

總統迪克·理查德森(英文名:President Dick Richardson)是2242年中英克雷油井平台英克雷執行官。他是輻射2里的主要對手。


迪克·理查德森的政治生涯開始於2215年之前的某個時間。2215年8月,在其父親理查德森總統的政治壓力下,他以國會議員的身份在英克雷上台。[Non-canon 1]五年後的3月5日,2220年,迪克再次在父親的幫助下當選為總統。[Non-canon 2][1]他開始擔任五個任期中的第一個。

作為總統,迪克·理查德森繼續了英克雷在廢土中取得統治地位的計劃,包括開發由他父親發起的高級動力裝甲項目。完成於2220年10月,迪克立即對研究數據和不良原型結果(包括相關事故、爆炸和死亡)進行分類,以保持英克雷士氣。[Non-canon 3]

在迪克·理查德森的管理下,英克雷也開始了FEV Curling-13的開發。在2236年7月,英克雷偵察兵發現了部分被毀壞的瑪麗博薩軍事基地的廢墟。[Non-canon 4]挖掘小組開始努力挖掘廢墟,最終在2238年獲得了FEV的純樣本。[2]儘管造成了嚴重的傷亡和資源的損失,但該樣本使英克雷開始開發一種生物製劑來消滅全世界的突變體。[3]

LTC查爾斯·居靈博士的領導下,化學兵團立即開始開發一種可行的毒素。到2242年,該項目接近完成,FEV Curling-13幾乎準備好發布。對理查德森來說,這是一個新時代的曙光,也是人類最後的、最好的希望。[4]他認為自己是人類的愛國者和僕人,將地球帶回"真正的"人類,將其從變種人手中奪回。[5][6] 理查德森堅持他對非英克雷人類的漠視,儘管他基於故意模糊的意識形態。在他眼裡,不屬於英克雷的人類,無疑是次等人。[7]

在2242年,理查德森被描述為一個瘦弱、神經質的老人,看上去和他穿的西裝一樣破舊不堪。[8]到2242年底,理查德森被獲選者殺死,在他的夢想實現前幾個小時。[Non-canon 5]隨後的核爆炸從歷史上抹去了總統的所有痕跡,只剩下孤立的英克雷數據庫中的痕跡。[9]



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33 Protector





  • 使用常規手段(使英克雷警覺)。
  • 對他使用八個超級治療針,然後等待副作用殺死他。(不會使英克雷警覺)。
  • 在他身上放置一個活性炸藥並離開另一個部分,他將死亡或被削弱(不會使其他人警覺)。
  • 在第一槍/爆發時潛行成功殺死他(英克雷有時會發出警報,有時不會)。


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  1. Dick Richardson: "{174}{prs19}{I am the elected representative of the people. The United States does still exist. God bless us, every one. We've just had to adapt in order to survive after the war.}"
  2. Military base holodisk 5
  3. Richardson: "{242}{prs42}{Yes, the F.E.V. virus. It was originally developed to turn soldiers into super-warriors but it failed. The warriors were tough and strong, but far too stupid. However, our brilliant Chemical Corps altered it.}"
    The Chosen One: "{243}{}{Altered the virus? Why?}"
    Richardson: "{244}{prs43}{To turn it into a staggeringly effective killer. Any humanoid that isn't inoculated against its effects before its release, will die. That is the Project.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{243}{}{Altered the virus? Why?}"
    Richardson: "{244}{prs43}{To turn it into a staggeringly effective killer. Any humanoid that isn't inoculated against its effects before its release, will die. That is the Project.}"
    The Chosen One: "{245}{}{That's insane.}"
    Richardson: "{246}{prs43a}{No, no. That's humanity's last, best, hope. That's what we've been working towards all these years.}"
  5. Richardson: "{277}{prs56}{You might find that tougher than you think. If you do, I'll go to my reward knowing that I died a patriot and a servant of humanity.}"
  6. Richardson: "{203}{prs28}{It's tiny mocking minds like yours that prove the superiority of real humans over mutants.}"
  7. Dick Richardson: "{262}{prs49}{Never. Part of the president's job is to make the tough decisions. A lot of near-humans will sacrifice their lives for the return of humanity. Humans will prevail.}"
    The Chosen One: "{264}{}{Just because everyone out there doesn't have an exact copy of your DNA that doesn't give you a license to exterminate them.}"
    Dick Richardson: "{267}{prs51}{Oh, I don't relish this decision. If there was another way- but there isn't. No price is too high for the survival of the human race. If you were human, you'd feel the same way.}"
  8. Dick Richardson's description: "{100}{}{You see a man in a suit. He's staring into space. Like he's lookin' at you but he ain't lookin' at you.}"
    "{101}{}{You see the head of the free world, the President of the United States.}"
    "{102}{}{You see a thin, nervous, older man who looks as tired and frayed as the suit he's wearing.}"
  9. Fallout 2 ending: "The destruction of the Enclave erased all trace of President Richardson from history. Now the title of "President" is used as a bogeyman to frighten children."
  10. Qhprzrch.msg
    For FEV, see lines 110, 201, 242, 256, 258, & 287.
    For the Project, see lines 124, 145, 146, 234, 237, 244, 252, & 298.
    For Daniel Bird, see lines 199, 201, & 206.
    For China and Great War, see lines 216 & 218.
    For Vaults, see lines 222-224, 226, 228, & 232.
    For mutation, see lines 208, 228, 232, & 280.
    For villagers, see lines 232, 258, 265, & 280.
  11. W. Brandice.27s terminal & ElderLyons.txt#22: For Fallout 3 mention.
    VFSArcadeGannon.txt#GREETING: For Fallout: New Vegas mention, see GREETING 12, box 2.


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2215 August 1: Congressman Richardson rises to power within the Enclave, aided by pressure from his father, President Richardson."
  2. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike: "2220 March 5: Congressman Richardson is elected president for the first term of five, through aid and political pressure by his father (President Richardson)."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2220 October: Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II Power Armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the President Richardson for the sake of morale."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2236 July 20: Enclave scouts discover the remains of the Mariposa Military Base and find it partially destroyed."
  5. Fallout Bible 0: "Fall 2242: Fallout 2 Ends: The Chosen One enters the Enclave using the damaged tanker and destroys the Poseidon oil platform, killing the President of the United States and ending the Enclave's plans for world domination.
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)

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