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鹰爪雇佣兵的历史鲜为人知,2277年有一个未知人士雇佣着他们让首都废土保持混乱无序的状态, with simple orders: 讓廢土首都一直保持著混亂,無組織的狀態。[1]他们所做过的事情基本都是特别恶劣的,包括在 2275 到 2276 年间屠杀整个定居点(包括妇女与儿童)。[2]作为一支雇佣军,the Talons have absolutely no reservations about their targets.工作就是工作,为了钱他们可以杀掉任何人,摧毁和屠杀整个聚落。[3][4][5]他们可以被任何有足够瓶盖的人雇佣。[6]

在钢铁兄弟会把目光转向联邦之后,鹰爪佣兵趁虚而入,借着钢铁兄弟会重点放在联邦的时候展开攻击,and hijacked some of their old vertibirds and repaired them.[7]2287年占领了银河新闻台广场while it was occupied by the Good Fighters.


作为一支准军事力量, 鹰爪雇佣兵的组织方式很简单,由一位指挥官带领一支小队以一座建筑为基础,之后逐渐加强力量。In 2277, this man is 捷斯科, issuing orders from his headquarters in the bunkers of Fort Bannister.[8][9]他们依靠这种方式在整个首都站稳脚跟,尽管有些时候会因为变种人的袭击而被迫撤退, as is the case with Takoma Park[10]

大多数雇佣兵都是男性,但是也不是没有女性,只不过都见到屍體,in the bathroom in the Hall of Columns in the Capitol Building, in the Metro Central, and the Corvega factory。在鹰爪的总部班尼斯特堡里有一名女性雇佣兵, and another can be in the first fireteam that ambushes the Lone Wanderer


鹰爪雇佣兵配备的武器通常以警棍战斗霰弹枪, 激光步枪中國突击步枪作为自己的主要武器,而且一般而言一支队伍不会重复携带相同的武器(战斗霰弹枪和警棍例外)。在某些特殊情况下,鹰爪佣兵还可能会携带更强力的武器,例如狙击步枪导弹发射器。鹰爪佣兵通常把战斗刀.32 左轮手枪脉冲手榴弹作为备用武器。 On rare occasions, they may all be carrying Chinese assault rifles (or one R91自动步枪 instead) making them even more dangerous than usual (may happen at the sewer waystation or sniper shack).繁多,这也让他们可以采取灵活多变的战术。

在遭遇战中,fire team tactics are simple. Depending on the weapon type, the mercenary will close to within an effective range (if necessary) and engage. 在最远射程之内机枪手会直接开火,使用霰弹枪的雇佣兵会在靠近目标后开火,对于习惯用近战武器短兵相接的雇佣兵而言,他们会向目标发起冲锋。

When they have been contracted to assassinate the Lone Wanderer, the main locations for their ambushes are at the Northwest Seneca Metro Station near Arefu, Anacostia Crossing near Rivet City, Lucky's just near Tenpenny Tower and Warrington station, and the player character can randomly run into them near Megaton or out in the wasteland. They also appear frequently at the Jury Street Metro Station, the Super Duper Mart and near the Reilly's Rangers location, avoiding them is difficult. Such ambushes will only occur once every location, and their bodies may even remain there if not searched. Talon Company mercenaries also appear to be cowardly, like raiders, 如果队伍死伤太多,他们通常会直接逃跑。

The group also possesses heavy artillery weapons such as those used at Takoma Park, as well as the Highwater-Trousers orbital weapon platform.

Interactions with the player character[]

Because they are hostile to almost anyone but themselves, they are always hostile towards the Lone Wanderer if encountered, but they will generally not hunt them without meeting either requirement:

  • If 龙万德的声望属于善良级别时, even for relatively innocuous reasons (such as giving water to the beggars or finding a home for Bryan Wilks), a sizable bounty may be taken out on their head. At the first encounter, a Talon merc will approach the player character and address them as "the little saint from the vault," then express their intent to kill the Lone Wanderer. There are two dialogue options, but neither will dissuade them, and the shooting begins. Encounters with Talon Company after that will simply have them attacking, without verbal preamble.
  • Disarming the bomb in Megaton or warning Lucas Simms about Mister Burke (thereby foiling his plan to destroy the town) will also have them tracking the Lone Wanderer down, though they will register as hitmen rather than Talon mercs. They will simply attack, even at the initial encounter.

In the Capital Wasteland area, Talon Company's central base of operations is Fort Bannister, where their leader Commander Jabsco resides. They have other outposts as well, such as a camp for traveling mercenaries west of Grayditch. They are also engaged in a large battle with the super mutants in and around the Capitol Building, Takoma Park and the clifftop shacks. One can sometimes come across a fireteam of three mercs, patrolling through the wasteland or in various towns. If they have a contract for one's death, they may also be ambushed by them after either fast traveling or zoning to a new location. They seem especially fond of certain subway entrances, including the ones in Grayditch, next to Rivet City, the flooded metro and south of Wilhelm's Wharf.

击败他们通常会获得相当不错的战利品,, as they通常穿着鹰爪公司的战斗装甲and tend to have more advanced weaponry as one levels up. If one would prefer to avoid tangling with the Talon Company, while also avoiding the Regulators, they should keep a neutral Karma level. At good Karma, they should search metro entrances for Talon Company groups and run away if they see them; at the first encounter, the Talons will not attack until they have spoken. If the player character's Karma drops to neutral before a Talon merc is able to speak to them, Talon mercs will stop appearing at potential ambush sites, and will not return until the Karma hits Good again.

Talon Company mercenaries are almost exclusively male. Bodies of female Talon mercs can be encountered in the bathroom in the Hall of Columns in the Capitol Building, in the Metro Central and the Corvega factory.

In addition to conventional infantry, 鹰爪雇佣兵也使用为数不少的打手先生哨兵机器人, which they use sparingly to guard some of their outposts in the D.C. ruins.

Talon mercenaries that are known as hitmen (hired by Mr. Burke in revenge for the Lone Wanderer's actions in Megaton) have a different set of characteristics that make them stand out from the average Talon Company patrol. Their characteristics consist of light armament, same in appearance (all three mercs are the same character build), and very pale skin. And, looting their bodies reveals a different message.

安装断钢DLC 后,one can find a group of Brotherhood of Steel knights outside Fort Bannister who are trying to retrieve a water caravan that the Talon Company has stolen. 龙万德可以解救被鹰爪雇佣兵俘虏的圣骑士詹森。后者在被救出后will express his gratitude and then proceed into the base to get revenge, quickly followed by his fellow knights. 他会带着钢铁兄弟会小队杀进班尼斯特堡报仇,这样一来进入堡垒就变得容易许多。

On the highway leading to the Citadel, east of the Nuka-Cola plant, and south of the Red Racer factory, two Talon mercs are fighting with 2 or 3 raiders over a crate containing four Aqua Pura barrels. One of the Talon Company mercenaries has a flamer.

Outside the Capitol Building, there will be a large contingent of Talon Company mercs with varying robots fighting the occupying super mutants. They focus on the super mutants and will not usually attack the player character unless attacked first or they win the battle. If not interfered with, they will usually be killed.

When first exiting a store called "Lucky's" which is located southwest of Tenpenny Tower near the southern edge of the game map, a group will appear and attack the Lone Wanderer.



Behind the scenes[]

In early previews, Pete Hines was said to have stated that "the humans going up against the mutant occupiers were mercenaries working for the Talon Corporation," referring to them as a corporation rather than a company.[11]


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 On rare occasions, 鹰爪雇佣兵有时候会出现头是黑的但身体是白的情况, or vice versa. See bugs page for fix.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时候伏击的鹰爪雇佣兵会试图接近目标,但是他们显示为友好的派系,直到开始攻击。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 During the random encounter 如果主角的善良声望很高,他/她在接近鹰爪佣兵的小队时总会引起对方的警惕,即使龙万德的潜行技能达到 100 或者是身着中式隐形护甲/使用隐身小子。 [已验证]


See also[]

  • Talon Company merc
  • Private contract
  • Contract for extermination
  • Pennsylvania Ave explosives note


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 41: "Talon Company Mercenaries
    The Talon Company is the largest of the mercenary groups in the Wasteland. They can be found almost anywhere. They put cash and loot ahead of almost anything, and will attack most groups on sight in the hopes of taking their stuff. Currently an unknown benefactor has hired the Talon Company to hunt down do-gooders. The reasons for this are unknown, but the effect is to keep the Wasteland a lawless place where the guys with the biggest guns make the rules. The Talon Company frequently has the biggest guns."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Well, wouldn't you kill if that was part of your contract?"
    Reilly: "Look, those fucks went into a settlement a year or two ago and killed everyone. Women, children... everyone. That's the sort of crap Talon Company does. All they care about is getting paid. Reilly's Rangers operate on a set of morals. We're here to help people, not as professional assassins."
    (Reilly's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the deal with Talon Company?"
    Reilly: "Let me give you a word of advice. Stay away from them, they give mercs a bad name. They have no morals, no remorse and wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through a defenseless man's head if it meant a job. They've been pretty active lately around the old Capital Building ruins. I'd recommend giving that area a wide berth."
    (Reilly's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Well, wouldn't you kill if that was part of your contract?"
    Reilly: "Look, those fucks went into a settlement a year or two ago and killed everyone. Women, children... everyone. That's the sort of crap Talon Company does. All they care about is getting paid. Reilly's Rangers operate on a set of morals. We're here to help people, not as professional assassins."
    (Reilly's dialogue)
  5. Galaxy News Radio: "I've been getting more and more reports of these mercenary maniacs from Talon Company, especially in the downtown D.C. area. If you see these hombres, steer clear. Whatever you have, they want, and they're not really into asking politely. Word is, these guys take all the contracts the other mercs won't. In short there's nothing they won't do. So be careful out there."
    (Three Dog's dialogue)
  6. SatCom Array NW-05a terminal entries; log entry #001
  7. Galaxy News Radio terminal entries
  8. Jabsco's script (TalonCommanderScript)
  9. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition: p. 66 "Commander Jabsco
    Leader of the Talon Company Mercenaries, Jabsco says he has proved his worth in the combat zone countless times, although his troops haven't seen evidence of this. Nor are they likely to; Jabsco plans attacks on all foes from a bunker deep within Fort Bannister. Face him with considerable force, and you may see why his critics have dubbed him "Jetting Jabsco" for his tendency to flee combat."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  10. Takoma Park artillery note: "Artillery Order #447
    Talon Company Support Team Bravo
    Location: Takoma Park
    Establish position near the parking lot west of the factory and monitor enemy movement. Three squads will be dispatched once you are in position. Their objective is re-take our old positions in Takoma Park. Your directive is to provide artillery support when they arrive. The coordinates have been encoded on the switch provided. Call in the strikes once alpha squad established a base of fire outside of the blast range."
  11. GameSpy: Fallout 3 preview