
He picks up a metal chisel and starts to wring it anxiously. To your amazement, the chisel begins to bend like putty. This guy's strong! My boy, Jonny, is missing! He went out to play a few days ago and never came back. We've searched everywhere, but still haven't found him.Balthas

Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas is a side quest in Fallout 2.


Balthas, the leather worker in town, has lost his only son. If you have Perception more than 6, you can notice this and get the quest.

Balthas simply wants you to find Jonny. If your Karma or town Reputation is high enough, Balthas will tell his dog Laddie to help you find Jonny.

C'mon boy![]

With the help of Laddie (and IN > 10), you can have a very interesting conversation about pre-War times and aliens.

Laddie will point you to the town well. Interact with it to remove the boards, then find some rope. There's some in Farrel's garden, and Jo can sell some. In the well, you can find a fair amount of coins that can be taken for -1 Karma each, as well as a BB gun with the name "Jonny" scratched into it. Take it to Balthas, and watch the grown man fall to his knees and cry.

Now let's find Jonny, boy![]

You might deduce that finding the BB gun doesn't end the quest, because Laddie is still following you. Help Jo with his ghost problems, and head to the northwest. Discover the ghost farm, and find a way to get little Jonny out of the farm.


  • Jonny's BB gun

Behind the scenes[]

  • If you pick up one of the coin bags in the well, your character will say "This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back.", which is a quote from "Mouth", a character from the movies "The Goonies".
人物 · 葛力斯韩 · 巴尔萨斯 · 比夫 · "鸡" · 科尼利厄斯 · 法雷尔 · 罗丝 · 强尼 · 达宾 · 麦丽雅 · 拉迪 · Balthas' wife  · Modoc citizen · Modoc trader · 维吉尔 · Slag guard · Slag citizen (鬼农场 地底人) · Stable boy
地点摩多克大街 · Modoc brahmin pastures · Rose's Bed and Breakfast · 法雷尔的花园 · 摩多克洞穴 · 屠宰场农庄 · 鬼农场
任务摩多克东北部的农场发生了一些奇怪的事情。调查并向乔报告 · 科尼利厄斯已经失去了他的金怀表。查找并把它归还给他 · 法雷尔要你找到科尼利厄斯的金怀表。找到它并还给法雷尔 · 乔尼失踪了。找到他并将他带回给巴尔萨斯 · 强尼在地底人洞穴中。想办法带强尼回到巴尔萨斯的家 · 法雷尔的花园里有啮齿动物。驱除侵扰 · 将地底人的消息传递给摩多克中的乔 · 乔对地底人产生怀疑。查明鬼农场的尸体以及卡尔的遭遇 · 去丹恩城告诉卡尔回家没事了 · 杀掉"鸡" · 帮助贝丝的双头牛