

鑽石城(英文名:Diamond City),也被称为"璀璨的翠鑽",是2287年中波士顿附近the Fens的一个设防聚落。[1]它建在芬威公园内,这是一个战前的棒球体育场。[RPG 1]



大戰之前,芬威公园是波士顿的棒球场,曾主办过Swatting Sultans。在2077年10月23日下午,芬威球场将举办2077年世界职业棒球大赛的第七场比赛,比赛的主角是Swatting Sultans与来自德克萨斯州的对手球队。如果苏丹队获胜,他们将为波士顿赢得自1918年以来的第一次世界大赛胜利。[2]然而,这一切都没有实现,因为大戰在10月23日早晨爆发了。战争爆发时,波士顿队的明星投手马特·穆塔夫和他的两个队友内森·布罗德赫斯特吉姆·沃克正在芬威公园热身,体育场的高墙使他们躲过了最初的核灾难。[3]




随着前的棒球岁月过去,在体育场的原址上建立了钻石城。[5]由于这里的居民亲切地称之为"the Wall",这里成为了联邦移民的避风港。后来的几十年里,钻石城成长为联邦最大、最繁荣的社区。[6]随着较富裕的居民开始在该聚落的上层看台区居住,这里形成了一定程度的社会分层,这些房屋建在高架的体育场座位上。这些房子俯瞰着下层的场地(棒球场本身),那里住着收入较低的人。[7][RPG 1]




2286年,将近五年后,克莱门茨牧师失去了对全信仰教堂的控制,因为它被反对驱逐尸鬼的原子神教徒占领。在他们在这座城市的短暂时间里,这个异教组织因直言不讳地批评上层看台区的居民而受到下层球场居民的欢迎。他们也因为反对当时活跃在城市里的義勇兵的权威而得到支持。[RPG 2]异教最终在最后的原子神之子的领导下袭击了钻石城,随后被赶出了波士顿。




钻石城是联邦唯一一个保证所有孩子都能接受免费教育的聚落,无论他们的社会或经济状况如何。[17]它还设有一个无教派的礼拜堂,向所有宗教信徒开放,为他们提供一个安静、安全的空间来祈祷和崇拜。电力由位于城市市场中心的聚变发电塔提供,使居民能够获得廉价的电力。[Non-game 1]核能首先摧毁了世界,然后给了钻石城主要的优势,这种讽刺的意味并没有被社会中更倾向于科学的成员忽视。[18]




Diamond City







  • 阿伯特(油漆工)
  • 安·考曼(上流貴婦)
  • 亞圖羅·羅德烈茲(肉販)
  • 貝琪·飛倫(服飾商人)
  • 凱茜(理髮廳老媽)
  • 克拉倫斯·考曼
  • 丹尼·蘇立文(遙控大門的人)
  • 妲西·潘柏克(流連酒吧的女人)
  • 剮克醫生
  • 達夫博士
  • 孫醫生
  • 艾莉·柏金斯(事務所秘書)
  • 艾琳·萊歇(科學很強的女學童)
  • 尤斯塔斯·霍桑(霍桑奶奶)
  • 嘉文·艾佛里茲(作業學霸)
  • 吉妮瓦(市長秘書)
  • 霍桑(板凳旅店常客)
  • 亨利·庫克(酒保)
  • 強尼(兒子理髮師)
  • 凱西¹(懷疑兄弟合成人)
  • 馬爾康·拉提莫(上流老爸)
  • 麥多那市長
  • 愛朵娜老師(機器人老師)
  • 澤威奇老師(學堂的導師)
  • 莫伊·克勞寧(賣球棒商人)
  • 彌兒娜(雜貨商人)
  • 小奈(派普的妹妹)
  • 尼爾森·拉提莫(走私藥品的兒子)
  • 妮娜·羅德里格斯((愛玩小女童)
  • 克萊門牧師
  • 保羅·潘柏克(與酒保起衝突)
  • 派西(晚班售貨機器人)
  • 皮特·潘柏克(愛玩小男童)
  • 波莉(肉販)
  • 史卡拉教授
  • 菲爾·華勒斯(小學童)
  • 萊利¹(被兄弟懷疑合成人)
  • 史嘉莉(旅店服務生)
  • 雪非爾德(很愛可樂的男子)
  • 昇·克沃斯基(淨水負責人)
  • 索羅門(藥品商人)
  • 高橋(賣麵的機器人)
  • 崔維斯·邁爾斯(電台主持人)
  • 瓦迪姆·鮑伯洛夫(哥哥旅店掌櫃)
  • 威林罕(酒促機器人)
  • 葉菲姆·鮑伯洛夫(弟弟旅店會計)
  • Evelyn Black Nuka-World (add-on) Mentioned
¹ 替换一个未命名的居民
² 完成主线任务后,两名居民将被派系成员取代


  • 九瓶核子可乐量子口味遍布整个城市:
    • 两瓶在克罗格的家,在隐蔽的房间里。
    • 两瓶在庫克的住所,在二楼的桌子上。
    • 两瓶在勁道麵館附近,在柜台上。
    • 一瓶在板凳旅店,在吧台后面的架子上。
    • 一瓶在波莉家Choice Chops,在入口对面的一张茶几上。
    • 一瓶在昇·克沃斯基的房子外面,在入口左边的金属架子上。
  • 八瓶核子可乐樱桃口味遍布整个城市:
    • 三瓶在克罗格的家的密室里。
    • 三瓶在板凳旅店,两瓶在吧台后面的架子上,第三瓶在吧台下面。
    • 一瓶在钻石城市集彌兒娜的家的家中,靠近一楼入口的一张桌子上。
    • 一瓶在剮克醫生的家里,在一楼入口左边的木架子上。
  • 在整个城市里发现了三卷加入铁路组织全像卡带:
    • 一个在阿伯特的房子里,在入口对面的金属架子上。
    • 一个是在板凳旅店,在厨房对面卧室的床头柜上。
    • 一个在飛倫家地下室,在上层平台的梳妆台上。
  • Gwinnett ale brewing subroutines全像卡带 - 在殖民酒館,吧台下面的架子上。
  • RobCo Fun泽塔入侵者迷你游戏全像卡带 - 在瓦倫坦侦探事务所,在后面的桌子上。
  • 愛與生活第九期 - 在校舍里,在一楼的床旁边。
  • 迷你核弹 - 在聯邦武器行阿图罗的房子里,在一楼床对面的桌子上。
  • 大傢伙,独特胖子發射器 - 亞圖羅·羅德烈茲出售。
  • 老忠實,独特雷射手槍 - 亞圖羅·羅德烈茲出售。
  • Protector's armor - 亞圖羅·羅德烈茲出售。
  • Rockville Slugger - 莫伊·克勞寧出售。
  • 冠军胸甲和右臂 - 貝琪·飛倫有卖。
  • Hazmat suit - 通常由貝琪·飛倫出售。
  • 废土客的胸甲 - 彌兒娜或派西出售。
  • Geneva's ensemble -吉妮瓦穿的。
  • Red leather trench coatpress cap - 都是派普·萊特穿的。


  • 在第一次進入鑽石城時,麥多那市長會對一小群居民發表發表一個演講。期間,他會大聲宣稱「我不是合成人」並且很快對城牆發表一番讚美。
  • 如果獨存者完成任务聯邦之寶,前门仍然升起。通过使用喷气背包(或控制台命令,如果在PC上),可以到达与起重机臂上面的平台。在那里,可以与其中一个起重机互动,它会立即将大门重置到原来的位置,然后慢慢地再次升起。
  • 如果獨存者完成了主要派系的主要任务线,城市中的所有旗帜将被该派系的旗帜所取代,该派系的成员将在城市中游荡。
  • 如果选择學院结局,第一代合成人将在市场上找到。如果獨存者和他们联系,他们会说他们在城里是为了传播學院的存在。钻石城保安会解释说合成人突然出现了,但因为他们没有制造任何麻烦,所以他们被允许留下来。一些合成人将制作武器或盔甲,而其他人可能会在市场上浏览商店。彌兒娜以前似乎对合成人很反感,现在允许他们浏览她的商店,不再评论讨厌合成人。
  • 在游戏中的万圣节和圣诞节期间,市场会进行相应的装饰。在万圣节,装饰包括横幅、塑料南瓜、剪纸的猫、骷髅和南瓜人。圣诞装饰包括一串串彩灯和圣诞树。此外,圣诞装饰将从圣诞节当天一直展示到新年前夕。然而,为了让这些装饰出现,獨存者必须在圣诞节至少访问钻石城一次;否则,这些装饰将不会在随后的任何一天出现。
  • 市内有4个棒球垒,分别标有本垒、一垒、二垒和三垒的计数标记;钻石城保安偶尔会鼓励獨存者管理基地,暗示这样做是值得的。从本垒开始到本垒结束,按顺序跑过每一个垒位,就会获得全垒打! 奖杯/成就。此外,城市的街道名称以各自的基地命名,包括本垒街。
  • 城里有两张通缉令:一张在死拿棒的旁边,另一张就在板凳旅店里。在阅读张贴的通知后,两者都分配了相同的扩散任务,让獨存者在地图上随机选择的位置杀死一个掠夺者,尸鬼或超级变种人。虽然通知表明除了从目标尸体上掠夺的东西外没有奖励,但在杀死被标记的敌人后会获得一些任务完成经验。新的赏金一旦完成就会出现在海报上。
  • 钻石城外有一家隐藏的餐厅;有关如何访问该区域及其内容的详细信息,请参阅该位置页面。沿着钻石城屋顶的边缘从餐厅向西走到入口大门的上部(靠近一个充满瓦砾的区域,有一个骨架,两个弹药箱和一个急救箱)。从那里,小心地跳跃或使用喷气背包,就可以进入一个巨大的黄色光束,将主门固定在适当的位置,它可能会被激活,关闭大门。大门不会立即关闭;玩家角色将需要首先进入一个内部单元,以便正确关闭大门。一旦关闭,玩家角色只需激活它就可以从地面打开大门。
  • 爬上钻石城西北角外被部分摧毁的建筑,使用喷气背包到达城市屋顶,可以到达南部的行李袋炸药箱。其他小战利品在城市屋顶的东侧可以通过喷气背包找到,包括骷髅附近的一个大工具箱,一个冷却器,两个治疗针和一个箱子上的瘾头解
  • 尽管尸鬼被禁止进入钻石城,但如果汉考克比利·皮博迪,一个在任务冰箱裡的小孩中发现的聪明的尸鬼孩子被带到城市,他们将被允许进入。爱德华·狄根也可能会在板凳旅店内遇到,并开始任务特別包裹
  • 有时在市场等待的时候,突击者可能会产卵。虽然对玩家角色没有敌意,但它会攻击城市中的其他角色。它可能会在使用机器人专家辅助能力攻击机器人并没有关闭或摧毁它后产生故障。
  • 波士頓號角報大樓,终端机上的一篇报纸文章显示,在2077年10月23日,即大战的那天,球队将参加世界职业棒球大赛的第七场比赛。这篇文章乐观地预测,在经历了几十年的失败之后,这支球队最终会获胜。


  • 当在这个地点,同伴发表评论。
角色 评论
凱特 "如果我们想找点乐子,我敢打赌我们会在这里找到的。"
嘎抓 "这就是著名的钻石城。我想我希望找到的是一块宝石,而不是尘土飞扬的大本营。文明"处于困境",如果你愿意的话!"
居礼 "我们要去看棒球比赛吗?多么令人兴奋啊!"
丹斯 "很遗憾,这些人不得不生活在恐惧中,躲在这个旧体育场里而那些完美的建筑还矗立在外面。"
迪耿 "钻石的城市。注意你说的话。如果学院选择潜入一个地方 - 我们正走进去。"
汉考克 "钻石城,是吧?你知道这镇上的人不怎么喜欢尸鬼。"
尼克·瓦倫坦 "即使是好人在害怕的时候也会做出疯狂的事情。这应该是钻石城的座右铭。"
派普 "又大又吵,到处都是腐败的官员和拍马屁的市民。但这是家。"
普雷斯頓·加維 "麥多那市长一直反对民兵。我一直不太明白为什么。" (入口)
"麥多那走了,这里的情况开始好转了。" (在杀死麥多那后进入)
麥奎迪 "我好几年没去过钻石城了,但我告诉你...什么都没有改变。"
壯壯 "闻起来像人类。"
X6-88 "如果你能忍受那里的味道,那是储存物资的好地方。"


钻石城出现在辐射4辐射:避难所OnlineWinter of Atom。在機械守衛扩展包Zoe's diary[22] 以及在核子世界 扩展包的Lizzie Wyath所提及。[23]辐射:避难所每周任务游戏秀挑战的一个问题中也有提到。


  • 钻石城以现实世界为原型芬威公园。例如,这堵墙是基于现实世界的位置"the Wall"或"绿怪物",这是芬威公园这堵37英尺(11.33米)高的左外野墙的昵称。在现实世界的芬威球场,也有一个巨大的可口可乐标志,其位置和风格与游戏中核子可乐标志大致相同。同样地,在墙后面一栋建筑上的大核融合厂广告牌模仿了现实世界中希戈汽油公司的霓虹灯广告。真正的标志是经过改造的,当一个本垒打被击中时,它可以依次点亮字母C、it和GO(“See it GO”)。最后,在东北看台上有一个红色的座位,靠近GNN标志,代表“孤独的红色座位”,泰德·威廉姆斯在1946年打出芬威公园历史上最远的球,距离本垒板502英尺。
  • Nathan Purkeypile设计了钻石城的大部分布局、照明和杂乱。[Non-game 2][Non-game 3]这是他为游戏工作的第一个地点,因为开发者从一开始就知道他们想要标志性的体育场灯光,并且主要任务将指向体育场作为“灯塔”或地标,可以帮助玩家导航波士顿地区。[Non-game 4]
    • Purkeypile还采用了钻石城中的季节性装饰,这是他自2011年设计钻石城以来就一直在考虑的一个功能。[Non-game 5]
  • 在正门上方作为市长办公室的新闻发布室上方,悬挂着五面写着“世界大赛冠军”的红旗,上面写着年份19031912191519161918。在体育场的南侧和西侧的看台上,每隔一段时间就会悬挂显示这些年份的横幅。在辐射的宇宙中,这支球队在1918年之后再也没有赢得过世界大赛的冠军,而贝比鲁斯魔咒也从未被打破。在现实世界中,红袜队在时隔86年之后终于在2004年赢得了世界大赛冠军。
  • 球队在比赛中的退役号码是1、4、6、11、13、21和33,就像在看台上核子可乐标志下面看到的那样。前三个号码等于波士顿红袜队的退役号码,分别属于Bobby DoerrJoe CroninJohnny Pesky。钻石城居民莫伊·克勞寧也和Joe Cronin同姓。
  • 在开发过程中,钻石城一度打算有一项额外的业务,"安全在家酒店和酒吧"。商业出现在城市标志的早期占位符纹理上,商业标志的适当纹理可以在游戏的纹理档案中找到。
  • 在钻石城的游戏纹理文件中,有一张来自卫星地图服务的芬威球场及其周围环境的裁剪图像,标记为"TestLayout01"。这张照片很可能是早期开发时留下的,当时钻石城的布局还在确定之中。
  • 钻石城的牢房仍然存在于辐射76的文件中,但它是空的。


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 有时候,当从市长办公室乘坐外部电梯,然后在电梯到达底部之前激活第二个按钮时,护栏会延伸,好像玩家要下车,然后在到达时收回,好像玩家还在乘坐电梯。激活电梯并离开钻石城,或者在电梯停止移动并重新加载游戏之前进入建筑物,可能会解决这个问题。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 有时,与同伴乘坐电梯前往市长办公室时,同伴可能会被运送到钻石城正门楼梯底部的绿色垃圾桶,并被困在那里。在这种情况下,从钻石城走到沼泽地(手动,没有快速旅行)有时会解放同伴。使用控制台命令moveto. player选择同伴的refID后,也可以纠正这个问题。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 任何放置在邮箱中的物品,包括独存者本垒板住所前的物品,将被显示为拥有。偷窃将是获得这些物品的唯一途径。[已验证]
  • Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 在完成任务怪客瓦倫坦后,每次你去钻石城,都会有两个保镖帮出现。钻石城的大多数平民都会攻击暴徒。目前还没有解决这个问题。 [已验证]




  1. Mayor McDonough: "Welcome to the great green jewel of the Commonwealth. Safe. Happy. A fine place to come, spend your money, settle down."
    (McDonough's dialogue)
  2. Newscaster: "And now a look at sports. Something that is, unquestionably, inescapably, American. I am referring of course, to our great national pastime, baseball. This afternoon, right here in the city, Boston's swatting sultans will swing for the fences. Led by star pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh, Boston hopes to defeat Texas, and deliver their first World Series victory since 1918."
    (Newscaster's dialogue)
  3. Nathan Broadhurst's autobiogrophy
  4. Fallout Shelter Online description: "Diamond City was transformed from Fenway Park in 2130."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Fallout 4 loading screens: "Diamond City was constructed in the remains of Boston's world-renowned baseball stadium."
  6. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Diamond City, the 'Great Green Jewel' of the Commonwealth, is the area's largest and most secure settlement."
  7. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Colonial Taphouse is Diamond City's upscale tavern, where the settlement's more wealthy residents drink, socialize, and generally look down on everyone else."
  8. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen first rose to prominence in the year 2180, when they defended Diamond City against a horde of Super Mutant attackers."
  9. Sole Survivor: "How considerate."
    Roslyn Chambers: "What would you do if your family was destroyed by a synth, right in front of you, when you were but a child? Would you roll over and accept it? Or would you do something about it?"
    Sole Survivor: "What happened to you?"
    Roslyn Chambers: "In Diamond City, a lifetime ago, my parents and eight others were massacred by someone. At first we thought the maniac was human. But that was the day we learned of the Institute's latest creations. The synths. As long as the Institute walks invisibly amongst us, they strike without warning and control us from the shadows."
    (Roslyn Chambers' dialogue)
  10. Fallout 4 loading screens: "In the year 2229, a mysterious visitor to Diamond City killed several people. It was only after he was shot dead by city security that the stranger was revealed to be a synth. The people of the Commonwealth have feared The Institute ever since."
  11. Sole Survivor: "Your husband was taken by the Institute?"
    Becky Fallon: "Well he ain't here anymore, that's for sure. Not like the Institute leaves a trail besides those damn synths."
    Sole Survivor: "What do you know about synths?"
    Becky Fallon: "Just what I read in the papers. That the Institute builds 'em, and some even look human. So much you can't tell the real difference. Lucky me, huh? Institute takes my Charlie, and doesn't even bother replacing him."
    (Becky Fallon's dialogue)
  12. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Goodneighbor was founded in the year 2240, by a group of criminals who were banished from Diamond City."
  13. Piper Wright: "Eventually I saved up enough to book us both passage with a caravan and then we moved on up to the big city. Called it home ever since."
    (Piper's dialogue)
  14. Piper Wright: "Crooked guards, lousy infrastructure. Heh. There was a hole in the exterior wall that was patched over with a bookcase. One bookcase. That's it. I started the paper more as an act of desperation than anything else. It turned out, I wasn't the only one who wanted things to change."
    (Piper's dialogue)
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Sole Survivor: "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."
    John Hancock: "I never get many complaints. It's just real rare these days, find someone who's not just willing to take things the way they're handed to them. Too many good folks not willing to get their hands dirty and too many assholes taking advantage of it. Look at what happened to Diamond City. Before McDonough took over, it was a half-decent place to live. A little stricter than I usually go for, but not terrible. I thought he and I had a pretty happy childhood. But then he decides he's gonna try and get elected with his anti-Ghoul crusade - "Mankind for McDonough." Before ya know it, you got families with kids lining up to drag folks they called "neighbor" out of their homes and throw 'em to the ruins."
    The Sole Survivor: "How could they do something like that?"
    John Hancock: "There'd always been a pretty big gulf between the folks living in the stands and folks down on the field. McDonough ran on it because he thought enough of those Upper Stands assholes would vote for him. Guess he was right."
    The Sole Survivor: "It could have gone worse. At least they left with their lives."
    John Hancock: "And how long do you think those folks lasted in the ruins? The city condemned those Ghouls to die. Cowards just got someone else to pull the trigger. I remember storming into his office above the stands after the inauguration speech. He was just standing there, staring out the window, watching as the city turned on the Ghouls. He didn't even look at me, just said: "I did it, John. It's finally mine." Should have killed him right there, but I don't think it would have changed anything. Instead I pleaded with him, begged him to call it off. He said he couldn't. He had nothing against the Ghouls. He was just carrying out the will of the people. And he couldn't betray the voters. And then he smiled. That hideous, fucking mile-long smile. He never smiled like that when we were kids. I didn't even recognize him."
    (Hancock's dialogue)
  16. McDonough: "Welcome, welcome. Good to see you again. I trust you've been sent by our mutual friend, Mister Ayo? I hope he's doing well."
    Sole Survivor: "He's fine."
    McDonough: "I'm glad to hear it. There's a farm out there run entirely by Ghouls, if you can believe it. They might be a problem in the future. I ran on a campaign of strict "No Ghouls Allowed" politics. When you build up a scapegoat, you need them to remain distant and scary. But Ghoul settlements breed Ghoul sympathizers. Let our mutual friends know we might need to... give them a reason to be less friendly... The full details are in my report, along with some other points of interest. Here it is. Make sure that nobody sees this. Better you destroy it than let it fall into the wrong hands."
    (McDonough's dialogue)
  17. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Diamond City Schoolhouse offers a free education to all of the settlement's children, regardless of family or social status."
  18. Duff: "Nuclear power destroyed the world, but without it, Diamond City wouldn't have any electricity!"
    (Duff's dialogue)
  19. Connie Abernathy's dialogue
  20. The Sole Survivor: "Wait. What kind of meat is this?"
    Polly: "You've never heard of Brahmin? Big, dumb, got four legs and two heads? They're the only cattle around. Everything's fresh from the Codman family farms. Sometimes we get weird stuff from the caravans, too."
    (Polly's dialogue)
  21. The Sole Survivor: "Why'd they let you in?"
    Nick Valentine: "Because I'd rescued the mayor's daughter. Gal of about fifteen, pride and joy of the mayor back then, man by the name of Henry Roberts. The young miss Roberts decided she'd run off with some caravan hand she'd known for an evening. Turns out the guy was part of a gang of kidnappers. I didn't even know who I was rescuing, just stumbled on a crying girl and four toughs. I took her home and the Mayor dubbed me a hero, offered me a place in town. Lots of folks protested, said I was a spy, but he wouldn't have it. Taking up in the city was tricky at first, but I never tried to hide what I was and people seemed to warm to that."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)
  22. Zoe's diary
  23. The Sole Survivor: "Wonderful."
    Lizzie Wyath: "So, first up, something to manipulate a target. It's a homemade distillation brewed to mimic human flight pheromones. Toss one these grenades at the feet of your target and convincing the wary settler suddenly becomes a much simpler affair. Now, to function effectively, I had to make the formula... precise... ... so it's not going to work on people in any of the big towns like Bunker Hill or Diamond City nor on caravaners. But for your purposes, hitting settlements out in the Commonwealth, it ought to give you a serious edge."
    (Lizzie Wyath's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.433-438: "[9.08] DIAMOND CITY MARKET
    This is the most well-known, well-defended settlement in the entire Commonwealth. Located in the remains of Boston’s revered baseball stadium, the city houses several businesses and scores of people in divergent social classes. Every resident shares a common bond; they survived under the shadow of the great green wall—that monument to the ingenuity of humankind and their consummate protector.
    [01] All Faiths Chapel
    A multidenominational church open 24 hours a day, run by the friendly Pastor Clements. Sit on a pew in the church to gain benefits of the Quiet Reflection perk.
    [02] Publick Occurrences
    This location is named after the newspaper, which is written, edited, and published by Piper. Her little sister Nat sells copies at the front of their office. She also publishes stories, such as “The Synthetic Truth,” and is currently on the outs with the mayor. Inside the office, you can read her terminal notes and steal some chems and ammo.
    [04] Fallon’s Basement
    This premiere (and only) clothing store sells a variety of prewar attire at the best prices, as well as helpful outfits, like hazmat suits. The proprietor Becky Fallon tells everyone she’s a direct descendant of the original Fallon family. Aside from a large supply of cram, the only item of note is a Holotape you can listen to regarding the Railroad.
    [05] Power Noodles
    This noodle bar was built up against the fusion generator tower in the center of the settlement, where the pitcher’s mound was. The Protectron chef, Takahashi, has a single phrase—“Nan-ni shimasho-ka?” or “What would you like to have?”—and a single item to trade. Noodles, naturally.
    [10] Swatters
    “A swatter never runs out of bullets!” as Moe Cronin is fond of saying. He runs this store specializing in baseball equipment and almost nothing else. Barter with Moe to obtain a unique bat, and speak to him for a couple of quests that can net you some Caps.
    [13] Chem-I-Care
    This is a popular establishment, thanks to the genial owner, Solomon. Selling a complete variety of chems and healing supplies, Solomon may have convinced the populace that the benefits of his wares outweigh the risks. Pick the lock of his house (Novice) for a few more chems to steal inside.
    [14] Mega Surgery
    Despite the corrugated roof, this is a state-of-the-art medical facility offering healing, cybernetic grafts, and even facial reconstruction. Fancy a change in appearance? Sit down under Doctor Sun’s scalpel! There are some other goings on here too; check the listed side quest before descending into the surgery cellar (Advanced).
    [15] Choice Chops
    Fresh Brahmin meat is available from the sullen butcher, Polly (who’s a frustrated poet), or Mole Rat meat if you’re feeling adventurous. You can break into Polly’s house (Novice) if you want to hack her terminal (Novice).
    [18] The Wall
    The great green wall has protected Diamond City for as long as anyone can remember. Only Abbot spends time here keeping the stage from falling into disrepair, the Brahmins fed, and the wall painted.
    [22] Science! Center
    The foremost center of scientific experimentation and discovery in Diamond City, run by the enthusiastic Doctor Duff. Her colleague is a little tired of Duff’s prattling. Take a quiz with Duff if you want. Snoop on Scara’s terminal (Master) if you can.
    [27] Dugout Inn
    This is the primary watering hole of Diamond City. Many of the residents go here in the evenings to grab a drink. Occasionally, the place has guests who are traveling through the Commonwealth, as there are rooms available (and mattresses to sleep on) for 100 Caps. Though the Russian twins who run this place are identical in their features, their personalities are completely different.
    [30] Colonial Taphouse
    The snobbish denizens of the upper area sip their alcohol from this establishment. Receive a dressing down from Wellington in the exterior seating area, then head inside for a pint and a punch if you’re not careful. Look for the Holotape and a floor safe (Advanced) behind the bar.
    [32] Codman Residence
    Break in through the door (Advanced) to the home of the oldest family in Diamond City. The Codmans own the orchard."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  2. Nate Purkeypile on Twitter: "Various settlements I have made on the Fallout series over time. / Also, to clarify, I did the layout, lighting and cluttering. So not just the world art side of things. I enjoy thinking about how a city is laid out and functions. Designers handled the actual NPCs, quests and dialogue."
  3. ArtStation - Portfolio, Nathan Purkeypile
  4. The History of Bethesda Game Studios - Nathan Purkeypile: "That was designed to be that way from the start, like, that was the very first thing I worked on on 游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 Fallout 4, was starting out building Fenway. From the beginning, we knew we wanted, like, those stadium lights and... we knew the player was going to have, like, their first quest pointing towards that. So, I always wanted this beacon. I always like to build worlds in a way where you have these landmarks that you can help orient yourself with, too, and that way, you don't have to pull up the map all the time, like 'where the hell am I?'"
  5. Nate Purkeypile on Twitter: "Holidays were already on my list of things to do when I started building the DC back in 2011, heh. It was important. (to me)"


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.288: "Before the Great War, the area Diamond City was based on was a popular baseball stadium known as Fenway Park, leading to its grounds becoming a location which multiple people flocked to as it provided a great deal of protection from both the elements as well as a symbol of civilization which dissuaded nefarious groups from attacking. As time went on, it developed its own minor economy, and individuals of greater or lesser means stratified themselves in a society which had both prosperous “Upper Stands” and an area known as the “Lower Fields” where the rest of the residents lived."
  2. Winter of Atom p.102: "The Children of Atom are taking over the All Faiths Chapel, citing that they need a place from which they can help the locals. Pastor Clements strongly opposes their occupation of the chapel. Most Lower Field residents trust the Children of Atom and support their speaking out about the resource hoarding of the Upper Stand residents. Lower Stands locals frequently agree with the Church’s critical view of the Minutemen—who they claim are nothing more than a self-serving militia looking for a foothold in the city."