關於真实世界历史上的民族国家,參見Soviet Union on Wikipedia

苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(英文名:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics),通常被称为苏联(英文名:Soviet Union)或简称为USSR,是一个存在于[3]大戰之前的共产主义大国



到了21世纪,中国被认为比苏联对美国的威胁更大。然而,这两个共产主义国家[3]被美国视为天然盟友,[7]因此被认为构成了威胁。在中美戰爭爆发后,程主席的命令下,苏联和中国联合联合进行先发制人的核打击可能性被国防分析人士认为是一种可行的选择。[8]俄罗斯的人类突变实验也"启发"了美国类似的研究努力。[Non-game 1]


然而,两国关系非常密切,在中美戰爭期间,一名驻洛杉矶苏联领事馆的外交官被接纳为13号避难所的居民,并因此在大戰中幸存下来。[11][Non-game 2]

苏联公民也出现在美国的有组织犯罪中。波士顿黑帮老大Eddie Winter雇用了俄罗斯杀手Aleksandr StrelnikovLev在战前移民到美国,以掠夺美国公众。[12][13][14]


  • 楚科奇海、楚科奇和阿纳德尔湾[15]
  • 俄罗斯
  • 克里姆林宫
  • 红场[7]
  • 西伯利亚铁路


  • 辐射3扩展包安克雷奇行动中,精卫将军雷霆剑有一个非常类似于苏联锤子和镰刀的符号。[16]
  • 苏尔科夫-牌伏特加,在辐射4辐射76中都能找到,被宣传为直接从俄罗斯进口。[17]
  • 辐射76麥林托克營爱国主义训练大楼有一个标志,上面写着苏联的锤子和镰刀被刺伤。[1]一张海报描述了类似的情况,用一个投票站代替了刀。[18]
  • 辐射战略版中提到了苏联: 阿尔法小组,俄罗斯特种部队,在天蝎座冲锋枪的描述中被提到,AK47明确地提到了苏联军队。


辐射, 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76和它的更新狂野阿帕拉契亚废土人,以及辐射战略版中提到了苏联。


  • 异尘余生之起源中,R. Scott Campbell指出,"背景故事中的核大决战发生在美国和中国之间。发行后,有几个人问我为什么是中国,而不是老对手苏联。当我想起几个月前与莫斯科开发者Oleg合作的经历时,我做出了这个选择,当时我正在协助制作一款打字游戏。有一次,在电话交谈中,我听到一些低沉的撞击声,然后电话安静了下来。当我问他那是什么声音时,他回答说,“哦,那只是俄罗斯暴徒在街上开枪。” 我以为他是在开玩笑 – 他不是。在那之后,我真的很难相信曾经强大的苏联会很快威胁到世界。所以我把目光转向了下一个典型的'东方'共产主义大国:中国。"
  • 狂野阿帕拉契亚,计划将一个绝密的苏联间谍网纳入其中。玩家角色将找到苏联的巧手先生并完成Mission: Accessible,这是一个训练计划,将为"俄罗斯母亲"的秘密行动做好准备。[Non-canon 1]
  • 在现实世界中,尤里·加加林于1961年4月12日成为第一个进入太空的人类,东方1号飞行安全返回地球。
  • 这个国家的遗骸本应出现在14° East被取消的辐射:极限中,因为这个原因进入了中国。该地区可能居住着俄罗斯哥萨克人。游戏中的地点包括废弃炼油厂俄罗斯草原村庄再教育殖民地



  1. 1.0 1.1 麥林托克營的海报
  2. The Courier: "Who do you think is actually at the factory?"
    No-bark Noonan: "Ghosts. Commie ghosts what don't know they're dead. Hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it. I seen one of them disappear and reappear before my very eyes. Although being a scientist, I have to admit I might've just blinked for longer than usual, what with the shock of seeing a commie ghost and so forth."
    (No-bark Noonan's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Codsworth: "Here you are, sir/mum。我一直在想。If something is amiss... your loved ones may simply be hiding. From... the Red Menace."
    The Sole Survivor: "The Red Menace?"
    Codsworth: "Why the communists, of course! The Russians AND the Chinese!"
    (Codsworth's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Codebreaker
  5. Fallout intro shows the conquest of Berlin, with an IS-2 before the Reichstag.
  6. Museum of Technology placard: "This is the actual skeleton of Captain Carl Bell who died on May 5, 1961 after his Space Capsule crash landed. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth. Donated by Edwina Bell."
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 HELIOS One terminal entries; terminal, "Can I Tell Him?"
  8. The Switchboard terminal entries; research terminal, > 2067 Jun 19
  9. Wastewater treatment plant terminal entries; manager's terminal, Reply from City Treasurer
  10. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Rail Enthusiast
  11. Natalia Dubrovhsky's Fallout bio
  12. Eddie Winter holotape 0
  13. A Vault Dweller: "Who is Lev, and why would he do this?"
    Lou: "He's just some Soviet former mobster jagoff. He and his crew joined up with us a while back. You probably saw him hanging around the Crater Core? Liked to think of himself as Meg's number two, but I don't think she thought the same. Dunno why he did what he did. Maybe just hates ghouls. Maybe hates the rest of Meg's gang. Maybe both. I'll 'member to ask him next time he tries to kill me."
    (Lou's dialogue)
  14. A Vault Dweller: "How did you end up here?"
    Lev: "From Russia, before the war. But I like it here. Americans are so soft. Such easy prey."
    (Lev's dialogue)
  15. Capitol Post article loading screen
  16. General Jingwei's shocksword texture file
  17. File:BottleLabels01 d.png
  18. Voting booth smashing a red and yellow hammer and sickle insignia


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.85: "Michael Masters
    Michael Masters was an esteemed electronic and biological engineer before the bombs dropped. He doesn't remember much of the first years after D.C. was destroyed, but he does remember his human life and resents his Ghoulish nature (though he does appreciate the gift of longevity). He was extremely intelligent and jovial in his old life, but living as a Ghoul has made him very pessimistic and angry at the world. He sees his Ghoulness as a karmic curse, because he was attempting to keep America at the forefront of human mutation experiments, breeding super-warriors after being inspired by the work of the German, Russian, and Chinese doctors."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.3-2: "NATALIA
    Natalia is the grand-child of a Russian diplomat who worked at the Soviet Consulate in Los Angeles. She is a talented acrobat, with excellent coordination and reflexes. She is extremely intelligent and resourceful. Her only difficulty as a young child was understanding personal property laws. Natalia is very interested in leaving the Vault, and curious to explore the outside world."


  1. Cut content Svetlana: "Congratulations, comrade! You are now top notch secret agent. I look forward to seeing what you do for Mother Russia."
    (Svetlana's dialogue)
    Note: This comment would have played upon completion of the cut quest Mission: Accessible.