關於孤独之路任务,參見The Courier (quest)
關於其他同名物品,參見courier (disambiguation)




在接受交付铂金芯片的合同之前,信使已经穿越新加州,从15號公路普瑞姆Circle Junction新里诺地下掩體都市遗弃堡以及在大圈驱使婆罗门[1][2]他们还受雇向死谷附近的一个社区递送包裹,包裹内的技术在他们离开后导致地下核爆炸,创造了一个被称为分水岭的敌对地区。[3][4]




  • 诺瓦克布鲁斯·艾萨克的交谈中,信使可以陈述他们以前去过新里诺,并参加过他在鲨鱼俱乐部的一场演出。[15]
  • 当与小巴斯特交谈时,信使可以暗示他们在某个时候做过赏金猎人。[16]
  • 信使最初并不知道夕阳沙士星标瓶盖的稀有和价值,因为马尔科姆•福尔摩斯说信使在找到第一个瓶盖时没有表现出任何反应。[17]
  • 即使你没有在隐秘山谷接触过钢铁兄弟会,信使也可以在第一次与維羅尼卡交谈时声明他们听说过兄弟会[18]并且在死钱中与克莉絲汀互动时通过智力检定。[19]信使可能也意识到他们对科技的痴迷[20]以及他们对NCR的敌意[21]
  • 在与维罗妮卡的对话中,信使可能会提到不知道他们从哪里来。[22]
  • 信使可以告诉卡斯,他们[信使]不知道是什么。[23]或者,相反,一个聪明的信使可能会测试她关于鱼的知识。[24]
  • 死钱中,信使可以通过与伊利亞神父的互动来表达对FEV的不熟悉。[25]
  • 当伊利亚提到"大山脉"时,信使可能会声称他们以前从未听说过它。[26]
  • 在出发前往新迦南之前,信使可以告诉杰德·马斯特森他们已经有一段时间没有来过犹他州了,这表明他们以前去过那里。[27]
  • 赤诚之心中,在通过口才检定后,死马部落跟踪者可能会对信使对死马部落悲伤部落语言的了解表示惊讶。[28]
  • 在与约书亚·格雷汉姆的交谈中,信使可能暗示他们从未听说过基督教,或至少从未听说过摩门教。[29]
  • 旧世蓝调中,信使被发现有一种特殊的大脑状况,因为他的头部被击中了正确的位置并幸存了下来。[30]
  • 旧世蓝调之后,信使变成了一个机械化的人类。即使他们恢复了大脑、心脏和脊柱,仍然会有一些先进的技术保留在那里。[31]
  • 熟练的信使可能对机器人技术有很高的理解。在赤诚之心中,一个具有高科学技能的信使可以因他锁定的哔哔小子喊出里奇无能。[32]旧世蓝调中,信使可以识别8博士传输的机器人]信号。[33]信使显然也能理解ED-E难以理解的哔哔声,甚至能通过哔哔声分辨出ED-E的不同情绪。[34]
  • 旧世蓝调的一个尾声说,信使对共产主义和高中知之甚少。[35]
  • 根据尤利西斯,信使已经去过Circle Junction新里诺地下掩體都市遗弃堡以及在大圈驱使婆罗门[1]
  • 信使对中西部的了解非常有限,因为当ED-E从分水岭中播放一个孩子发现它的时间日志时,询问它发生在哪里,ED-E会回答芝加哥,伊利诺伊州。信使知道伊利诺斯州如果他们遇到了莫哈韦ED-E("伊利诺斯州吗?所以你的盘就是在那买的。我是说另一个你。")。[36]但如果他们没有这样做,他们也不知道("病——什么?拜托,这名字是你瞎编的。")。[37]不管他们是否见过莫哈韦ED-E,信使都不知道芝加哥,他问:"芝加哥是什么?"[38]
  • 一个聪明的信使可能至少对狙击手和侦察员有一些粗略的了解,因为布恩只要注意到狙击手应该成对工作就可以被招募。[39]
  • 当与孤独流浪者交谈时,当得知他来自蒙大拿州并试图寻找他分居的父亲时,女杀手公园的男性信使会紧张地问流浪汉他是否碰巧是17岁,然后当他说他28岁时表示宽慰,暗示信使在2264年左右使蒙大拿州的一个女人怀孕了(或相信他使她怀孕了)。[40]
  • 信使可能不理解阿卡德·甘农的拉丁语短语,这表明他不熟悉这种语言。[41]
  • 一个聪明的信使可以了解古罗马神话和美国历史,因为他们可以从尤利西斯的名字发音认出他的名字来自Ulysses S. Grant,而不是神话人物尤利西斯。[42]
  • 勞爾的对话表明,信使可能至少对西班牙语有一定的了解,使用了"vaquero"这个词。[43]
  • 据潜在伴侣班尼说,一位女信使知道如何用她的脚后跟来获得性满足感。[44]
  • 凯撒提到格奥尔格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格尔的辩证法的概念时,信使可以声称不知道这个概念。[45]
  • 在听到ED-E克隆体的录音后,发现ED-E克隆体正试图找到回家的路,信使可以说他们也有同样的感觉,并补充说:“你以为我为什么会成为信使?”[46]
  • 在与凯斯的对话中,信使可以声称自己曾经是一个骗子。[47]
  • 旧世蓝调的结尾中,信使返回大山脉并监视着它,密切关注着设施的科学和进展,同时根据需要逐渐将被遗忘和新发现的科学重新引入廢土




# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Courier end slide 01
这位信使,在他/她的整个废土的交易中公平公正,因他/她在胡佛大坝对军队的支持而受到NCR的表彰。他/她被授予了金枝勋章,这是共和国授予平民的最高勋章。 善良业报NCR胜利
Courier end slide 01
虽然信使的议程被许多人争论,但他/她因在胡佛大坝对军队的支持而受到NCR的尊敬。他/她被授予了金枝勋章,这是共和国授予平民的最高勋章。 中立业报NCR胜利
Courier end slide 01
采用NCR中很少有人会同意的残酷方法,是信使确保了NCR在胡佛大坝的胜利。尽管他/她的行为极端,他/她被授予了金枝勋章,这是共和国授予平民的最高勋章。 邪恶业报NCR胜利
4 尽管信使本人在整个废土的交易中都是公正坦率的,但他/她帮助军团取得了胜利。凯撒为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造了一枚金币,并分发到了整片废土。 善良业报凯撒军团胜利,不要让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
5 信使是个雇佣兵,帮助军团在胡佛大坝取得胜利。凯撒用一枚金币纪念他/她,为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造并分发到整片废土。 中立业报,凯撒军团胜利,不要让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
6 军团和一个在他们中最糟糕、最残酷无情的人的帮助下穿过胡佛大坝:信使。凯撒用一枚金币纪念他/她,为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造并分发到整片废土。 邪恶业报,凯撒军团胜利,不要让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
7 尽管信使本人在整个废土的交易中都是公正坦率的,但他/她帮助军团取得了胜利。凯撒用一枚金币纪念他/她,为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造并分发到整片废土。 善良业报,凯撒军团胜利,让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
8 信使是个雇佣兵,帮助军团在胡佛大坝取得胜利。 凯撒用一枚金币纪念他/她,为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造并分发到整片废土。 中立业报,凯撒军团胜利,让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
9 军团和一个在他们中最糟糕、最残酷无情的人的帮助下穿过胡佛大坝:信使。凯撒用一枚金币纪念他/她,为纪念他/她的贡献而铸造并分发到整片废土。 邪恶业报,凯撒军团胜利,让凯撒死于还有你,布鲁图?
Courier end slide 04
信使对废土上的人公平而善良,确保豪斯先生能够为后代保持新維加斯的稳定和安全。 出于感激之情,豪斯先生在幸運38號賭場中为他/她提供了他/她可以使用的一切奢侈品 - 以及对他选择的副手的一种安静的自豪感。 善良业报,豪斯先生胜利
Courier end slide 04
信使在废土上有着混杂的历史,维持着胡佛大坝的现状。豪斯先生会让新维加斯保持稳定,即使不是免费的,也会延续几代人。豪斯先生在幸運38號賭場里,给了信使一切奢侈品。 中立业报,豪斯先生胜利
Courier end slide 04
残酷无情的信使确保豪斯先生将完全控制新维加斯和其中的每个人。豪斯先生在幸運38號賭場中为他/她提供了他/她可以使用的一切奢侈品,部分是出于感激,部分是出于恐惧。 邪恶业报,豪斯先生胜利
13 信使支持独立的理想,被公认为对真正自由的新维加斯负有责任的男人/女人。 他/她确保豪斯先生的暴政被打破,凯撒军团和NCR都不能控制新维加斯。 善良业报,新维加斯独立
14 信使既不喜欢最好的NCR,也不喜欢最坏的军团,信使是负责真正独立新維加斯的男人/女人。他/她已经清除了豪斯先生大道的权力,并打破了NCR和凯撒军团莫哈韋廢土的影响。 中立业报,新维加斯独立
15 支持独立带来的所有混乱,信使是负责真正自由的新维加斯的男人/女人。他/她确保了豪斯先生的垮台以及军团和NCR对新维加斯的影响的终结。 邪恶业报,新维加斯独立


Narrated by Ulysses

# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc04 endingslide enddivide
As for the Courier... he/she turned his/her back on his/her home for the second time and made his/her way back, navigating the treachery of the Divide. Tunnelers and the Marked Men... avoided the lone figure, as if recognizing the Courier's right to passage... or out of fear. Complete Lonesome Road.
Nvdlc04 endingslide enddividevista
The Courier walked until he/she stood again upon the edge of the Divide, the last road he/she would walk before the second battle for Hoover Dam. There, beside his/her feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. But that message - it is something for Couriers to carry, and for them alone. The lights flickered across the Divide, reminders that the Old World histories persist, and find meaning in the present.
3 It's said war - war never changes. Men/women do, through the roads they walk. And this road - has reached its end.


# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc01 eg playertrapped
In the years that followed, the legend of the Sierra Madre faded, and there were no... new visitors to the city. Years later, when a mysterious blood red cloud began to roll across the Mojave, then West toward the Republic, no one knew where it had come from. Only that it brought death in its wake. Attempts to find the source of the toxic cloud failed. The Mojave was cut off. Through the Cloud, lights were seen from HELIOS One. There were stories of ghosts immune to gunfire, who struck down anyone they saw with rays of light. The last chapter of the Mojave came when a modified REPCONN rocket struck Hoover Dam, releasing a blood-red cloud, killing all stationed there. All attempts to penetrate the Cloud and re-take the Dam failed, and both the NCR and Legion finally turned away from it, citing the place as cursed. In the years that followed, communities across the West began to die as traces of the Cloud began to drift over lands held by the NCR¹. Only two remained alive in the depths of the Cloud, at the Sierra Madre, waiting for their new world to begin again. The Courier sides with Elijah.
# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc01 eg playertrapped
The Courier, lured by the promise of the Sierra Madre, could not escape. Once inside the vault, the casino did not let go. When the Courier finally passed away, the casino created a new Hologram to walk with the other ghosts that filled its casino. It was a pre-programmed homage intended for another. It assumed a new meaning in the likeness of the Courier. A means of allowing even the dead to begin again. Courier is trapped in the vault.


  • 在开场的过场动画中,我们可以看到信使穿着重新上色的caravaneer outfit,戴着浅色的牛仔帽,以及棕褐色的工作手套。
  • 死钱的其中一个结局中,信使可能会被困在马德雷赌场避难所中,这将导致游戏结束。
  • 辐射:新维加斯的预告和片尾中,信使穿着一件装甲版21号避难所连身衣。但是,这个道具不会出现在游戏中,只能通过控制台命令获得。
  • 孤独之路的结局幻灯中,有一张显示了信使穿着"好好先生"变体版本的信使风衣。无论哪一方被核武器攻击,或者即使核武器被停止,这种情况都会发生。
  • 获选者一样,信使是整个辐射系列中唯一一个没有从避难所开始游戏事件的主角。
  • 正如伊利亞在他的无线电频率中提到的死钱,信使带着21号项圈,[48]假设信使从21号避难所居民那里偷了一个哔哔小子。[49]




  • 最初,玩家可以选择信使的种族。黑曜石计划选择人类,尸鬼和超级变种人。然而,贝塞斯达强烈反对在每个种族基础上重做装甲和武器。黑曜石听从了贝塞斯达的建议,保留了人类信使。[Non-game 1]
  • 信使是收藏版辐射:新维加斯中的避难所扑克牌中的小丑。
  • Josh Sawyer说,开发人员"故意不明确信使的起源和初始交易的确切性质",而是"从NCR南部向中樞市运送货物"。[Non-game 2]
  • Chris Avellone将分水岭的故事描述为NCR找到英克雷技术,识别出与不同位置匹配的符号,随后雇佣信使将其带到那里,即未来的分水岭。[Non-game 3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Courier: "Why would I have brought it here?"
    Ulysses: "I've walked the East. You've walked the West, more than I have. Circle Junction. Reno. Vault City. Word of you at Fort Aradesh... Fort Abandon. Even further West than that, Brahmin drives on the Big Circle. Whatever you saw out there, wasn't enough to make you stay. Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  2. Ulysses: "You may not know my voice, but we've walked the same places. The Long 15 to Primm... that wasn't the only road you ever walked."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  3. Joshua Graham: "Something bad happened near Death Valley, at a place called the Divide. NCR couldn't cut across anymore and it slowed down their reinforcements. Terrible storms ripped entire companies apart before they even got to Nevada soil. The aftermath of Hoover Dam could have been even worse for Caesar."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  4. Courier: "You said I brought it from the West?"
    Ulysses: "It was a device, a detonator. One I'd never seen before - or heard before. You carried that thing to the Divide. I know because I followed you as you walked the road, watched you do it. You brought it here, to the community you built. And you are responsible for what happened after - when the device opened, started to speak. When it did, the Divide answered back. Those missiles you've seen, buried in their silos. They exploded beneath the ground, cracked the landscape. Sand, ash... the dead... the Divide skies became a graveyard."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  5. Robert House: "You signed a contract to deliver the Platinum Chip, and you'll be paid when the delivery is made."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  6. Courier: "What was strange about it?"
    Johnson Nash: "That cowboy robot had us hire six couriers. Each was carrying something a little different. A pair of dice, a chess piece, that kind of stuff. Last word I had from the office, it looked like payment had been received for the other five jobs. Guess it was just your chip that didn't make it."
    (Johnson Nash's dialogue)
  7. Courier: "If the Chip's so valuable, why use a single courier to transport it?"
    Robert House: "You realize you were just one of many couriers, the rest of them dummies, so to speak?"
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  8. Doc Mitchell: "I just don't get it. A stiff breeze'd tear you in two but a couple of bullets and you're right as rain."
    (Doc Mitchell's dialogue)
  9. Courier: "Where you see death, I see change - and I see it as a strength."
    Lanius: "Hnh. My coming would have saved you, set your people free in ways they cannot see. War would have tested them. Broken the weak with its violence, yet allowing the strong to arise. Violence gave you that strength, awakened you - I can see it upon your face, where two bullets left their mark."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  10. Courier: "Do your thinking about me."
    The Forecaster: "Your face does the thinking - two to the skull, yet one gets up. Odds are against you... but they're just numbers after the two-to-one."
    (The Forecaster's dialogue)
  11. Courier: "What was your relationship with Benny... back when he was breathing?"
    Robert House: "Benny was the leader of the Chairmen for seven years, ever since I recruited the tribe. I considered him something of a protege."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  12. Courier: "Why didn't you intervene sooner when Benny ambushed me?"
    Robert House: "Why didn't Victor intervene sooner, you mean? Goodsprings is a bit too far away for me to reliably control a Securitron agent by remote. I can send and receive packets of data, at best. Victor's combat algorithms determined the proper course of action. Benny and his thugs were more than a match for a lone Securitron. When he alerted me, I instructed him to approach the site after Benny and the others had departed."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  13. Doc Mitchell: "Whoa, easy there. Easy. You been out cold a couple of days now."
    (Doc Mitchell's dialogue)
  14. Doc Mitchell: "Now, I hope you don't mind, but I had to go rooting around there in your noggin to pull all the bits of lead out."
    (Doc Mitchell's dialogue)
  15. Courier: "Aren't you that singer from New Reno? I think I saw you play the clubs there."
    Bruce Isaac: "Oh, so you have heard of me. Yeah, that's right. I was the big draw at the Shark Club, people used to pay hundreds of caps to see me."
    (Bruce Isaac's dialogue)
  16. Courier: "I've been known to hunt a few bounties, myself."
    Little Buster: "Well hey, the field's wide open, now that I'm gone. Probably lots of people looking to get in, once they hear I quit."
    (Little Buster's dialogue)
  17. Courier: "Why were you following me?"
    Malcolm Holmes: "It started off innocently enough. I was travelling, as I often do, and happened to observe you picking up one of those blue-star caps. You didn't show any reaction to it, so I figured you didn't know what you'd gotten your hands on."
    (Malcolm Holmes' dialogue)
  18. Courier: "I know who they are but I don't care about their agenda."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Yeah, it's pretty far out, right? Fixating on old technology just doesn't seem very relevant to most people's lives."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  19. Courier: "No, wait, I want to hear this. You were bald before?"
    Christine: "[She nods with an exasperated look, then makes a circle with her hands, repeats it twice more, then raises her hands and waves them like wings.] [She puts both hands in front of her, then makes a motion with her hands as if writing something.]"
    Courier: "[Intelligence 7] Wait... that's a Brotherhood of Steel symbol, right? You're a Scribe?"
    Christine: "[SUCCEEDED] [She nods, looks impressed.]"
    (Christine's dialogue)
  20. Courier: "They're usually harmless unless you use advanced technology around them."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  21. Courier: "They're enemies of the NCR. If you know where they are you should turn them in."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Oh my gosh, really? Well, I didn't see where they went, but I'll keep an eye out. Wow, I had no idea they were so dangerous. Thanks for letting me know. Glad I didn't do any business with them."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  22. Veronica Santangelo: "No offense, but you look like you've traveled a long way down some bad roads. Where'd you come from?"
    Courier: "I'm not entirely sure."
    Veronica Santangelo: "Yeah, guess the roads must've been long, then, if you forgot where you started from."
    (Veronica Santangelo's dialogue)
  23. Courier: "What the hell is a fish?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "It's this... slimy, scaled thing, like a Lakelurk, except no legs. Well, most times. They're like birds, except they stay underwater. Anyway, I've seen pictures. One guy even had one above his bar in Redding, except it was made of Pre-War plastic. Used to say it could sing, but I figured he was on a Jet rush."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  24. Courier: "[Intelligence] I'm familiar. Do *you* know what a fish is?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well... of course I do."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  25. Courier: "What's FEV?"
    Father Elijah: "A long story. FEV... a virus with an even longer story... it gave birth to the docile one, turned him into a super mutant long ago."
    (Father Elijah's dialogue)
  26. Courier: "I've never heard of the place you're talking about."
    Elijah: "Big Empty's a treasure box, a scientific graveyard of Old World misery. Like the Sierra Madre... there's treasures there, sleeping. Some, awake. The Holorifle, the Saturnite alloy... the hologram technology, hibernation chambers, Securitrons, the collars... ...even the suits attached to those things stalking the Villa... that's only the surface of what's there. Right now, the Sierra Madre is what I want."
    (Elijah's dialogue)
  27. Courier: "I haven't been through Utah recently - what's the situation like?"
    Jed Masterson: "Well, it ain't good, I'll tell you that. It's not like the Mojave or the NCR - hell, even Arizona under Caesar is safer. You got raiders all over the damn place, tribes of degenerates that'll eat you as soon as look at you, regional warlords... the works. Not too many decent places to stop and trade. New Canaan's one of the only ones left I know about."
    (Jed Masterson's dialogue)
  28. Courier: "Am I... looking for Joshua? Yes, I am. Can you tell me where he is?"
    Dead Horse stalker: "You know our tongue - smart owslandr. Joshua in high place of cave. You show respect, utman! Joshua is greatest warrior. You show him no respect, he show you thunder and fire!"
    (Dead Horse stalker's dialogue)
  29. Courier: "Pray? God? What are you talking about?"
    Joshua Graham: "I am a New Canaanite. We believe we are the heirs of a spiritual tradition given to our ancestors thousands of years ago."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  30. Courier: "But there must have been other signs of a larger world."
    Doctor Mobius: "There have been other visitors to make them doubt their perceptions, but you are the one who dialed back their monitor-micro-magnifiers. You were irrefutable proof that there was a world outside. And then there was the whole 'brain' fiasco, which forced me to take steps. See, your brain had a special kind of... uh... wrinkle, a unique-ity that they had never thought to try in all their countless escape attempts."
    Courier: "The bullet that went into my brain? Doc Mitchell tried to patch me up, but..."
    Doctor Mobius: "[SUCCEEDED] Yes. Very good. I should have Mentats ingest you instead of the other way around. Mmm. Mentats."
    (Doctor Mobius' dialogue)
  31. Descriptions of the perks Big Brained, Cardiac Arrest, and Reinforced Spine.
  32. The Courier: "Your Pip-Boy isn't working. The screen's locked up, and the reboot button is missing."
    Ricky: "[SUCCEEDED] Bullshit! Ain't nothing wrong with my Pit-Boy! I mean Pip-Boy! Look, this is a sweet gig for me! Don't go fucking it up! What are you after, anyways?"
    (Ricky's dialogue)
  33. Courier: "Wait, after listening a bit - that's RobCo termlink protocol you're broadcasting, right?"
    [SUCCEEDED] @@[#-????-#]@@! @@[*.......]@@... @@[$((*&^#%]@@.
    (Doctor 8's dialogue)
  34. Courier: "Yes, ED-E, I'm sure RALPHIE the Robot would be very proud of you."
    ED-E (Lonesome Road): "<Ecstatic beeping>"
    (ED-E (Lonesome Road)'s dialogue)
  35. X-8 research center ending
  36. Courier: "Illinois? So that's where you got that plate. The other you, I mean."
    ED-E (Lonesome Road): "<Happy beeping>"
    (ED-E (Lonesome Road)'s dialogue)
  37. Courier: "Illin-what? Come on, you're making that name up."
    ED-E (Lonesome Road): "<Happy beeping>"
    (ED-E (Lonesome Road)'s dialogue)
  38. Courier: "What's a Chicago?"
    ED-E (Lonesome Road): "<Expository beeping>"
    (ED-E (Lonesome Road)'s dialogue)
  39. Courier: "[Intelligence 6] I thought snipers worked in teams."
    Boone: "Hnh. Yeah. Working on your own, you're a lot less effective. I've been there and paid for it. But this isn't gonna end well."
    (Boone's dialogue)
  40. Courier: "Wait, Montana? You wouldn't happen to be 17, would you?"
    The Lonesome Drifter: "No sir, I'm 28. Why?"
    (Lonesome Drifter's dialogue)
  41. Courier: "You don't sound too enthusiastic about it."
    Arcade Gannon: "I'm enthusiastic about helping people, but nihil novi sub sole."
    Courier: "Nihi-what?"
    Arcade Gannon: "Oh. Sorry. "There is nothing new under the sun." If agave and mesquite were that miraculous, the locals would have figured it out a few thousand years ago."
    (Arcade's dialogue)
  42. Courier: "[Intelligence 7] 'Ulysses.' Not the myth. You're honoring history, not stories."
    Ulysses: "[SUCCEEDED] History. Yes. Ulysses walked a hard road. A general, like Caesar and Oliver. He was Brahmin-stubborn, gave him strength on the battlefield. He led his side to victory, turned two flags into one. That's when he lost - when the fighting was done, the sickness took hold. Lesson there, if history's to be believed. One you should heed."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  43. Courier: "Where'd you get that Vaquero outfit?"
    Raul Tejada: "I found it in a costume shop. It was sort of my calling card, you know? "Raul the Ghoul, the zombie vaquero of Mexico City.""
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  44. Thanks, baby
  45. Courier: "Hegelian Dialectics? What are those?"
    Caesar: "How do I put this basically enough? It's a philosophical theory, the kind you might encounter if you took time to read some books. The fundamental premise is to envision history as a sequence of 'dialectical' conflicts. Each dialectic begins with a proposition, a thesis... ...which inherently contains, or creates, its opposite - an antithesis. Thesis and antithesis. The conflict is inevitable. But the resolution of the conflict yields something new - a synthesis - eliminating the flaws in each, leaving behind common elements and ideas."
    (Caesar's dialogue)
  46. Courier: "Sometimes I feel the same way. Why do you think I became a courier?"
    ED-E (Lonesome Road): "<Melancholy beeping>"
    (ED-E (Lonesome Road)'s dialogue)
  47. Courier: "I've run some cons in my day - one clever bastard to another, what's your trick?"
    Keith: "[SUCCEEDED] You know how they say you make your own luck? Let's just say I make mine with a little extra ink on the cards."
    (Keith's dialogue)
  48. 743.00Hz ULF radio signal: "What the hell is 21 doing now... hnh."
  49. 743.00Hz ULF radio signal: "Good thing the new recruit had a Pip-Boy, too, probably stole it from a Vault 21 dweller. Still, a thief's just what I need for this."


  1. "Fallout: New Vegas was once Fallout: Sin City and had three playable races" Eurogamer
  2. "The Courier carried his/her delivery from southern NCR, toward the Hub. We intentionally left the Courier's origins and the exact nature of the initial transaction vague." - J.E. Sawyer
  3. Chris Avellone on his blog
