Fallout4 Concept Salesman
我的想法是探索更多的世界和后核世界更多的伦理,而不是制造更好的电浆枪。Tim Cain, Duck and Cover[Non-game 1]

异尘余生世界不是我们自己的世界,而是一个在二战前共享许多历史里程碑的宇宙。[Non-game 2][Non-game 3] 所以,虽然它发生在未来,但它不是我们的未来,它与我们自己的世界存在分歧(英文名:Divergence),而是反映传统的 1950 年代科幻小说“明日世界”的未来。[Non-game 4] 简而言之,异尘余生的世界是一个折衷主义的、主要是复古未来主义的背景,用于探索、分析、有时讽刺人类的伦理、信仰以及与暴力的亲密关系。



辐射世界是一个管家机器人投入应用,小型激光武器成为常态的世界。汽车看起来都像是20世纪50年代的概念车:镀铬,有着巨大的尾翼,并且由核聚变发动机提供动力。虽然有类似于台式电脑的终端机(外观与20世纪80年代商业化的台式电脑相似,图形界面原始且储存容量极小),但计算机的体型普遍巨大,并使用磁带储存(虽然样式古老,但在某些方面比我们现代的超级计算机更加强大)。服装风格,建筑,装修和家具仍旧严重受到20世纪50年代美国文化的影响,这一时期的流行风格,如艺术装饰风格和未来主义仍然在辐射世界中有普遍体现,海报和标识也倾向20世纪50年代的风格。电台,而不是电视,仍然是最普遍的大众媒体,并且食品也是快餐时代中所普及的(如盒装芝士通心粉,肉罐头,索尔兹伯里牛肉饼等)。广播电台主要播放20世纪中叶的美国经典,如The Ink Spots,猫王和Andrew Sisters,尽管这可以解释为只有这些唱片在大戰后幸存。


在辐射世界中,20世纪50年代偏执的政治观点和共产主义与资本主义两大阵营的对立,仍是北美地区人们日常生活的一部分。例如在Take it Back!任务中,自由至尊高喊的口号“Death is a preferable alternative to communism!”(比起共产主义,死亡是更好的选择!)对应50年代“Better dead than Red!”的反共口号。反共宣传在美国流行文化中似乎也有体现,如电子游戏(Red Menace,即红色威胁 等)和漫画(Commie-Kazi vs. Manta Man,即蝠鲼侠vs共产海豚)等。


相比之下,收音机保持了主要媒体地位而电视并没有,食用产品则基于广告宣传的 TV-dinner(暂译为“电视餐”,也叫做冷冻餐、冰箱餐、微波餐或者即食餐。指独立包装的冷冻或冷藏餐食。这种餐食基本不需加工,而且包含了一顿单人餐所需的所有成分。)时代产物。(奶焗通心粉,罐装肉,索尔伯利兹牛肉饼电视餐 等。) 广播站主要放送 The Ink SpotsBing Crosby,或者 The Andrews Sisters等歌手的20世纪中期美国经典曲目。这一现象也可以被不完全地解释为只有这些唱片和音轨在核战争中被保存下来。

幸存的歌曲包括40年代到50年代各式各样的曲目,甚至更多的之后几十年间的无名的唱片。战前的歌手像Vera KeyesDean Domino则是在全息磁带上发布处女作的。


辐射世界与现实之间的差异最早形成的时间尚不清楚,但应该不会早于1945年——也就是第二次世界大战结束的那一年。产生差异的一个可能的原因是辐射世界里的电子设备发展水平不及现实世界——比较有力的证据是在辐射世界中,晶体管直到2023年才被发明出来[1],远远晚于现实世界中的1947年。这或许能够解释为什么游戏中的电脑技术为什么相对落后。事件对应的日期很难确定,因为即使在时间线分歧之后,两个时间线也并不是完全错开的。 例如,Fallout 3核弹镇的某些居民偶尔会说“不要让他们打着嬉皮士的幌子欺骗你”,以及 辐射: 新维加斯 隐秘山谷地堡的涂鸦包含反核,亲 “和平”口号,让人联想到60年代反主流文化所使用的口号。 虽然“嬉皮”一词早在1945年就已存在,但它直到20世纪60年代才进入主流美国词典中。很明显,类似于我们世界中嬉皮反文化的兴起也发生在辐射宇宙中,或者嬉皮士运动也可能正常发生。 Fallout 4 的开头动画也表明,对广岛和长崎的轰炸等第二次世界大战的事件以同样时间与方式发生,证明了1945年是时间线分歧前的最后时间点。

虽然辐射的时间线与我们的时间线在1945年之后的某个时间发生了重大分歧,但是在1945年之前的辐射时间线中也发生了一些与我们的时间线不同的事件。 然而,这些都不会对人类历史产生重大影响。 这些差异中最值得注意的是在地球轨道上存在一个外星宇宙飞船,以及至少1603年以来对人类进行的外星人相关的绑架和实验。其他辐射时间线独有事件的例子包括: 1918年首次制造夕阳沙士,1932年维姬万斯的犯罪狂潮,以及Vim! 流行公司 于1931年的成立,在第二次世界大战结束的十多年前。 1943年建造的密苏里号在自由博物馆的壁画中的不同之处在于,她有4个主炮塔,而不是3个。


FNV Nevada flag nif

内华达州州旗在米歇尔医生的家门外飘扬 (注意在左边增加的“西南联邦”)



在时间线分歧之后美国国旗的更改,证明美国发生了巨大的变化。 在1969年,50个州被巩固(加利福尼亚则是分裂)为13个联邦,尽管看起来各州本身保留了一定程度的主权(从米歇尔医生房屋外面的内华达州旗以及各种车牌装饰上有州名而不是联邦名称可以看出 )。然而这可以被看作是一种更简单的整合版图的方式,因为将三个州合并为联邦会导致形成三个一模一样的版图。

在时间线分歧之后对政治家的记载不多,Fallout 2 中提及1972年至1974年的美国总统为理查德·尼克松。根据GNN News transcript记载,在2075年2月,一位不知名的美国总统因为横穿马路被弹劾。 该记录还提到,在总统结束国际石油谈判后不久,“美国经济正在经历自里根时期以来的最大增长。” 这表明罗纳德·里根曾在20世纪80年代担任总统。

同样,我们对辐射世界中的美国政治知之甚少。丹尼尔·伯德, 杰克·史密斯阿盖尔提到“共和党人”(分别在Fallout 2Fallout 3Fallout: New Vegas),暗示共和党在辐射世界中以某种形式存在。


种族隔离似乎已经结束,至少这种现象在军队中是明显的,例如托马斯·摩根中尉。 妇女的公民权利似乎也取得了进步,妇女如男性一般正常地担任军事战斗职业,如Anchorage Reclamation simulation所示。

美国似乎已经向越南宣战,因为在Fallout Tactics中的Interplay / Microforte片头中可以听到有关这一事件的评论。 它的发生时间和结果仍是未知的。 在我们的时间线上,美国从未真正向越南宣战,尽管其在1965年至1973年期间大规模部署了作战部队。






时间线分歧的其中一点是战前美国的价格膨胀。 可能是因为化石燃料的稀缺,战时支出以及世界性的政权不稳定,美元在大战前的几年中经历了严重的通货膨胀。 许多东西,从汽车,汽油到玩具和食品,价格都远高于我们的世界。 值得注意的例子是:

  • 战前加油站遗留的信息显示,2077年时的汽油价格高达每加仑8500美元。
  • 在红火箭维修站,A级的核冷却剂每加仑售价119美元,C级售价121美元。
  • 由甜甜圈和一杯咖啡组成的简餐价格为32美元。
  • 2077年,奶油小马要价16,000美元。
  • 像波士顿号角报和华盛顿邮报这样的报纸每期售价56美元。漫画和杂志,如枪支和子弹无人能挡惊世奇谭,根据具体内容,价格从15美元到33美元不等。
  • Chryslus Corvega于2077年上市,价格"仅"为199,999美元。
  • 避难所计划(也称为安全屋计划或社会保护计划)最初计划投入4000亿美元建设122个避难所,但到2077年膨胀到6450亿美元。



主页面: Petroleum



目前还不清楚在异尘余生宇宙中是否有任何与石油需求相关的幕后事件(鉴于其技术应用和燃料资源与我们的不同),但这很奇怪,因为有战前的替代能源,比如普罗米修斯煤炭太阳神一号太阳能,绿道水耕法蜥蜴城核电厂奥尔尼电厂胡佛大坝发电厂等等。目前还不清楚 2052 年欧洲能源短缺到底有多严重,导致了欧洲联邦-中东战争,中国能源短缺导致了中美战争,因为在异尘余生世界的任何地方都没有提到不可告人的地缘政治动机或人为需求 。

辐射4辐射76仍然存在石油。它是一种用于制造的物品,意思是“包罗万象”的物品(意味着它可以是石油以外的油),但它的外观和存在于诸如灯笼油箱Mr. Handy fuel等物品中暗示它是一种石油衍生物。




战前美国除 50 个州外还由13个联邦组成,充当州政府和联邦政府之间的中间治理层。旨在帮助制定足够广泛的立法,使具有共同区域关切的国家受益,但又足够狭窄,不会影响具有不同利益或政治文化的国家。 辐射4麻薩諸塞州議會大廈的牌匾将 1969 年定为“十三个联邦”的成立日期。



  • 大量战前的当代建筑是1940/50年代艺术装饰风格和1950/60年代的现代主义风格的。
  • 我们世界中界定弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县的摩天大厦并不存在。
  • 美国国家航空航天博物馆之类的建筑被替换为科技博物馆。美国自然历史博物馆和美国历史博物馆被替换为历史博物馆。很多史密斯学会的博物馆都没有出现在游戏中。
  • Fallout世界的许多名人半身像在很多建筑物中都存在,这些名人在我们的世界中都不存在。
  • 国会大厦在正面(朝向国家广场一面)有两段阶梯步级而不是两侧的阶梯。
  • 游戏中的国家广场比现实的要小。(尽管这也可以被看作证实首都废土比真正的哥伦比亚特区小的例子)
  • 地下铁道网也与现实有所区别;部分线路和车站不同。(Fallout 3中特区的地铁网有三条线路:红线,白线和蓝线;而现实中的特区地铁网有六条线路:红线,橙线,黄线,蓝线,绿线和银线。但不可否认的是Fallout 3发行时银线还只是规划中的线路,甚至都还没有拨款兴建)
  • 游戏中的华盛顿纪念碑有钢筋骨架,而真实的纪念碑则没有。
  • 五角大楼座落处也与我们的宇宙不同,位于波托马克河畔,阿灵顿纪念桥(游戏内被重命名为Francis Scott基桥)旁。
  • 一张高架单轨铁路网遍及了城市主体和周围区域。我们的时间线中可没有这样的铁路网,尽管有部分“地铁”轨道实际上是高出地面的。例如华盛顿联合车站和森林幽谷站之间的红线轨道段,以及越过波托马克河的黄线轨道段。
  • 很多我们的时间线中在1950/60年代修建的建筑和纪念碑等(例如越战纪念碑、二战纪念碑 、国民公园球场、朝鲜战争纪念碑、富兰克林罗斯福纪念碑、西奥多罗斯福纪念碑、肯尼迪中心、新闻博物馆 等)在游戏中要不然根本没被建造,要不然被摧毁殆尽或彻底遗忘。
  • 华盛顿联合车站没有在游戏中出现。
  • 美国联邦最高法院大楼没有在游戏中出现。
  • 工厂仍然相当普遍,就像20世纪40-60年代美国工业经济时期的情况一样,同时,尽管工业流水线使用机器人技术达到高度自动化,但以现代标准来看依然很原始。



  • 立交的高速公路在这片区域纵横交错,某些区域的路段可以高达离地85到100英尺(26到30米),甚至穿过波士顿的中心。
  • 未来主义风格的摩天大楼遍及波士顿中心区,而且由于波士顿受到的核打击相对较弱,许多建筑直到210年后依然耸立在地平线上。
  • 波士顿的航空港——爱德华·劳伦斯·洛根国际机场设计同实际的完全不同,它的航站楼外观更接近现实中的洛杉矶国际机场。
  • 波士顿的市中心位于半岛上,南北方向都是水。
  • 莱克星顿比现实中的要小一些。
  • 斯克利广场在辐射世界中依然存在,现实中,它于1962年被拆除。
  • 在法尼尔厅对面于1825年开张的昆西市场(波士顿内)连同环绕着它的商圈在游戏中都不存在。
  • 庇护山丘在现实中并不像游戏中一样在社区出口路右侧有一座民兵雕像,实际上是一座与游戏中完全不同的民兵雕像且在路正中央。而进出庇护山丘经过的那座桥在现实中确实存在。最后一点是,庇护山丘实际上不包含一个社区,而是一片开阔的空地。
  • 凯伯宅邸(建于1711年)在我们的世界中从未被建立过。


  • 新拉斯维加斯大道的不同之处在于,大量的拉斯维加斯赌场和显眼的建筑物从未建成,而是被其他建筑物取代,或者根本就不存在。
  • 迈克 · 奥卡拉汉-帕特 · 蒂尔曼纪念大桥,与胡佛大坝毗邻,承载着来自93号公路的车辆(以前是穿过大坝本身) ,但这座大桥没有建成。然而,大桥直到2010年10月14日才竣工,就在《辐射: 新维加斯》上映前几天。
  • At some point, Nevada State Route 160 replaced Nevada State Route 161 as Goodsprings Road, passing through the main area of the town and converging with I-15 in Jean. The pre-War road signs show NV-161 as Goodsprings Road, but NV-160 signs run along the road up to and through the town in-game.


  • The Pittsburgh steel industry grew to the point there are factories and steelyards in the upper town area in the Fallout universe. In our timeline, in Pittsburgh the steel industry has mostly gone out of business, and the remaining steel mills are outside of the city itself.[Non-game 5]
  • The Pitt Bridge before the war was actually an updated version (specifically remodeled after the 10th Street bridge)[2] of the Wabash bridge in the Fallout universe. As for our timeline, the Wabash bridge was demolished in 1948 after decades of neglect. Two piers remain in places today, the only remnants of the bridge still in place at the original site in our timeline.
  • Haven, used by Ishmael Ashur as a home is the Cathedral of Learning in the middle of downtown Pittsburgh. In our reality, the Cathedral of Learning is located outside of downtown Pittsburgh on the University of Pittsburgh's main campus in the Oakland neighborhood, east of downtown.


  • The Cathedral is a prominent building that was built post-War and appears in the original Fallout is not in the real world.
  • Los Angeles is depicted as being significantly more developed, with several rows of skyscrapers throughout the city - these ruined skyscrapers gave it the post-War moniker of the Boneyard.


  • The Lighthouse that appears in-game looks very different in real life.
  • In the Fallout universe John Smith discovered Point Lookout in 1612; in OTL it was in 1608. Also due to a gunpowder explosion in 1609 he had to return to England for treatment and didn't return to the Americas until 1615.


  • 远港周围的海岸似乎比我们的世界要高很多。


  • The character on the Camden Park sign is different than the one used in real life (which is a clown). The park is also missing a few rides/attractions as well as certain areas of the park such as the picnic shelter.
  • Huntington and Wheeling don’t appear in-game, whereas they are two of the largest cities in West Virginia in real life.
  • Flatwoods is much smaller, featuring only a small version of the older town. Most (if not all) of the newer areas don’t appear.
  • Sutton dam is not featured in-game.
  • West Virginia University is now known as Vault-Tec University and has a simulated vault inside.
  • The Greenbrier Resort has been renamed to the Whitespring Resort, and the bunker underneath looks closer to a vault than it does in real life.
  • Hillbilly Hotdogs has been renamed to Hillfolk Hotdogs, it has fewer decorations, and is on the opposite side of the road.
  • The New River Gorge Bridge appears right over Flatwoods in-game whereas in real life they are further away from each other.
  • The Mothman statue in Point Pleasant doesn’t have arms, whereas it does in real life.
  • The Greenbank telescope is on a hill whereas in real life it’s in a large field; it has also been renamed in-game to the National Isolated Radio Array. The science center does not appear in-game.
  • The Summersville lighthouse is further away from the lake than it is in real life, and has been renamed to Landview Lighthouse.
  • The Tamarack does not appear in-game.
  • The Pumpkin house is far to the northeast in-game, whereas in real life it is to the southwest near Kenova and Huntington.



与现实相比,辐射世界最大的区别之一在于数字计算机和电子产品没有出现小型化趋势。最突出的例子是晶体管,在现实世界中早在1947年便被发明出来,并在随后的半个世纪中掀起一场微电子革命。但在辐射世界中,晶体管直到2067年才发明,而它的后继产品——半导体微处理器芯片更是从未出现过。这直接影响了辐射世界中的数字计算机发展,在游戏中,计算机并不像现实里的那样普及,而且它们大多采用老式的磁带作为存储介质,不仅内存狭小,还需要占用大量的安放空间。辐射世界中的个人计算机虽然小很多,但同现实相比,他们依然显得很笨重,而且基本上都采用单色的阴极射线管显示器,带有一体式的键盘,外观上近似于现实中1970年代的Intertec Superbrain计算机,以及苹果公司设计师哈特穆特·艾斯林格为Apple II计算机设计的原型。不过不可否认的是,这些计算机大都十分坚实、可靠,甚至在被制造出来210年后还可以正常运作。这些计算机在计算能力方面非常先进,说明了计算机科技依然在进步(虽然比我们的宇宙中要慢一些),但是在微型化计算机的领域并没有取得更高的成就:像哔哔小子合成人这类科技需要微型化的电子元件来支持运行。同时也不存在便于操作的图标化的图形用户界面(GUI),而这种界面于20世纪80年代以商业宣传的形式首次出现在我们的世界。用户界面(UI)依然基本保持为命令行模式,并且弱化的语音交互(VUI)(像20世纪50年代科幻小说中的计算机那样)发展使得图形用户界面对于这些系统来说有些冗余。




在Fallout宇宙中,核能并不仅用于制造原子弹,也应用于核反应堆发电。核反应发电是世界观中一种十分重要的能量来源。现实世界中用来给市镇供电的大规模核裂变反应堆在Fallout宇宙中要常见的多。这些核电站要小得多并且经常分布在市镇或城市下方,例如纽约市下方几乎熔毁的核电站和 奥尔尼下方的发电厂。但是和我们的世界里优先发展电子产品的微型化一样,Fallout宇宙中也优先发展核反应堆的微型化。

这些核能发电装置被微型化为能安装到日常设备中,就像我们世界中的内燃机,例如汽车引擎、小型发电机甚至可以是核裂变电池。 可控核聚变,一种在现实世界中还没有被科学家完全掌握用来产能的技术,在Fallout宇宙中发展得比较成熟。聚变反应堆被用来给载具供能,并且像动力电池一样被缩为一般供能电池的尺寸,可以为军事化的中型能量武器作为标准化供能手段。 许多这些战前能量来源依然在Fallout 3和Fallout: New Vegas的时间段中正常运行。其中一个例子便是废土上遍及的收音机和电视机。Fallout 3的首发预告中,毁坏巴士收音机中的迷你反应堆还在外泵出能量。这也解释了废土上许多收音机和电视机中都没有多少输能缆线。


随着核能科技的快速发展与广泛运用,长期暴露在和核辐射下也带来了放射性元素中毒的风险。为了应对该种威胁,Fallout宇宙中放射性治疗和接种科技发展得比较成熟。在现实世界中这些科技都没有撑过早期试验。[Non-game 6]




The development of nuclear weapons in the Fallout world differed from our universe in that the majority of nuclear weapons remained in aircraft-delivered bomb form, while only a minority were miniaturized into warheads and placed atop ballistic missiles. The progress of nuclear weapons apparently stayed at the atom bomb level and improving upon it; thermonuclear and hydrogen bombs were either never researched or abandoned in favor of atom bombs. There are a few examples of a nuclear missile in-game: the Minuteman ICBM in Fort Constantine. Other areas, such as Fort Bannister and the Wheaton Armory, have missile silo doors that are similar to the one found at Fort Constantine but feature no apparent way to launch missiles. This suggests that the missiles in these facilities were launched during the Great War. In The Divide, there are a large number of un-launched ICBM's, suggesting they were prepped for launch, but never got the call during the short period of mass destruction. It is suggested that nuclear-capable countries, such as the U.S. and China, had begun converting their nuclear stockpiles to ballistic missile form by the time of the Great War in 2077. Aircraft-delivered nuclear weapons took the form of the old-style bombs used in the 1940s and 1950s, similar to the Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki in World War II. Although electronic miniaturization was accomplished in the Fallout universe, nuclear bombs of the late twenty-first century still retained the Fat Man-esque shape. However, in New Vegas, Mr. House mentions having defended the city from 77 nuclear missiles, suggesting that the Chinese at least had access to substantial numbers of warheads in missile form. Also, information on the computer terminals found in the Washington, D.C. Museum of Technology would suggest that the American military recommissioned the Delta IX rockets as nuclear warhead vectors. Additionally, the "Minuteman" series of nuclear missiles (First launched in 1962 in our universe) appear to have also been developed and expanded on in the Fallout world, as "Minuteman XI" missiles appear in both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, while the Minuteman III is the latest in our world.


Rifles retained designs of weapons that originated in the 1940s and 1950s, such as the AK47 or FN FAL. There is evidence that despite the diverging timelines, weapons development in the Fallout universe followed a similar path to ours. Picatinny rails (a technology that is only recently been implemented in our universe) as well as weapons such as pump-action grenade launchers and break-action grenade rifles, which were developed around the 1960s for the Vietnam War in our timeline. Handguns also retained similar designs to those of the early 20th century. Heavy weapons, such as missile launchers and the Fat Man, had unique designs such as side mounted foregrips and pneumatic ammunition loading systems. Weapons that seem impractical in our timeline, such as nuclear catapults and man-portable miniguns, were extensively developed in the Fallout timeline and issued to frontline troops. Ammunition calibers that are not common in our timeline, such as the 10mm, are widely used in the Fallout era, while common ammunition in our timeline, such as .50 BMG, .45 ACP, etc. is utilized for more specialized roles, such as high caliber rifles and submachine guns.

Guided missiles exist in the Fallout timeline, but are much less commonly used. As mentioned above, intercontinental ballistic missiles existed during the Great War, however, most nuclear weapons appeared to be free-fall bombs. Smaller hand-held Missile launchers capable of locking onto targets, particularly metallic targets such as robots or turrets with the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System also exist, possibly originally intended as anti-tank, anti-power armor, and/or anti-robot weapons. Guided missile cruisers such as the USS Ebon Atoll were also in service with the US Navy by the 2050s. In spite of the development of handheld and naval missile systems, aircraft launched air-to-air or air-to-ground missiles may not been invented until the time of the Great War, as the primary armament of Great War-era Fighter jets of the game appear to be armed only with nose-mounted machine guns, suggesting aerial warfare tactics changed little since the 1950s. Guided missile launchers have only been confirmed on the cutting-edge Vertibird VTOL aircraft.




異塵餘生宇宙有三臺重要的衛星軌道武器。一臺代號為Highwater-Trousers(短管長褲)的軌道飛彈平臺,在異塵餘生3中可透過衛星站的終端機使用。一臺名為Bradley-Hercules(布萊德利-海克力士)的高爆飛彈軌道平臺,此武器在異塵餘生3的拓展包Broken Steel中摧毀了Liberty Prime(自由至尊)。出現於異塵餘生:新維加斯中,搭載雷射的Archimedes II(阿基米德二世)。他們都瞄準了地表上的某個位置,可以消滅任何威脅。遊戲中的對話表明核武器與雷射武器的軌道武器網路都是存在的。

現實世界的衛星軌道武器實例是蘇聯的8K69部分軌道轟擊系統(Fractional Orbital Bombardment System,FOBS),是將裝載核子飛彈的可重返大氣層載具部屬在低地球軌道,可待機無限久並以前所未有的速度於全球發動襲擊,類似遊戲中英克雷的Bradley-Hercules平臺。部分軌道轟擊系統於1982年逐步淘汰,以符合現已失效的SALT II條約,該條約禁止將大規模殺傷性武器部屬到地球的衛星軌道上。


辐射宇宙擅长于机器人技术,以至于机器人渗透到战前的社会中,并扮演着各种角色,包括军队和平民。机器人遛宠物、从商店里取东西、照顾孩子、取悦公众的模仿名人,甚至参加过军队战斗。 机器人的类型和它们的物理特征各不相同,从两足的保护者,到像机器脑和巧手/打手先生这样的,跟踪和悬停的机器人,再到中美战争期间为从中国手中夺回阿拉斯加而设计的巨大的自由至尊机器人。机器人通常由核电池和能量电池提供动力,这意味着许多机器人在2077年的核灾难中幸存了下来。





Despite the development of jet power, some civilian airliners still use propellers, as evidenced by the aircraft at Camp McCarran in New Vegas. Wrecked airplanes found at Boston International Airport have enormous frames, being almost the size of a cargo plane and have five nuclear jet engines arranged in a cluster formation on each wing, for a total of 10 engines, with passenger seating integrated into the wing.

Human spaceflight has also been achieved in the Fallout timeline, being developed roughly analogous to its development in our universe during the early 1960s. In 1961 the first animal was sent into space - an American house cat called Mr. Pebbles, not a stray Russian dog called Laika. Also in 1961, On May 5 the United States allegedly carried out the first manned space mission, and on July 16, 1969, American astronauts set foot on the moon. By the early 21st century, the early space capsules had given way to manned rockets resembling spacecraft from mid-20th century science fiction. Ballistic missiles, satellite weapons, and reusable spaceplanes were all operating by 2077.






Another technological difference between the Fallout universe and our own is the approach taken to plastic polymer use. In the Fallout universe, plastic is far less prevalent than in our own, with glass and metal alloys being the materials of choice. This is likely due to the scarcity of oil in the Fallout universe, which is essential to manufacture plastic. Syringes are glass and reusable, stimpaks come in a glass vial inside a metal casing, etc.

Although water seems to come in plastic Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE) bottles, the shape and size of the bottles themselves suggest they are mainly part of laboratory equipment. Intravenous preparations like RadAway and blood packs also come in plastic bags. However, the American military has widely employed plastic polymers - military combat armor is made of advanced defensive polymers, as is the T-51b power armor and later power armor models in the line. In Fallout 4, plastic containers and products are more common, with examples being bottles for automotive products such as coolant and antifreeze, as well as some household products such as bread boxes and dog food bowls. In spite of this, plastics are still far less common in Fallout 4 than in real life, as seen with the prevalence of glass stimpak syringes and Nuka-Cola bottles.



主页面: Baseball (sport)

Specific teams are rarely accurately referenced by name but there are some key divergences in the Fallout timeline to be observed. A terminal in the Boston Bugle building reveals an article that states that "it has been 159 years since this city has revealed in the joy of a World Series victory." This would mean 1918 was the last time Boston won a world series. In reality, they have since won in 2004, 2007, 2013, and 2018. (This could be a reference to the Curse of the Bambino, which in reality was broken in 2004.) The article also makes reference to ways Boston has previously lost their chance to win. The line "[lost by a] ball that rolls disastrously through an infielder's legs," is a clear reference to the nature of the error made by Boston first baseman Bill Buckner that allowed the New York Mets to win Game 6 of the 1986 World Series (and eventually the whole series) over Boston when the Red Sox were one strike away from winning the game and the championship.

In the Commonwealth, the baseball uniform and cap have a red-and-white color scheme, suggesting the Red Sox departed from their traditional red and navy blue uniforms. Furthermore, batting helmets found throughout the Commonwealth are royal blue.

Diamond City, a walled city built within the confines of the Red Sox home stadium Fenway Park, features a collection of retired team numbers in the left-field stands. These numbers include 1, 4, and 6, which are retired numbers in reality. Most of the remainder of the team's currently retired numbers (8, 9, 14, 26, 27, 45, and 49) are not present. Two numbers that are not retired in reality are retired in the divergent timeline: 11 and 13.

Finally, there are also two numbers retired in reality that were likely retired in the Fallout universe at some point after the Divergence occurred; the numbers 21 and 33, worn in reality by Roger Clemens and Jason Varitek, respectively.[需要澄清]

Boston's opponent in the 2077 World Series is mentioned in the game as being from Texas.[3] This suggests the Texas Rangers, but it makes no sense with current timeline teams because both the Rangers and the Red Sox are American League teams and would not be facing each other in the World Series. It's possible that the opponent was meant to be the Houston Astros, but this team is commonly referred to as 'Houston' to differentiate it from the Rangers.

Not only that, but the Astros are also currently an American League team, giving the same problem. This could be remedied when one considers that until 2013 the Astros were a National League team. It is also possible the divergence includes a new team being designated 'Texas' or that the Rangers moved to the National League.

The schedule of the World Series also suggests a possible divergence from modern baseball. The fourth game of the 2077 World Series is scheduled for October 23. The length needed for the playoffs (as well as possible delays due to weather, etc.) means the first game of the World Series usually begins after October 20 and can easily continue into November before being definitively won. A World Series being resolved by October 23 is technically possible but unlikely. A possible explanation is that there may be less than 30 teams and therefore a shorter playoff series, or that the playoffs are organized differently. It is also possible the playoffs proceeded exceptionally quickly that year.

Finally, given that the baseball card of Matt "The Missile" Murtagh includes batting statistics when he is a pitcher, it suggests that the designated hitter rule was never implemented in the Fallout version of the American League, or at least it was eventually rescinded before 2077. It is more likely this is a mistake, as one of the Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test questions lists designated hitter as an answer,[4] and the stats listed on his baseball card appear more akin to a position player than a pitcher's, although the text is too small to be sure.


American football diverged in the Fallout world in a variety of ways:

The only information on the Super Bowl in Fallout comes from the Sierra Depot GNN transcript, which is of questionable accuracy due to lore contradictions and Chris Avellone's dismissal of it in the Fallout Bible.[8] According to the transcript, Super Bowl CXII (112) was played by the Little Rock Saints and Anaheim Jets, which suggests that the National Football League and American Football League also merged in the Fallout timeline, as in our timeline, the Super Bowl was created as part of this merger. While in the real world the Super Bowl began in 1967, a 1967 origin does not match with Super Bowl 112 being played in 2075 (starting in 1967, Super Bowl 112 would be in 2079).

The transcript also shows smaller teams that moved to other cities stayed in place, as the Little Rock Saints became the New Orleans Saints in our timeline, and the Anaheim team in the real world was the Rams, who later became the Saint Louis Rams.[9]


The Olympics, an international sporting event with summer and winter games, continued to be held in the Fallout world. The only direct mention of a specific Olympics is the 2060 Olympics, in which future Vault 76 resident A. Vince attained a bronze medal in the decathlon event.[10] Although the closure of other intentional entities (such as the United Nations) and the global conflict stemming from the Resource Wars would have made Olympics in later years much more improbable, the Pioneer Scout Athlete exam features two questions that are worded in such a way that would indicate the Olympics were still being held at the time of writing.[11][12] Additionally, the Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries reference ski slopes at the resort that are "not exactly Olympics-caliber," in a message dated from 2076.[13]


  • The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment emblem changed from red and white to yellow and white.
  • The B-29 Superfortress that crashed in Lake Mead was a combat aircraft, rather than one re-purposed as a meteorological aircraft.
  • The Trans-Alaskan pipeline, which in our timeline runs North to South through Alaska, was built with sections of the pipeline going through Canada.
  • The Whitespring Resort is constructed in 1858 instead of the Greenbrier Resort.
  • The Sunset Sarsaparilla Company is founded in 1918.[14]
  • Two criminals called Vikki and Vance go on a crime spree in 1932.[15]
  • Vim! Pop Incorporated was founded in 1931.
  • The USS Missouri from 1943 as depicted in the mural in the Museum of Freedom differs from the real world vessel in that she has four main battery turrets rather than three.
  • The Washington Post, founded in 1877, is called the Capitol Post.
  • The Rad rather than the Sievert became the standard unit for measuring radiation.


  1. In the Cabot House terminal entries, the transistor is mentioned in an entry that dates to 2023
  2. Subject: New Smithfield Street Bridge
  3. Newscaster
  4. G.O.A.T. question 4: "Congratulations! You made one of the Vault 101 baseball teams! Which position do you prefer?"
    1. Pitcher
    2. Catcher
    3. Designated Hitter
    4. None, you wish the vault had a soccer team
  5. Vintage football outfit
  6. Caesar's Legion armor
  7. Raider nomad outfit
  8. See Sierra Depot GNN transcript for further details.
  9. Sierra Depot GNN transcript: "Transcript of Broadcast February 14, 2075: In sports today, the Little Rock Saints and the Anaheim Jets battled it out at Super Bowl CXII. It was a real nail-biter, but J. Montana IV managed to save the day by running the ball all the way from the 5 yard line to score the winning touch down during the final seconds of the game. The final score 95 - 90. The Anaheim Jets win Super Bowl CXII."
  10. Vault 76 terminal entries; Personnel terminal, UNSAVED WORK
  11. Pioneer Scout exams; Athlete: "Most athletes bulk up by lifting weights, but weightlifting itself is a competition as well! Only a few lifts are used in Olympic weightlifting, however. Which of these lifts is no longer used?"
  12. Pioneer Scout exams; Athlete: "Brendan is a fast runner. Really fast! He might even run in the Olympics someday. Which sprinting event should he NOT train for if he wants to run an Olympic event?"
  13. Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries; Resort manager's terminal, Intra-Resort Mail 03.28.76
  14. Sunset Sarsaparilla logo
  15. Primm Slim


  1. Chat with Tim Cain; March 9th, 2002
  2. The Art of Fallout 4, p. 22: "BOSTON
    Much of modern-day Boston's skyline consists of buildings that were constructed well after Fallout's timeline diverged from our own. The taller structures that make the city recognizable are too contemporary in their designs. That gave us a blank slate to work with in terms of designing our version of a city of tomorrow. The older historical aspects of the city were retained for authenticity, but we wanted to layer them with some futuristic architecture, as this is a type of environment that hasn't been explored yet in the Fallout universe. As you can see in these early concepts, we explored some pretty far-out ideas for just how built up and evolved our version of Boston would be. We ended up with a more balanced approach—something that felt different but was still a grounded and relatable metropolis."
  3. Bethesda Softworks v Behaviour Interactive: "The FALLOUT franchise of video games draws gamers into alternate history, diverging from existing reality shortly following WWII. The various FALLOUT video games largely take place in the years following the destruction of the earth as people begin to emerge from their underground vaults into the nuclear wasteland."
  4. Leonard Boyarsky Developer Profile: "As Art Director, I was responsible for the look and mood of the game (as far as visuals were concerned). I came up with the idea of the "future of the fifties" setting, and had to convince everyone that that was the way to go. I also came up with the idea/design for the "Vault Boy" and the "cards" (as I called them) showing him doing all the different things in humorous ways. By the way, he's not the Pip Boy, the Pip Boy is the little guy on your Pip Boy interface. The Vault Boy was supposed to evoke the feel of Monopoly cards, and the Pip Boy was based on the Bob's Big Boy mascot."
  5. Economy of Pittsburgh on Wikipedia: "Once the center of the American steel industry, and still known as "The Steel City", today the city of Pittsburgh has no steel mills within its limits, though Pittsburgh-based companies such as US Steel, Ampco Pittsburgh and Allegheny Technologies own several working mills in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area."
  6. Experimental treatments for radiation poisoning on Wikipedia
  7. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide pp. 5-17: "The original Leather Armor was designed for Motorcycle Football and other dangerous contact sports. It is likely that the simple construction techniques required to produce armor of this design will make it a popular choice following a nuclear disaster. It provides moderate protection, and the light construction makes it easier to dodge attacks while worn. Unfortunately, it provides little to no protection against explosions or plasma attacks."

