
异尘余生世界(英文Fallout world)存在于一个与二战后真实世界完全不同的时间轴上。从这场分裂到2077年的大战,20世纪50年代美国文化的一种风格化表现(用更先进的科技)主导了这个异尘余生世界。

特别是,美国以一个腐败的美国梦的延续和压制性使用美国例外论为主导。20世纪50年代,在科幻小说黄金时代发行的科幻小说选集《明日世界》(Worlds of Tomorrow)极大地影响了这种表现。



随着世界上可用的原油储量不断减少,中国政府对美国宣战,入侵阿拉斯加,争夺那里仅存的几处石油资源。中美战争持续了11年,最终以中美之间的核战争告终。 这两个国家都建立了巨大的核武器储备,相互攻击引来了世界各地的敌人和盟友,点燃了在长达一个世纪的冷战中形成的每一种仇恨。尽管冲突只持续了两个小时,但它所带来的破坏是惊人和彻底的。交互初期释放的能量比以往所有全球冲突的总和还要多。这场全球性的核冲突后来被称为“大战”。




差异性概念使开发团队能够在他们认为合适的情况下自由开发游戏。核心思想是一个黑暗的游戏世界,它基于1950年科学对恐怖世界所预言的未来世界的恐惧,并与幽默保持了平衡。[1] 这影响了所有发展水平,首先是环境的艺术风格和科技。


从美学上讲,这是一个受到50年代人们的想象启发的未来:具有装饰派艺术和鳍片的公路巡洋舰,占主导地位的装饰派艺术GoogieRaygun Gothic[2]哥特式建筑(布鲁托主义乌森尼主义[3]钢结构Lustron新古典主义美国殖民地联邦政府维多利亚时代),盘绕式计算机,笨重的动力装甲(灵感来自荒野遊俠星河舰队),笨拙的大型机器人等等。 这个想法由 Leonard Boyarsky提出,并最终被团队接受。[4][5]

然而,游戏的美学灵感来自于跨越20世纪的各种来源。其中包括电影《禁忌星球》(1956年),《 LaJetée》(1962年),《星球大战》(1977年),《疯狂的麦克斯2:道路勇士》(1981年),《银翼杀手》(1982年),《巴西》(1985年),《蝙蝠侠》(1989年),《捉鬼敢死队》 《攻壳机动队》(1995年)和《童梦失魂夜》(1995年)在美工办公室几乎连续不断地播放着。弗兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)和杰夫·达罗(Geoff Darrow)在1940年代和1950年代的《硬汉》,《大个子和爆走小子[6][7][8]以及美国城市和郊区也激发了一些美工的灵感,包括汽车设计、标识、建筑和艺术。[9]

在其中一个预览中,Timothy Cain甚至指出,尽管存在着未来主义艺术的一般框架,但“酷法则”仍然有效:任何时候设计团队中的任何一个遇到武器或盔甲的图片时, 从他们喜欢的任何地方(包括《财富士兵》或《女士家庭日记》),他们都觉得它足够好了,可以添加进去。 它使他想起了神秘科学剧院及其开玩笑的方法:并不是每个人都能理解它,但是那些确实喜欢它的人会喜欢它。[10]


说真的,美工只是觉得50年代的科技看起来很酷。因此,他们开始着手打造未来科学,就像科幻小说黄金时代所认为的未来科学一样(如果你能跟上这句话的话)。真空管,镭射枪,变种人,所有的一切。我认为他们很成功。Timothy Cain

从以上引用可以看出,场景的科技是由科幻小说黄金时代,即20世纪50年代的科技和小说决定的。因此,《异尘余生》包含了真空管电子产品,而不是在随后的几十年里流行起来的集成电路(尽管晶体管和集成电路的使用仍然是系列设计和美学中有争议的一部分)、镭射枪能源武器、巨型变种人,整整九年。[11] 上面提到的1956年电影《禁忌星球》向放映者展示了《辐射》科技的概况:1950年代对未来的诚实看法,笨拙的机器人,镭射枪和一般的“感觉”。有些元素来自后来的电影,比如T-51 动力装甲,灵感来自于《童梦失魂夜》(1995)中恶棍们穿的装甲。[8]

然而,这一设置并不意味着能够容纳脑海中出现的所有垃圾科学。Scott Campbell特别介绍了強制進化病毒,以提供更合理的解释,说明在该环境中发现的更令人震惊的突变,而无需将其视为“辐射的力量”,而这会损害真实性。[12]


背景故事中的核世界末日发生在美国和中国之间。在发行后,有人问我为什么是中国而不是苏联。我之所以做出这个选择, 当我想起与Oleg的经历时,我做出了选择。Oleg是莫斯科的一名开发者,我在协助开发打字游戏之前与我合作了几个月。有一次,在打电话的时候,我听到了一些低沉的响声,然后电话就安静下来了。当我问他是什么声音时,他回答说,‘哦,那只是俄罗斯暴徒在街上开枪。“我以为他是在开玩笑——他不是。在那之后,我真的很难相信曾经强大的苏联会在不久的将来威胁世界。所以我转向了下一个代表“东方”的主要共产主义国家:中国。Scott Campbell, Origins of Fallout, No Mutants Allowed

虽然《异尘余生》是基于1950年代的未来愿景,但并非1950年代转移到未来。 其中最引人注目的变化之一是中国取代了苏联,成为资本主义和民主的美国的共产主义陪衬。正如上图所示,Scott Campbell认为,崩溃后的俄罗斯不可能成为美国令人信服的头号敌人。但是,考虑到1980年代和1990年代对东亚国家主导全球经济的担忧,选择中国是非常合理的。[13] 政治局势与现实世界的发展并不一致。 对中国的强硬政策模仿了美国上世纪50年代和80年代的外交政策,《辐射3》和《辐射76》强调了麦卡锡主义和华克派的背景,效仿了范布伦的做法。[14] 苏联也一直存在到2077年,而在我们的世界里,它在1991年解体了。[15][16]

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(Note the addition of "Southwest Commonwealth" in the left canton).

美国的国内政治是对现实世界趋势的有趣修改。到1969年,美国的50个州已经统一为13个超级州,也就是联邦国。[17] 这背后的真正原因是因为Leonard Boyarsky认为这个设计很酷,并且更好地展示了改变了的美国。[18]直到后来的《范布倫》以及《辐射3》、《辐射:新维加斯》、《辐射4》和《辐射76》失败后,这一点才得到进一步阐述。



《异尘余生》的社会背景是现代和现代元素的有趣混合。 战前社会的灵感来自1950年代的美国,包括广泛的消费主义,对技术的迷恋,1950年代最流行的电视晚宴,热情的爱国主义和反共产主义,尽管值得注意的是,它缺乏当时许多吸引力较小的元素。战前的美国没有制度化的种族主义、普遍的反女权主义,也没有对性少数群体的压制。[20] 性别刻板印象仍然存在,尽管它们并没有像1950年代那样使人们的生活受到一定程度的限制。[21]




主页面: Timeline


主页面: 战前国家


在大部分的人类历史里,辐射宇宙和现实世界有着共同的时间轴。辐射的音乐来源于20世纪40年代和50年代以及之后的几十年。 但是,在1945年,《辐射》时间表中重大的政治和技术差异将其推向了不同的方向。1947年,晶体管发明使情况变得混乱,忽略了电子器件的小型化。1969年之前的一段时间,为了减轻共产主义的影响,美国采用了13个联邦的制度。 1970年,中国未能进行任何自由市场改革,最终保留了与1949年共产党主席毛泽东领导下的政治和经济结构类似的政治和经济结构。 1991年,苏联未瓦解

直到二十一世纪中期才发生了重大的国际冲突。在2052年,石油资源丰富的中东国家提高了油价,导致许多小国经济崩溃。同样依赖于从中东进口石油的欧洲联邦(与现实世界中的欧盟类似),以军事力量作为回应,开始了这场资源战争联合国由于无法预防冲突而衰弱,试图进行干预。 它的许多成员国都以撤军作为回应,联合国于同年解散。


2059年,石油资源日益稀缺。为了确保阿拉斯加油田的安全,美国加强了在阿拉斯加的军事存在,创建安克雷奇前线。 随着美国人施压要求其军队驻扎在加拿大境内以保护阿拉斯加输油管,美加关系日益紧张。

在2060年,中东油田枯竭,不仅结束了欧洲的资源战争,也结束了欧洲联邦。由于没有共同的敌人,欧洲各国为争夺剩余的资源而互相争斗。化石燃料变得太昂贵而无法在汽车中使用,替代品开始出现在市场上。 核技术的进步为核聚变取代传统的以化石燃料为基础的汽车和其他交通工具的内燃机铺平了道路。

GreatWar OWB intro


2066年,资源战争转移到了地球的另一端。中国石油储备枯竭,经济几近崩溃,入侵阿拉斯加。美国强迫加拿大允许军队和飞机越过加拿大领土进入阿拉斯加战区。 由于美国人不顾加拿大人的抗议,帮助自己获得加拿大的资源,两个邻国之间的关系继续恶化。许多美国人开始称加拿大为“小美国”,导致两国关系恶化。

2072年,中美战争爆发。虽然美国的动力装甲在局部冲突中被证明是有效的,但它并没有完全驱逐中国军队。 美国继续要求加拿大提供更多资源。当试图破坏石油管道时,美国人(正式)开始吞并加拿大。2076年,吞并完成。同年,美国向中国大陆部署了T-51b动力装甲。 这些装甲非常有效,美军横扫中国领土。

在2077年初,美国人占领了阿拉斯加,但没有签署停战协议。那些能够预见核灾难的人做了最终的准备: 羅伯特·豪斯让自己静止;总统和英克雷撤退到海神石油钻井平台。美国公众已经暴露在太多的错误警报之下,当炸弹开始坠落时,他们基本上忽视了警报。 许多避难所大门关闭时已经人满为患。

2077年10月23日凌晨,世界——正如所有人都知道的那样——结束了。导弹和炸弹从天而降,把世界吞没在火焰中,这一事件将被称为大战。城市和民族沦陷,人类堕入核能的黑暗时代。 许多人认为这是人类文明的终结,但它仅仅是新的血腥章节的开始。




全球文明的崩溃使得无法确定核弹所造成的破坏的程度。 从轨道上看,有明显的全球灾难的迹象,世界上大部分的海洋被辐射染成了绿色。 大战的持久遗产是其后散布的辐射。许多在核灾难中幸存下来的动植物都被一周后落下的放射线雨杀死了。在2080年那些幸存下来的物种中,许多发生了突变。









随着这些地区从灰烬中崛起,新的社会也崛起了。新加州共和国成立于2186年,并在一个世纪后控制了整个新加州钢铁兄弟会成立于大战结束后的几天,并在2150年成为科技强国。 英克雷——美国政府和军工联合体的后裔——于2237年在新加州出现,然后于2277年在首都废土出现。2247年,迷恋罗马的凯撒军团崛起,他们征服了87个部落,并将控制亚利桑那州新墨西哥的大部分地区,以及犹他州东部的一些地区和科罗拉多州南部的部分地区。






在原子弹爆炸三年后,辐射导致了许多新物种的自发出现。 新物种比它们突变前的原种动物和昆虫更大,更坚硬,更危险。辐射蝎巨型蚂蚁双头牛分别是蝎子、家蚁和奶牛的后代。



在战后的破坏中,转基因生物也在废土上自由地繁衍。其中的一种生物,死亡爪,曾被废土居民认为是一个传说,数量已经增长到司空见惯的程度。 英克雷也对死亡爪进行了一步的实验,让现已灭绝的智慧死亡爪群体和死亡爪植入了控制单元,以更容易控制。



其余的突变是由強制進化病毒(FEV)引起的。它起源于中美战争之前的几年。为了防御中国的生物袭击,国防承包商威斯科技发起了“全免疫病毒体计划”(Pan-Immunity Virion Project)。目的很简单,就是让人类的免疫系统强大到足以抵抗任何病原体,无论是天然的还是人工改造的。在测试过程中发现的一些副作用是尺寸和力量的增加。美国陆军为了创造超级士兵而控制了该项目。他们把这个项目搬到了玛丽博萨军事基地。他们还向东海岸的87号避难所送去了大量样本,作为避难所实验的一部分。

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大战之后,玛丽博萨被遗弃了——幸存的领导人离开了,成立了钢铁兄弟会。在沉睡了30年后,这个基地被8号避难所的流亡者理查德·莫爾重新发现。 在意识到FEV可以用来制造超级变种人之后,他试图组建一支军队,但被放逐者住者打败了。






主页面: 地点


主页面: 新加州



2102年到 2162年,马里博萨地区有大量的超级变种人,他们甚至派了巡逻队远至洛杉矶。然而,在主教战败后,大多数士兵都撤退到了东方。




FNV Wasteland Searchlight 1


主页面: 莫哈韋廢土




主页面: 东海岸


首都废土包围了华盛顿特区的废墟和其的旷野。这个城市的市中心虽然被瓦砾所包围,并且只能通过其地铁系统进入,但却是活动的枢纽。银河新闻电台大楼已投入使用,信号被华盛顿纪念碑顶上的天线放大。 一群奴隶在林肯纪念堂外活动。钢铁兄弟会圣骑士超级变种人鷹爪組織的雇佣兵为控制國家廣場而战。历史博物馆里有一个尸鬼聚居地。

就在城市外,钢铁兄弟会在五角大楼的废墟中有一个基地。 沿着波托马克河的河岸,净水计划杰斐逊纪念堂外开展。

华盛顿特区周边的旷野是各避难所和定居点的所在地。 鉚釘城是最成功的定居点,当净水计划项目完成时,它在向该地区输送纯净的水方面发挥了重要作用。87号避难所生产出了该地区的超级变种人群体。101号避难所獨行者的家。

紧靠首都废土南部的是前海滨度假胜地眺望角 。废土西部是亞當斯空軍基地,是英克雷在原东海岸基地雷文岩被獨行者摧毁后,试图在这里重新建立基地。



联邦的最北部是一个小島,一个远离缅因州海岸的岛屿,由匕港鎮组成。这是远港人仅存的堡垒,也是岛上唯一不受迷雾影响的地方。放射性雾使岛上的许多其他定居点都适于居住。这个岛也是阿卡迪亚的家,阿卡迪亚是一个合成人的避难所,位于匕港鎮西部的一个风力发电场里,也是原子神教的一个分部,在被称为the Nucleus的潜艇基地里。



主页面: Factions


在新加州,几乎没有不局限于一两个城镇的派系。主教的超级变种人军队在2161年被击败后,新加州共和国成为最有影响力的组织,联合了几个主要城镇,包括沙蔭市(其首府,现在简称NCR) ,中樞市垃圾城麦克森日辉城。NCR正积极尝试将加州统一在一个政府之下。虽然看起来很成功,但他们已经并且正在遭遇强大的抵抗,比如东部的凯撒军团,以及各种各样的掠夺者团伙。

相比之下,鋼鐵兄弟會是一个神秘的科技宗教组织,起源于美国军方。虽然数量很少,但他们用战前和战后的科技来弥补: 他们有激光武器,动力装甲,外科增强装置和战斗植入物。与 NCR不同,兄弟会对征服和拯救人类都不感兴趣,而是保守秘密,保护和发展科技。

在NCR兴起之前,同一是加州最大、组织最完善的派系之一。由主教的变种人和人类追随者组成,同一遍布整个新加州,在许多著名的人类聚居地建立教堂和传教会。 在玛丽博萨军事基地和主教本人在2162年被放逐者摧毁之后,同一失去了它的大部分力量,并在没有主教的动态愿景来引导的情况下崩溃了。幸存的变种人逃往东方,而大教堂之子教会不再是一个有组织的宗教。






首都废土上最强大的势力是钢铁兄弟会。最初是一支远征军,从新加州失落山丘出发,重建与中西部兄弟会的联系,并从东海岸取回任何先进技术,后来他们被命令在发现了大型技术藏匿处(包括两层楼高的超级战斗机器人自由至尊) 的五角大楼废墟中建立一个永久据点。探险队队长歐文·里昂斯进一步改变了他们的任务: 保护科技不再是他们的首要任务,而是保护人民。虽然这让他们受到当地居民的喜爱,但他们也付出了沉重的代价。他们的新加州上级切断了对他们的一切支持,他们自己的一些成员分裂成了流放者。尽管缺乏支持,他们仍然有助于保卫这个地区的王冠宝石,净水计划,以及摧毁英克雷残党

Arthur Maxson


多年后,亞瑟·麥克森麥克森家族最后的后裔,承担了领导职责,与被流放者和解,并引入了其他改革。东部兄弟会从一个四面楚歌的小派别,发展成为一支强大的军事力量。他们击败了英克雷,组织了净水计划产生的纯净水的分配,成为首都废土事实上的管理机构,迫使他们的政治演变成一种有点类似于古代日耳曼的“ ordensstaat”的秩序国家。在某种程度上,东部兄弟会(在麦克森长老的领导下)也重新建立了联系,并随后得到了兄弟会在失落山丘的指挥部的支持。这个新获得权力的东部兄弟会把首都废土当作自己的“国家”来统治,并努力向整个美国东岸投射自己的力量和影响力。

Colonel Autumn


拥有更先进的技术(尽管缺乏领导) ,英克雷的东部分遣队证明是兄弟会的对手。和兄弟会一样,首都废土上的英克雷起源于新加州。在他们在那个地区失败之前,奥古斯特·奥特姆的父亲率领一支特遣队,来到首都废土的雷文岩,在那个地区建立了他们的据点。雷文岩的一台大型计算机通过約翰·亨利·伊登的角色接管了加利福尼亚特遣队被击败时的英克雷业务。就像它的加利福尼亚前身一样,他们试图用致命毒素杀死该地区的大多数居民,但被獨行者和钢铁兄弟会阻止了。

Fallout3 BrokenSteel RivetCity WaterCaravanStop01 ThX



Talon Company Group Shot






FO4 Synth Retention nifskope render



FO4 Railroad flag



Fo4 Arthur Maxson


钢铁兄弟会还在联邦建立了一个业务基地,作为其努力在东海岸投射其影响力的一部分。 其中一支侦察小队提交了一份报告,详细描述了来自學院的奇怪能量读数,麦克森长老领导了一支以兄弟会旗舰普利德溫號为中心的垂直飛行機舰队,在波士頓機場的废墟中建立一个永久的联邦总部,以便找到并永久摧毁學院及其合成人。在麦克森的指挥下,兄弟会与學院发生冲突,并与该地区的其他组织发生摩擦,同时继续其收集战前技术和消除对人类威胁的长期目标。钢铁兄弟会是卷入联邦未来派系之争的三个组织之一。

Preston Garvey


The Commonwealth Minutemen is distinct from other major Commonwealth factions in that their only goal was the protection of the people of the Commonwealth from the dangers of the Wasteland. Having styled themselves after militiamen of old and brandishing laser muskets and artillery, the Minutemen were once a powerful, coordinated fighting force endeared to Commonwealth settlers as selfless protectors of the people. In the wake of a devastating Mirelurk attack, they were forced to abandon their headquarters and took to wandering the wastes, offering protection to what settlements they could even while hemorrhaging recruits to dwindling morale. This downward trend culminated in a traitorous coup which wiped out the remaining Minutemen save for a small squad led by Preston Garvey. Garvey subsequently sought the Sole Survivor's aid in restoring the Minutemen to their former glory. The Minutemen could participate in the Faction War over the future of the Commonwealth at the behest of the Sole Survivor.

FO4 Diamond City Mayors office overlook

Diamond City, overlook

Among the multitude of settlements contending with super mutants, packs of roving feral ghouls, Institute synths, mutated critters, and the Commonwealth's numerous Raider gangs, the most successful civilian faction was Diamond City, a fortified settlement constructed from the ruins of a wikipedia:Fenway Park Pre-War baseball stadium, hailed as the "Great, Green Jewel of the Commonwealth" thanks to the emerald hue of its protective walls. In addition to being rather well-protected, it boasted its own radio station, science lab, reconstructive surgery center, town market, and even a detective agency. The local newspaper frequently called attention to the willful ignorance of the townspeople regarding the Institute's activities, stirring up latent paranoia much to the chagrin of Mayor McDonough, whom some townspeople theorized was actually a synth.

Memory Den

Memory Den

Goodneighbor was another notable settlement in Boston. It operated similarly to the red-light district it was built around. It housed its own market, a nightclub, a hotel with an in-house chem dealer, and a unique establishment called the Memory Den where patrons could relive pleasant memories to escape from the unpleasant realities of the wastes. Goodneighbor accepted all kinds, serving as a refuge of sorts for all those who were unwelcome in Diamond City, such as displaced ghouls and criminal elements alike. Goodneighbor's mayor, Hancock, felt that life in Goodneighbor had made him complacent, however.

FO4 Covenant (1)

Home in Covenant

Two other major settlements in the area were Bunker Hill, a mercantile hub built into the ruins of the Bunker Hill Memorial site which paid off Raider gangs to ensure safe passage for its caravans, and Covenant, a strangely idyllic anti-synth community (complete with white picket fence aesthetics) that had strict screening procedures.

FO4 Dead Gunner Treasure Hunt

A deceased Gunner

Other Commonwealth factions included: the Gunners, a troop of bloodthirsty mercenaries; the Atom Cats, a band of power armor-loving misfits; the crew of the USS Constitution, a contingent of landlocked robotic sailors; the Children of Atom, a fanatical religious group that worshiped radiation; and the Pillars of the Community, a seedy fraternity based out of Charles View Amphitheater.


Far Harbor

Off the coast of Maine lay a remote island where several distinct factions contended with radioactive fog, fearsome mutated sea creatures unknown to the rest of the Commonwealth, and each other. These were the citizens of Far Harbor, a town of hardy fisherfolk; cannibalistic Trappers driven crazy by the fog; Acadia, a colony of liberated synths; and the Island's resident fog-worshiping Children of Atom.

Fallout4 NukaWorld E3 02

Nuka-World sign

Southwest of Boston lies Nuka-World, a pre-War amusement that houses a few exceptional Raider gangs and their host of enslaved traders, as well as other groups, such as the Hubologists, a pseudoscientific cult with a sizable entry fee. The Raiders sought to conquer and fortify the outlying theme park zones, variously populated by a ghoul magician and his feral friends, a consortium of custom-built robots controlled by a malfunctioning mainframe, a wild man named Cito and his family of ghoulrillas, and of course, plenty of vicious mutated animals.


Due to the Scorched Plague and its unstoppable spread across the region, as of 2102 all factions that were once present are dead. However, humans started repopulating the region in 2103 after the Vault Dwellers put an end to the scorchbeast queen, killing the plague once and for all.

FO76 Responders logo

The Responders are the first faction encountered in-game, and are the remnants of pre-War first responders, police officers, and firefighters. After the war, they set out to help all those displaced and suffering from the effects of the bombs, and attempted to restore order and goodness to Appalachia. Led by Maria Chavez, they headquartered in Charleston, until the Raiders destroyed the Summersville Dam, flooding the city and killing many. They relocated to Morgantown Airport, and ran volunteer training to any who wanted to join the cause.

Raiderlivehere wall d

The Raiders, in comparison, are a ruthless faction of murderers, thieves, cannibals, trappers and junkies. Originating from the wealthy visitors to the Top of the World ski resort, they resorted to their baser tendencies after the bombs fell. After being refused supplies by the overwhelmed Responders, and surviving the terrible winter of 2078, they decided they would do whatever it takes to ensure their survival, no matter how evil. Led by David Thorpe, they were located all across the Savage Divide, with the main base at the Top of the World.

FO76 Free States

The Free States were a group of anarchists who seceded from the United States shortly before the war. Deemed "Communists" by the government, they were outcast and strongly opposed by almost all those outside of their cause. Senator Samuel Blackwell, an undercover supporter, was shunned once his connection to the Free States was made public. Suspicious of the Vault program, they made their own concrete bunkers throughout The Mire region, left shortly after the bombs fell, and helped resettle the towns of Berkeley Springs and Harper's Ferry.

The Appalachian chapter of the Brotherhood, this group had the most "intimate" connection to the scorched plague. Actively fighting the scorchbeasts throughout the Cranberry Bog, these power armored soldiers started out as Taggerdy's Thunder, an army ranger division doing war games in Appalachia when the bombs fell. After attempting to establish contact with any military personnel they could, a connection was made with a Captain Roger Maxson, an old friend of soon-to-be Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy, the leader of the Thunder. Maxson convinced her to join the cause, and the Appalachian chapter was formed. Headquartered at Fort Defiance, the old asylum, they ran patrols and combat missions all over the Bog, hoping to find and destroy the plague once and for all. After the failed Operation Touchdown claimed the lives of many senior officers, the brotherhood was left crippled, unable to fight back against the newly returning horde of scorched. They took one last stand at Fort Defiance, fighting bravely until there was nobody left to fight. As of 2103, a division of the Brotherhood from Lost Hills, the First Expeditionary Force, has arrived at their base at the ATLAS Observatory. Their main goal is to find out what happened to Taggerdy's Thunder and ultimately defeat the Scorched Plague.

Enclave Symbol (FO3)

The Enclave is the most technologically advanced faction in the region. Led by "President" Thomas Eckhart, the Enclave inhabited the Whitespring bunker, and operated throughout the region. Eckhart was obsessed with retaliating against China but required the automated Defcon level to be raised. In failed attempts to increase it, Enclave operatives released the liberators and super mutants, to no avail. In a last-ditch effort, he unleashed the scorchbeasts, a byproduct of Enclave chemical testing. It succeeded, but due to internal conflicts in the bunker, the Enclave was eliminated before they could strike back at China.

The region was also home to minor factions, such as the Order of Mysteries, Cult of the Mothman, and Sons of Dane.


We often develop technology not because it's great immediately, but because developing that technology helps us move toward its potential. We've had various forms of hybrid vehicles (gasoline combustion engine + ???) around for a long time. Most of them were pretty bad and impractical. We've had biofuels around for a while, but most of those are STILL bad and/or impractical. We saw tanks developed in WW1 that were absolute garbage.

All of those things were kind of crummy for a while, but if we hadn't gone through the stage of "Yeah... this is... okay, I guess," we would never have reached the subsequent stages. Coil/rail gun technology used to be completely impractical. Now it's reached the stage where maybe/sorta we could mount an enormous one on a destroyer and blast through a bunker with a huge slug from miles away. We're probably not going to have Eraser- or Fallout-style Gauss rifles for a while, but we see the potential.

In the Fallout universe, I think that the military appeal of weaponry that uses a small number of more-or-less universal ammunition types would be great. Today, we have NATO standards so that allies armies can share ammunition. But what if you could use the same ammunition type for powering a sniper rifle that you'd use for a devastating close-range weapon (e.g. a Microfusion Cell powering a Laser Rifle or a Plasma Rifle)? For a military force in the field, the flexibility of that would be immense.

Anyway, I considered the EWs in F:NV to have reached the point where they were starting to replace conventional weapons, but had not yet completely eclipsed them -- sort of like the early days of firearms, when they were still being used concurrently with bows.
J.E. Sawyer on energy weapons in the Fallout universe
I like vacuum tube tech and I think it pushes some interesting ideas, but it feels secondary in the series. One of the interesting properties of vacuum tubes is that they aren’t really affected by EMPs, such as those produced by a nuclear bomb blast. Some Soviet MiG-25s used vacuum tubes dominantly or exclusively, which would theoretically allow them to fly in the wake of a blast (assuming the pilots weren’t killed by radiation). Still, the robots in the series are affected by EMP grenades and similar attacks, so the state of technology isn’t represented consistently.J.E. Sawyer on the state of technology in the Fallout universe


  1. Tim Cain
  2. Fallout Retrospective Interview
  3. Although self-evident; Usonianhome01Int Template and Usonianhome02Int Template.
  4. Leonard Boyarsky Developer Profile: "As Art Director, I was responsible for the look and mood of the game (as far as visuals were concerned). I came up with the idea of the "future of the fifties" setting, and had to convince everyone that that was the way to go. I also came up with the idea/design for the "Vault Boy" and the "cards" (as I called them) showing him doing all the different things in humorous ways. By the way, he's not the Pip Boy, the Pip Boy is the little guy on your Pip Boy interface. The Vault Boy was supposed to evoke the feel of Monopoly cards, and the Pip Boy was based on the Bob's Big Boy mascot."
  5. Fallout Bible 8: "Hey, Rob - the basic theme of the Fallout games is that the world of 2077 had a retro-50s feel when the nukes dropped - sort of a "what people in the 50s imagined the future (and post-holocaust future) would be like." This theme translates into the "look" and the actual physics of the world (Torg-style, if you've ever played Torg) - so anyway, you get giant radioactive monsters, pulp science with lasers, blasters, vacuum tubes, big expensive cars with fins, Art Deco architecture, robots with brains in domes atop their heads, lots of tape reel computer machines, the whole "atomic horror" feel, and it explains the artistic style of the interface."
  6. Leonard Boyarsky Developer Profile: "I was really influenced by "The Road Warrior", "The City of Lost Children", and "Brazil" in terms of movies, and the comic book series "Hard Boiled"."
  7. Tim Cain: "I don't think I can answer this, since so many people has a hand in the design and scripting, and it seems everyone put in their own little in-joke or reference. I mean, I'm surprised by some of the things in the game!
    But some of the movies the inspired us were Road Warrior, Brazil, City of Lost Children, Blade Runner, Batman, Ghost in the Shell, On the Beach and of course, Star Wars. A lot of adventure ideas were variations on things I've seen in MUD's about 7 years ago at the peak of my playing.
    As far as books, oddly enough the book "Lord of Light" by Zelazny was an inspiration. Not so much for material but for the main character Sam. He was driven by a morality in that he was actually trying to help people from being oppressed, and I used to think "What would Sam do?" when testing an adventure that required the player to want to help a town.
    Of course, others on the team like to think "What would Brian Boytano do..." :)"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Tim Cain GDC talk
  9. Tony Postma: "Urban and Sub-urban America of the 40'-50's....the cars, the signage, the art, the architecture...all of it. I already had a few books with photos and documentation of the period. Also the comic books "Big Guy and Rusty, the Boy Robot" and "Mister X" by Dean Motter help with the machinery and the mood."
  10. CD Mag Fallout preview: "Any time one of the design team came across a picture of a weapon or piece of armor from anywhere (such as Soldier of Fortune or Ladies’ Home Journal) and it was “cool enough” to include, it was fair game. Entertaining gems have been imported from just about everywhere, hence almost everyone will find something about which to reminisce. Says Tim Cain, producer/lead programmer, “It reminds me of Mystery Science Theater. They always say, ‘People aren’t going to get all of our jokes, but the people who will get them will really appreciate them…’."
  11. Tim Cain: "Hey, we're not that old! I'll have to check my picture on the web page.
    Seriously, the artists just thought that 50's tech looked cool. So they set out to make a future science that looked like what the Golden Era of science fiction thought that future science would look like (if you can follow that sentence). Vacuum tubes, ray guns, mutants, the whole works. And I think they succeeded quite well.
    We didn't start out this way. Over the 3.5 years to make this game, things changed a lot (take a look in /program/goodies, for example). One day I may write the story of the making of this game. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine what the process would be like. The high points were very high, and the low points were very, very low. If I had to do it again..."
  12. The Origins of Fallout: "Why did we bother with the Forced-Evolutionary Virus and not just say radiation caused the mutations? Unfortunately, science tells us high levels of radiation just kill things. Lower levels can cause mutations, but more than 99% aren't advantageous, and often lead to early death. I wanted to explain how something like a Radscorpion could have evolved and proliferated in the course of 60 years - and to me, "it's the power of radiation!" was way-too-obvious junk science.
    Because I wanted a plausible game back-story, I wanted explanations that were a little more scientifically plausible (or at least more believable than the plot to THEM!) I also wanted this virus to be part of the main villain's master plan - making a race of super mutants from human stock by subjecting them to a vat of this refined viral agent."
  13. Scott Campbell, Origins of Fallout, No Mutants Allowed: "The nuclear Armageddon in the back-story was between the US and China. After shipping several people asked me why China and not the old standby, the Soviet Union. I made the choice when I remembered experiences with Oleg, a Moscow developer I worked with months before when I was assistant-producing a typing game. Once, in the middle of a phone conversation, I heard some muffled bangs, and the phone went quiet. When I asked him what the noise was, he replied, "Oh, it was just the Russian mob firing their guns in the street." I thought he was joking - he wasn't. After that, I had a really hard time believing that the once mighty USSR would be in a position to threaten the world any time soon. So I turned to the next major communist country that typifies "the East": China."
  14. Fallout 3 and Fallout 76
  15. Natalia's profile.
  16. Switchboard terminals#> 2067 Jun 19
  17. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.471-472: "[14.01] Massachusetts State House
    The “new” state house was completed in 1798 to house the government of Massachusetts State. The land selected was originally John Hancock’s cow pastures. The first dome was constructed of wooden shingles and covered in copper smelted by Paul Revere. The state government used this building continuously until the formation of the Thirteen Commonwealths in 1969.
    This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “4” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “L.” Outside, one corner of the structure has collapsed, allowing lock-fiddlers the chance to open a wall safe (Novice)."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  18. Fallout Bible 8: "Leon [Leonard Boyarsky] said he used that flag because it looked cool and he didn't want to use a standard American flag with 50 stars. Eventually he planned to make up something about 13 super-states or something, but he never did."
  19. Tim Cain
  20. Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 do not indicate this was the case.
  21. Fallout 3 loading screen.
  22. Fallout series overall.
  23. The words exist in the parlance of the universe and hold the same meaning, indicating these subcultures manifested in virtually identical ways.