
From their headquarters in Washington DC, Hubris Comics announced today plans to bring a beloved American Icon into the Hubris Comics Universe - none other than the beloved Vault Boy Character.— Press release






傲漫出版集团构造复杂,分为印刷室、出版社和公用隧道。野蛮的食尸鬼到处作怪,里头布满了大量陷阱,这些陷阱的来源是一个名叫疯狂的Johnny Wes的废土游民,他躲在foreman的办公室监视著列印车间并与车间里的狂野食尸鬼进行战斗(另外,如果你的级别够高并装有资料片断刚,你将在这里遭遇一只食尸鬼邪神,它在印刷车间的地面来回游荡)。

Johnny Wes装备了强力转轮机枪,生命值媲美超级变种人巨兽,并有两个自动机枪塔和一些地雷保护著他,但是,他的荒地外套是非常脆皮的,只能承受大概5到6枪的头部攻击,你也可以对感测器进行射击使机枪塔转而攻击他,但是这并不实际,因为你必须破坏了机枪塔才有机会攻击到他。你还可以射击灭火器使其爆炸对他进行伤害。


在出版社有一台电脑上有一个文字小游戏“Reign of Grelok (beta)”;




  • Grognak the Barbarian -印刷室疯狂的Johnny Wes房间的电脑边上,注:这本书在你和疯狂的Johnny Wes交火后,可能会掉到地板上。
  • 量子型核口可乐 - 在疯狂的Johnny Wes所在地区的隔离墙到工作台之间。
  • 战前书籍 - 疯狂的Johnny Wes对面东南角落的地图(一个小房间),在书架上,书架下方有两个急救包。
  • Scoped .44 Magnum in the printing room under the stairs in the northeastern corner, next to some ammo and a skeleton.


  • Dean's Electronics - 在公用事业隧道接近威廉码头出口上方的办公桌。
  • 隐身小子 - 隧道中北部房间里骷髅边上。你还可以在附近找到一把突击步枪和一些子弹。


  • Dean's Electronics,在外面的梅森区的房子里,千万不要错过了。
  • 走出傲漫出版后向南走有一个房子,里面有狙击步枪和一些子弹以及Guns and Bullets


  • Most toilets in the building are electrified.
  • Looking through the GECK, it appears that there was a plan at one point to print out The Wasteland Survival Guide at the presses in Hubris comics, but this was removed.
  • A terminal entry at Our Lady of Hope Hospital mentions that a Richard Maynard Watson, employee of Hubris Comics, had to be admitted by some of his colleagues after one of the press machines malfunctioned, spraying hot steam and caustic chemicals into his face and hands and thereby causing severe burns and nerve damage.


  • In the foreman's office where Mad Johnny Wes is located, the door of the office merges with the set of filing cabinets against the wall, but will close normally (confirmed on PC, PS3 and Xbox).
  • If the Mad Johnny Wes' turrets are deactivated by the terminals in the foreman's office, and the printing press is activated then shut down, the turrets will turn back on and fire at the player.
  • The feral ghouls occasionally appear friendly and will not fight.
  • In the foreman's office the door can send a Nuka-Cola Quantum back behind the filing cabinets. (confirmed on Xbox 360)

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Grelok computer game is a homage to text-based adventure games first made popular the 1980s on the Commodore 64 (among others): They were text-only parsers, where the user typed in commands to perform actions. They were extensive in scale, requiring the the user to create detailed 'pen and paper' maps. The best known were published by Infocom: The Zork series, Planetfall, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  These evolved into "Multi-User Dungeon" games now known as MUDs.  
  • Mr. Moorellis is a portmanteau of the names of the famous comic book writers Alan Moore and Warren Ellis.
  • The hack writer Neptura is a reference to hack writer Marto Neptura in issue 6 of Alan Moore's comic Promethea.
  • The terminal in the reception area lists the release date for a "Drake Tungsten, Chrono-Cowboy" comic. Drake Tungsten is a reference to a host segment from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode "Hercules Against the Moon Men".

