacer is pretty much the only King who is actively working against the NCR. Sending in a squad of soldiers to provoke an extermination of the entire group borders on mustache-twirling nastiness. Her response to overtures of peace (and an actual brokered peace) with BoS show that her motives aren't really NCR's interests but her own vendettas."